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※ 引述《lordlpg (M)》之銘言: : : ※ 引述《jackblack (Hsien)》之銘言: : : 遊戲名稱:戰地風雲3(必填,未填者依板規處理) : : ============================================================================== : : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654489494744784/ : : 因為項目很多,大概講一點... : : 更新時間為台灣時間12/6下午四點左右 : : 遊戲用戶端更新檔約為2GB,內容包含重返卡肯 : : 用戶端和伺服器端(R11)都會更新,但卡肯不會在6號開放 : : 剩下就是一大串的Bugfix和武器平衡 : : 大家可以到原文看一下~ : : : bug : : Fixed for surveillance ribbon not counting TUGS : Recon的地面感測器也有機會拿到勳帶。 : : Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the : bodies one over the other : 修正兩人疊在一起時無法復活的bug。 : 把平衡修正項目翻譯補完 : : balance : : Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges. : 降低戰術燈在遠距離的亮度。 : : Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range. : IRNV只有在近距離有效。 : : Slightly decreased the accuracy for all weapons on fully automatic, burst : fire is now preferable at mid to long range. : 稍微調降全部武器設定為"自動射擊"時的命中率,中/遠距離用burst mode效果會比較好。 : : Increased the close range damage of 4.6x30mm and 5.7x28mm bullets. : 增加4.6x30mm及5.7x28mm子彈在近距離的殺傷力。 : *4.6x30mm = MP7 : 5.7x28mm = P90 : Increased the reload time of the Mortar from 3.5sec to 4.8sec and increased : the time it takes before a shell hits the ground. : 迫擊砲填裝彈藥的時間由3.5秒提高到4.8秒,落地時間也有提高。 : : Reduced the aimed accuracy bonus given by a Suppressor for the MP7, P90, : PP2000, PP-19, and UMP45. : 降低MP7、P90、PP2000、PP-19及UMP-45在裝備滅音器後,在瞄準時提供的額外命中率。 : : Decreased the effectiveness of 12g FRAG ammo when equipped on semi-automatic : and automatic shotguns. : 降低破片彈的效力。 完整一點是降低半自動和全自動散彈槍的破片彈的威力 : : Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased. : 提高熱誘彈在噴射機及武裝直升機上的填裝時間。 : : Added Single Shot to the AN94 as an available fire mode. : AN-94新增單發射擊模式。 : Slightly increased the recoil on the M416 and removed the Burst Fire mode : 稍微提高M416的後座力,並移除burst fire模式。 原文中有說到這也反映了真實世界中的M416並沒有burst fire mode XD Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the minimap when fired. 修正部分武器,讓他們可以正確的滅音,不會在小地圖上顯現玩家的蹤跡 Reduced heat masking effectiveness of Spec Ops Camo 降低Spec Ops Camo(中文我不知道官方怎麼翻,大概是特種作戰匿蹤)的減低熱訊號的功 效 Fixed a bug where Ammo spec would give additional 40mm grenades instead of Frag spec. 彈藥特殊裝備不會給額外的40mm鎗榴彈了 Increased the number of additional 40mm grenades from Frag spec. 榴彈特殊裝備給予玩家額外的40mm鎗榴彈 Fixed so AT mines only live for 20 seconds after a player dies to prevent infinite mines 反坦克地雷在玩家陣亡20秒後會消失,避免無限雷制 Increased the Time to Live on sniper caliber rounds to allow extreme distance shots. 狙擊槍的子彈存在時間增加,讓玩家可以進行極遠距離狙擊 Fixed several weapon descriptions, calibers, and fire rates. The weapons themselves have not changed. 修正部分武器敘述,不過實際上武器並沒有被改變 Fixed so the M9 and MP443 pistol can be equipped by the opposing faction when it is unlocked at 100 kills. 當你用M9和MP443幹掉100個敵人後,可以讓你在另一個陣營使用它們 Fixed Laser Guided Missiles missing their targets if the target is moving too fast. 雷射導引飛彈不會因為目標移動過快而錯失目標 Reduced the effectiveness of Stealth on Air Vehicles. 減低飛行載具上匿蹤裝備的功效 Reduced the effectiveness of Beam Scanning for Jets. 減低噴射機Beam Scanning(雷達束掃描?)的功效 Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns. 降低AA炮對裝甲載具和步兵的傷害 Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles. 增加步兵火箭和坦克砲對AA載具的傷害 Increased the effective accuracy of long bursts for LMGs when using a bipod. 提高輕機槍在使用雙腳架時連續射擊的有效準確度 Slightly increased the range of the 44magnum bullets. 稍微增加.44 Magnum的射程 Increased the range and FOV for designating targets with the SOFLAM and vehicle Laser Designators. 增加SOFLAM和載具的雷射定標器在指定目標時的距離和視角 Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters. 稍微增加噴射機的機砲對所有載具的傷害,尤其是直升機 Decreased the power of Miniguns against Jets and Helicopters. 降低minigun對噴射機和直升機的傷害 Increased the power of Stingers against Jets. 增加刺針飛彈對噴射機的威力 Tweaked the AN94 so its burst fire better conveys the real world advantage offered by this weapon. AN94在burst fire模式下的表現會更好,來呈現它在現實世界中的優勢 (大概是讓它的兩發子彈可以幾乎落在同一點) Tweaked the spawns for TDM on Kharg Island, Grand Bazaar, Caspian Border, Seine Crossing, Operation Firestorm, Damavand Peak and Noshahar Canals 調整team death match中哈格島,大型市集,裏海邊境,德瑪峰頂,火線風暴行動 越過塞納河,諾沙運河的重生點 Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree 移動了裏海邊境中美軍基地的坦克重生點,讓它不會被倒下的樹壓毀XD Tweaked the Gas station Capture area on Conquest on Caspian Border 調整征服模式中裏海邊境加油站的旗幟佔據區域 Tweaked the max vehicle height on Noshahar Canals 調整諾沙運河中載具最高飛行高度 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jackblack:推翻譯! 12/03 15:37
moon0987:推 12/03 15:58
Alertme:最重要的JET的freelook會不會鎖住移動? 真正的空戰還沒來? 12/03 16:40
Alertme:CAMO是迷彩 LV44級的特戰迷彩裝 看來也被NERF了@@ 12/03 16:41
CelestialRel:XD 狙擊子彈存活時間調整 這項直接把一堆1500+以上 12/03 19:21
CelestialRel:頭距離的給打臉 外掛確認 12/03 19:21
GroundWalker:我下面那一篇的網頁中有子彈能夠存在的時間和距離 12/03 19:49
GroundWalker:所以....XD 12/03 19:50
GroundWalker:不過高度差應該也可以造成影響 12/03 19:51
GroundWalker:不過看有人甚至到2000多公尺,至少步兵扛的槍達不到 12/03 19:52
GroundWalker:載具上的槍就不知道了 12/03 19:52
MPSSC:城鎮戰的話 SCAR這種高後作低射速的槍其實善用二三樓 還夠用 12/04 23:36
MPSSC:不然平面對射 被閹割後真的蠻常被打臉的 12/04 23:36