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Titanfall發佈第二次更新 我的更新檔是90.83MB 可是我有個朋友說他是2GB 還有一個說他是34GB... 為什麼每個人更新檔大小不一樣囧 == TITANFALL PATCH UPDATE April 10, 2014 http://www.titanfall.com/news/titanfall-patch-update-two 4/10/2014 Patch Update Details 4/10/2014 更新內容 NEW FEATURES (All Platforms) 新功能 (所有平台) Private Match (beta) - This is the first public test of our new Private Match mode. This gives you a way to organize matches with and against your friends, for casual or tournament play. Some features are unfinished or not yet implemented, and we welcome your feedback. A few highlights: 私人對戰 (Beta) - 這是私人對戰第一次公測,可以讓你和好友自訂對戰,目前某些功能 還尚未完成,歡迎回報意見與問題。私人對戰特色: ‧ Private Match supports 2 to 12 players, with 1 to 6 players on each team. ‧ 支援2到12位玩家,每隊1到6位 ‧ You can start a new Private Match lobby by choosing it on the main selection screen (alongside Campaign, MP, and Training). Invite your friends in or have them join you at any time. ‧ 在主選單可以選私人對戰模式Private Match lobby)(在戰役、多人、訓練的旁邊), 邀請你的好友或讓他們自己加入都可以。 ‧ Choose any of the game's maps or modes (CTF, Pilot Hunter, etc.) to play in. ‧ 可以選擇任何地圖或模式(搶旗、獵殺鐵馭等等)。 ‧ Choose which team you're on. ‧ 可以選擇隊伍。 ‧ There is no XP gain, challenge progress, or achievement unlocking while in a Private Match. For this beta, the Last Game Summary screen will display what you would have earned in normal play outside of Private Match, but be aware that this progress will not be recorded to your lifetime total. ‧ 這個模式沒有經驗、沒有辦法解挑戰、也沒辦法解成就,目前Beta測試在對戰結束後 的結算畫面會像一般模式那樣顯示這場的戰績,但注意這些私人對戰戰績都不會算在你的 個人總戰績資料裡面。 ‧ For this beta, there is no concept of a "lobby leader"; any player can change game options in the lobby or start/stop the match countdown. ‧ 在Beta中,目前沒有「房主」這概念,任何玩家都可以修改房間設定,也可以開始或 暫停對戰倒數。 ‧ All Private Match games are still played on dedicated servers via Xbox Live Cloud Compute, just like normal matches. ‧ 所有私人對戰都還是像一般對戰那樣在專用對戰伺服器上開打,例如Xbox Live Cloud Compute伺服器。 ‧ New options like round time, score limits, and much more will come in future updates. ‧ 新選項:對戰時限、獲勝分數,未來的更新還會有更多的設定。 Party Colors - Your party members and their titans now show up on the mini-map with green colors, instead of the normal blue colors that other friendlies use. Their names are also drawn in green on your HUD, the obituary text, and in the pre-game lobby. This helps you figure out where your friends are and what they're up to, especially in the heat of combat. 隊伍顏色 - 在小地圖上,普通友軍顯示為藍色,你的隊伍成員和他們的泰坦會顯示為綠 色,他們的名字在你的戰鬥畫面(HUD)、擊殺訊息、遊戲大廳中也是顯示為綠色,這項功 能可以讓你很快速的分辨你的好友在哪裡,尤其是在激烈交戰的狀況中。 Auto-Titan Color in Obituary - Your auto-titan's name now shows up in the obituary with the gold color that your own name does. Previously it had the same blue color as any other friendly. This makes it easier to keep tabs on how your titan is doing. 擊殺訊息中的自動泰坦顏色 - 現在擊殺訊息中你的自動泰坦文字顏色會和你的名字一樣 顯示為金色,之前有bug造成你的自動泰坦文字在擊殺訊息中和其他友軍一樣都是藍色, 現在修正讓你更能掌握你泰坦的表現。 Removed Wall-hack Exploit - PC cheaters were able to modify their local configuration files to enable a sort of wall-hack cheat using legit game code. We've closed the exploit that they were using. 