看板 Shooter-game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
玩泰坦被殺爆只好怒跳嗎? 官方有了新解! == MATCHMAKING UPDATE March 27, 2014 配對系統更新 http://www.titanfall.com/news/titanfall-matchmaking-update We have been watching the game performance and we know that there has been a problem of a lack of variety in the teams. We are fixing that - but let's get into matchmaking and skill a little bit. 我們一直有在看每一場遊戲玩家的表現,後來我們發現遊戲隊伍配對一直缺少一些變化性 ,我們會修正這問題 - 但讓我們先來看看配對系統和玩家技術的資料。 Titanfall has a skill system behind the scenes, even though we don't show this to players. Here's what our current skill curve looks like (where 25 is average): 雖然一般玩家看不到,但是其實在Titanfall背後有一個玩家技術的評估系統,下面這張 圖是我們目前的玩家技術曲線(平均大概是25): http://i.imgur.com/PaJY2Sb.png
As you can see, we have a nice symmetric skill graph, which is good. 如你所見,這曲線圖非常對稱漂亮,這是一件好事。 The game finds teammates and opponents for you by using this skill data. After we build teams and those two teams play a few matches it is usually very clear which team is better. However, we weren't taking full advantage of this new information. 遊戲會依照這個玩家技術資料,在遊戲中幫你找隊友和對手,每當兩邊隊伍組好之後,互 相對站幾回合,大概就可以知道哪一邊的隊伍比較強,但是目前的系統卻沒有利用這個新 得到的資料(意指經過幾回對戰後,哪邊比較強的資料)。 We've made some changes to address this: 我們針對這問題做了一些修改: 1. Searching for teammates and opponents will now sometimes take more time to look for players that are a good skill level match, rather than purely prioritizing speed over quality. This will give us more time to build better teams and create closer games that are worth staying in for a longer period of time. 1.之後隊友配對搜尋時間可能會稍微久一點,為了是要能找到技術相近的配對,而不再是 只追求配對速度造成配對品質低落,如此一來配對出來的隊友對手實力會比較接近, 讓玩家能享受這個隊伍的組合並玩的久一點。 2. Rather than playing against the same opponents over and over, the game will periodically split the teams apart and search for new opponents for each team. This means if one team is dominating, we will update the skill for all of the players and then find each team a better suited match for the next round. Did you lose to a really great team? We'll make them disappear and replace them with a new opposing team - and they will have no idea that you just got your butts kicked. This should end some of the frustration with playing for extended periods when you're having an off night. 2.現在隊伍組好後,常常就是同樣的對手不斷的一直對打,新的配對系統會改進這個問題 ,在對戰一些回合後,會將雙方隊伍分開然後再重新配對,尋找新的對手,也就是說如 果有一方的隊伍一直打爛另一方,系統會把兩隊的玩家技術資料做更新,然後再拆開重 新配對尋找更適合的對手。 你輸給了一支超強隊伍嗎?OK我們會讓他們消失然後換一個新的對手給你 - 新對手絕 對不會知道你們上一場才剛剛被殺爛,這應該會讓你在打一整晚泰坦卻被打爆時的挫折 感稍微降低一些。 We're making these changes available immediately in a new "Improved Matchmaking (Beta)" playlist that you can try right now under "Play Classic MP". We may expand this into the other playlists after we watch the behavior and tweak things so that we're happy with it. 我們會立刻更新這些內容,在遊戲中「經典多人模式(Play Classic MP)」底下會多一個 「新配對系統模式(Improved Matchmaking (Beta))」,如果你想體驗新的配對系統,你 可以選這個來玩玩看,我們會持續觀察這個新系統的效果如何,如果不錯的話我們會將 這個系統擴展到所有其他模式下面。 We're going to keep a close eye on game balance and refine things as needed to make everyone's experience the best that we can. 我們會持續關心遊戲平衡,並盡全力對遊戲做改進讓所有玩家都能有美好的遊戲體驗。 == 被偷偷記錄了 我的玩家技術一定很低分( 艸) G10 + G5 + G4 + G4 + G3 + G2 v.s Lv2 + Lv1 + Lv6 + G2 + Lv30 + Lv48 這種組合連虐五場的盛況(?)再也看不到了嗎?(誤) -- - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Shooter-game/M.1395979066.A.5AE.html
doomleika:pubstomp真的很無聊,很高興Respawn開始處理這問題... 03/28 12:18
Gura:這陣子打到罪惡感超重XDXDXDXD 03/28 13:27
howar31:樓上古拉XDDDDD 03/28 13:34
howar31:新的配對系統現在已經可以玩了喔! 03/28 14:24
gogolct:古拉一幫人毀滅遊戲這樣對嗎??? 03/28 14:31
viseal:早上起床排了一場新的模式..排不到人..OTL 03/28 14:31
eva7493:剛剛的了兩場 都滿刺激的 沒有單方面摧毀XD 03/28 15:05