看板 Shooter-game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近Titanfall更新和新聞好多呢 接下來連翻兩篇啦! == THE GOOSER CHALLENGE March 26, 2014 升級挑戰Gooser http://www.titanfall.com/news/the-gooser-challenge Based on recent feedback from the community, the Gen 5 challenge requirement "Gooser", requiring players to kill 50 ejecting pilots, will be reduced to 5. 根據最近玩家們的意見反應,Gen 5的升級挑戰「Gooser」原本需要擊殺50個氣到彈在空 中的駕駛(鐵馭),現在修正為只需要擊殺5個We went a bit too far with this challenge, especially considering the unique conditions that have to be met in order to have the opportunity to get a kill on an ejecting Pilot. 我們這成就原本設計的太過火了一點,要殺一個彈在空中的駕駛(鐵馭)需要天時地利人 合,才有機會達成。 We are aware that some players have already completed the challenge or earned more than the new requirement. We plan to internally note those players so we can recognize their accomplishments in a future game update. 我們知道有些玩家已經完成這個成就,甚至殺的比成就要求的還要多,我們會幫這些已經 完成原本成就要求的玩家做上標記,這樣未來遊戲更新的時候我們就能知道他的成就。 The change to the "Gooser" challenge will go into effect in the near future as part of an upcoming patch, so you still have some time to complete the challenge as it currently stands. 「Gooser」挑戰的修改會在近期的更新內實施,所以玩家現在還有時間來完成目前的舊成 就。 == 原本50個實在太多了我覺得 雖然我現在才G4 Lv3x而已還沒解到 但是對於一般玩家或是休閒玩家來說 這成就實在太刁鑽 當然高手玩家這個挑戰應該算還好 我昨天看到我有一個朋友已經G10 Lv50......orz -- - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Shooter-game/M.1395976817.A.390.html
chewie:氣到鐵馭都彈出來了還會爆炸XD 03/28 12:02
doomleika:gosser真的太吐血,我搞了一個星期才過 03/28 12:17
howar31:我玩到現在一支都沒殺過... 03/28 13:20
dw031276:每次看古拉實況 他常殺到這種彈出來的人 覺得好強..... 03/28 19:05
Akabane:要看武器 你用X0的話就蠻好殺到的 飛得慢又不準的就很難 03/29 17:25