移除透視漏洞 - PC版玩家之前可以透過修改他們本機電腦上的設定檔案弄出類似透視的 作弊效果,我們現在已經修正這個漏洞。 Menu Changes - "Play Multiplayer" is now the default (top) option on the private lobby menu, if you've completed both the IMC and Militia campaigns. It has also been renamed from "Play Classic", since the term "classic", which we used internally, proved to be confusing to some players. 選單修改 - 現在如果你已經完成了IMC和反抗軍兩邊的戰役,「多人模式」在私人大廳選 單中變成預設(置頂)選項,「多人模式」原本叫做「經典模式」,由於「經典」會造成一 些玩家的誤解,所以我們修改這個名字。 Game Version on Main Menu - The main menu now displays the game's version in the bottom-left corner. Now you don't have to wonder if you really do have the latest version of the game, and we can use that to double-check things if support is helping you troubleshoot issues. 主選單的遊戲版本資訊 - 現在主選單畫面的左下角會顯示目前遊戲的版本資訊,不用再擔 心你的遊戲是不是最新的版本了,並且在回報問題時你也可以提供版本號讓我們協助你處 理問題。 NEW FEATURES (Xbox One) 新功能 (Xbox One) Party App Shortcut in Menus - Added a shortcut on all menus that opens the Xbox One's "Party" app by pressing Left Trigger on the controller, similar to the existing Right Trigger shortcut that invites friends. You can then press 'B' to close it when you're done, or leave it up. (This is much easier than the manual method of going to the Home screen, opening "My games & apps", selecting Apps, scrolling a few screens over to the "Party" app, and opening it.) 選單 Party App 捷徑 - 加入Party捷徑在所有按搖桿上的LT開啟的選單中,類似目前按 RT邀請好友的捷徑,你可以按B來關掉這個選單,(這樣會比手動跑去Home Screen、打開 My games & apps、選擇Apps、捲動到Party、然後才能打開還來的方便多) GAME BALANCE CHANGES 遊戲平衡修改 The Gooser Challenge - Based on recent feedback from fans of the game, the Gen 5 challenge requirement 'Gooser', requiring players to kill 50 ejecting pilots, will be reduced to 5 total. We had a couple of design goals for Regeneration. One was to give players a structured way to discover and experience ways of playing the game they might not have otherwise tried on their own. The second was to recognize players' mastery of various skills, going beyond just 'time played'. We went a bit too far with this challenge, especially considering the unique conditions that have to be met just to have the opportunity to get a kill on an ejecting Pilot. We understand some players have already completed the challenge, or have already earned more than the new requirement so we will be internally noting those players so we can recognize their accomplishments in a future game update. Gooser挑戰 - 根據近期玩家們的意見反應,Gen 5的升級挑戰「Gooser」需要玩家擊殺50 個彈射中的鐵馭實在太血尿,所以現在修改減少為5個即可。我們在設計重生系統的時候 有幾項設計目標,其中一個是讓玩家能透過一個有架構、有系統的方式來體驗遊戲內容, 讓玩家能跳脫自己的戰鬥模式來體驗一些他們平常沒有想到或沒有在用的方法,其二是要 驗證玩家在各種技巧上的專精程度,而不是只是「花時間」就能升級。但我們實在弄的太 過火了一點,尤其是要在特殊的情況下才有機會擊殺一個彈射中的鐵馭的確很難,我們知 道有些玩家已經完成了之前50個擊殺的挑戰,或是已經超過新的5個擊殺的要求,所以我們 會在內部註記這些玩家,未來更新的時候則可以區分他們的成就。 40mm magazine capacity for default and Extended Mag – The default magazine size was making the 40mm too powerful. It is intended to be the only weapon that can take a Titan down without reloading, if used skillfully. However, 20 rounds per magazine were proving to be too high and overly tolerant of indiscriminate fire. We’ve reduced it to 12 rounds per magazine, which still allows players to take a Titan down without reloading, but helps balance it out against other Titan weapons. The extended mag has also been dropped from 25 to 16, with the same design principles applying to this change. 40mm機砲彈匣容量修改 - 預設的彈匣容量大小讓40mm機砲太好用,這把武器原本的設計是 希望能讓技術不錯的玩家可以幾乎不用重新填彈就打爆一台泰坦,但是我們發現20發彈匣 容量實在太多,在亂射的情況下也可以打爛泰坦,所以我們把彈匣容量下修為每匣12發, 這樣的容量讓40mm機砲相較於其他武器不會過強,而在技術掌控下仍然不需要重新填彈就 可以擊殺一台泰坦,同時擴增彈匣模組也從原本的25發下修為16發。 Titan Quad Rocket mag size change – During development, there was a time when the Quad Rocket was too powerful. We made a lot of changes to pull it back before shipping (lessened the screen shake impact, lessened the duration of the first person impact FX, lowered the magazine size, pulled the damage back, etc.) It currently can struggle against other Titan weapons and going back to the 5/6 (default/extended mag) magazine sizes helps balance the weapon and allows players to miss a few shots and still be effective. It was 4/5, now its 5/6. 四管火箭彈匣容量修改 - 在開發階段的時候,曾經有一陣子四管火箭超強,我們在上市前 做了很多的修改(降低命中時的螢幕晃動、降低第一人稱命中特效、降低彈匣容量、降低傷 害等等),為了提昇他能與其他的泰坦武器的纏鬥能力,我們現在將彈匣容量改回5/6發(預 設/擴增模組),讓玩家能失誤幾發仍然有機會拉回戰局,之前彈匣容量是4/5發,現在修正 為5/6發。 Titan Quad Rocket damage vs Titan shields – It was taking too long to drop a Titans shields with the Quad Rocket (5 shots). This meant you had to reload before you could even drop an enemy Titan’s shields. This was the only Titan weapon that had this issue. We’ve now upped the damage against Titan shields so that it can drop a shield with 4 shots. Combined with the increased mag size, this damage increase effectively gives you one more volley in the mag to deal serious direct hull damage. 四管火箭對泰坦護盾的傷害 - 要用四管火箭(五發)打掉一個泰坦的護盾實在要花很久的時 間,這表示你甚至要重新填彈才能打掉一個泰坦的護盾,這是唯一一個有這種困擾的泰坦 武器,我們現在提高四管火箭對泰坦護盾的傷害,讓他可以在大約四發左右就打穿泰坦的 護盾,搭配擴增彈匣模組,這樣的傷害讓你能更有效的直接傷害泰坦本體。 Titan Quad Rocket 'Rapid Fire' Mod's mag size change – We upped the magazine size for the Quad Rocket's Rapid Fire Mod to help it compete with the changes made to the extended magazine (from 5 to 6). The Rapid Fire Mod’s magazine size is going up from 16 to 18. 四管火箭「高速射擊」模組彈匣容量修改 - 配合四管火箭彈匣容量提昇(從5到6發),我們 也同時提高四管火箭高速射擊模組的彈匣容量由16上修為18發。 Amped Kraber Titan damage change – We upped the damage that the Amped Kraber Burn Card does to Titans. It is now the only significantly effective “small arms” weapon against Titans. Note that this only applies to the Amped version of the Kraber. The damage goes up from 100 to 800. We added this to give the Kraber Burn Card a little bit more character, as well as to give you something to shoot if you have a hard time hitting those little Pilots with the Kraber. So snipe away at those Titans…before they kill you! 強化克萊伯狙擊步槍對泰坦傷害修改 - 我們提高技能卡叫出的強化克萊伯狙擊步槍對泰坦 的傷害,這是目前唯一對泰坦有明顯效果的「小型武裝」,注意這個修改只有對技能卡叫 出來的強化克萊伯狙擊步槍有效,傷害從原本100提高為800,這個修改讓強化克萊伯狙擊 步槍技能卡更有特色,並且讓你在怎麼樣都打不中小小鐵馭的時候有一些新東西可以射, 所以在泰坦殺爆你之前...狙爆那些泰坦吧! Hardpoint Domination scoring changes – We wanted to reward and encourage players to go out and capture enemy hardpoints. As important as defending a hardpoint is, capturing them is more important and a tougher task, generally speaking. We did not want to completely remove points for defending, but attacking players were getting too little credit for their efforts. Here is a breakdown of the changes: 據點戰得分修改 - 我們希望獎勵並鼓勵玩家多多衝鋒並佔領敵方據點,就像防守據點一樣 ,佔領據點甚至是一個更重要且更艱難的任務,一般來說,我們不想完全移除防守據點的 得分,但是積極進攻的玩家得到的獎勵相較於他們的付出來說實在是太少,以下是一些得 分的修改: ‧ Capturing a hardpoint from 150 to 250 ‧ 佔領據點得分從150上修為250 ‧ Assisting in capturing a hardpoint from 75 to 100 ‧ 協助佔領據點得分從75上修為100 ‧ Neutralizing a hardpoint from 50 to 150 ‧ 淨化據點(把敵方據點佔領成中立據點)得分從50上修為150 ‧ Assisting in neutralizing a hardpoint from 25 to 75 ‧ 協助淨化據點得分從25上修為75 ‧ Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (nearby) from 75 to 50 ‧ 從外圍(附近)擊殺敵方據點內的玩家得分從75下修為50 ‧ Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from outside (far) from 75 to 50 ‧ 從外圍(遠處)擊殺敵方據點內的玩家得分從75下修為50 ‧ Killing a player inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 75 to 50 ‧ 在該據點內擊殺敵方據點內玩家得分從75下修為50 ‧ Killing an NPC inside an enemy hardpoint from inside the hardpoint from 25 to 10 ‧ 在該據點內擊殺敵方據點內NPC得分從25下修為10 ‧ Killing a player outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50 ‧ 在友方據點內擊殺外圍玩家得分從75下修為50 ‧ Killing a player inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 75 to 50 ‧ 在友方據點內擊殺該據點內玩家得分從75下修為50 ‧ Killing an NPC outside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10 ‧ 在友方據點內擊殺外圍NPC得分從25下修為10 ‧ Killing an NPC inside of a friendly hardpoint whilst inside of a hardpoint from 25 to 10 ‧ 在友方據點內擊殺該據點內NPC得分從25下修為10 ‧ Defending a hardpoint now goes from 75 to 25 ‧ 防守據點得分從75下修為25 CTF scoring changes – We wanted to make sure the big payoff in CTF came from capturing the flag. Killing the carrier and then returning the flag was worth 400 points (combined), while capturing the flag was worth 500 points in comparison. These changes are meant to reward players who capture the flag a bit more than those who kill the carrier and return the flag. Defense is still a very important aspect of CTF so we wanted to make sure to keep defending points high enough to still encourage playing defense. Here is a breakdown of the changes: 搶旗模式得分修改 - 我們希望搶旗模式的得分大多數都來自於搶旗,擊殺攜旗者並返回旗 子可得400分(合計),而成功奪取旗子可得500分,這樣的修改是故意讓搶旗的人比護旗的 人稍微多一點點獎勵,當然防守仍然是搶旗模式中非常重要的關鍵,所以我們仍然確保護 旗也可以拿到很高分來鼓勵大家進行防守,以下是一些得分的修改: ‧ Capturing a flag from 500 to 400 ‧ 奪旗得分從500下修為400 ‧ Returning the flag from 250 to 100 ‧ 返回旗子得分從250下修為100 ‧ Killing the flag carrier from 150 to 100 ‧ 擊殺攜旗者得分從150下修為100 BUG FIXES (All Platforms) 錯誤修正 (所有平台) ‧ Fixed an issue where a Titan firing ordnance would not show on the minimap correctly. ‧ 修正泰坦在發射附屬武器時不會顯示在小地圖上的錯誤 ‧ Fixed a rare bug with Pilot health pools that would make them virtually invincible. ‧ 修正少數情況下某些鐵馭血條錯誤,讓他們變成類似無敵的狀態 ‧ Fixed rare cases where Titans could be called in through solid geometry. ‧ 修正少數情況下泰坦被呼叫到地板(物體)裡面卡住的問題 ‧ Titan shields now protect friendly rodeo players from explosion damage (such as from an Arc Cannon). ‧ 泰坦護盾現在會保護騎乘的友軍免於爆炸傷害的攻擊(例如電弧加農炮) ‧ Fixed a case where a Pilot could embark a Titan through walls. ‧ 修正鐵馭可以穿牆坐上泰坦的錯誤 ‧ Spitfire LMG and XO-16 firing sounds will no longer sometimes cut off before the gun is finished firing. ‧ 噴火式輕機槍與XO-16的聲音現在不會在射一半的時候突然中斷 ‧ The Archer now locks onto the top of a heavy turret rather than the base of the turret. ‧ 弓手重型火箭砲現在在瞄準重砲塔的時候會鎖定砲塔上部而不是底部 ‧ The Archer’s rockets now home in on Titans correctly when those targets are kneeling. ‧ 弓手重型火箭砲現在在目標泰坦蹲下的時候仍然會正確的命中目標 ‧ Fixed shadows incorrectly shimmering on a particular area of Lagoon. ‧ 修正Lagoon地圖上某些地方陰影錯誤閃爍的問題 ‧ Fixed Satchel Charges and Particle Walls causing pilots to permanently rodeo other pilots. ‧ 修正炸藥包和粒子牆會造成鐵馭永遠騎在另一個鐵馭身上的問題 (這......XDDDD) ‧ Fixed certain characters not rendering properly in French and other languages. ‧ 修正法文和其他語言版本時某些角色顯示錯誤的問題 ‧ Fixed an issue where "Initializing..." would be displayed if a server wasn't found. ‧ 找不到伺服器時現在會正確顯示「正在初始化...」 ‧ Fixed being unable to scroll to the top of the datacenter list after scrolling down. ‧ 修正伺服器選單往下捲動之後無法往上捲回去的問題 ‧ Greatly reduced the bandwidth used when connecting to a server. People who previously could not progress past the load-screen when connecting to servers should be able to play now. ‧ 大幅降低連線到伺服器所需的頻寬,以前卡在讀取畫面無法連接到伺服器的玩家現在 應該可以正常遊戲了 ‧ Grunts now show up on the minimap when they shoot. ‧ Grunts (電腦AI士兵) 現在在射擊的時候會出現在小地圖上了 BUG FIXES (PC) 錯誤修正 (PC) ‧ Fixed issues with Asian fonts. ‧ 修正亞洲字型問題 ‧ ‘-nojoy’ command-line parameter now disables gamepad input. ‧ 現在在啟動command-line參數可以使用「-nojoy」來關閉搖桿輸入 ‧ All anti-aliasing modes should now properly be displayed in the video settings menu. ‧ 所有反鋸齒模式現在在設定選單中會正確顯示 ‧ Fixed graphics corruption and some GPU underutilization for SLI and Crossfire configurations. ‧ 修正繪圖錯誤並強化SLI和Crossfire的GPU效能 ‧ Fixed a crash in the options menu when toggling between Low and Medium shadows. ‧ 修正在設定選單中調整陰影設定低或中的時候遊戲會崩潰的問題 ‧ Mouse buttons can now be used for voice chat in lobbies. ‧ 現在滑鼠按鍵在大廳中可以設定為語音發話按鍵 ‧ Titanfall will no longer override your Windows microphone volume setting when it is launched. ‧ Titanfall現在在啟動的時候不會再修改你的Windows麥克風音量設定了 ‧ Fixed the Smart Pistol reticle so it scales properly based on the Field of View setting. ‧ 智慧型手槍準星會依照目前Field of View設定正確縮放大小 ‧ Fixed crashes on machines with 32 or more cores. ‧ 修正32或更多核心的機器會造成遊戲崩潰的問題 BUG FIXES (Xbox One) 錯誤修正 (Xbox One) ‧ Fixed a rare full-screen blue/red flash. ‧ 修正少數情況下會全螢幕藍/紅閃爍的問題 ‧ Audio should no longer overlap after going to the Xbox dashboard and back into Titanfall. ‧ 現在切換到Xbox dashboard再切回遊戲內後聲音不會被覆蓋了 ‧ Fixed a crash when saying "Xbox go back" on certain menus. ‧ 修正在某些選單使用語音指令「Xbox go back」時造成遊戲崩潰的問題 COMING SOON IN FUTURE UPDATE 即將更新內容 A selection of improvements that will be released in an upcoming update: 接下來的更新改版將會包含下列的內容: ‧ More Custom Loadout Slots with Custom Slots per Game Mode ‧ 更多的自訂欄位 ‧ Ability to rename Custom Loadout Slots ‧ 可以自行命名每個自訂欄位 ‧ Last Game Summary shows the scoreboard from the previous match ‧ 「上一場戰績」將會顯示前一場的計分板 ‧ Additional customization options in Private Match ‧ 私人對戰將有更多的自訂選項 ‧ Better 120hz monitor support ‧ 支援120Hz的螢幕 ‧ Pick-up prompt for dropped Amped weapons appear in a different color than for normal weapons ‧ 掉在地上的強化武器(用技能卡叫出來的)撿拾文字會有不同的顏色 ‧ Enhanced interaction with Challenges. You will be able to review your Challenges by the following criteria: ‧ 強化挑戰的互動功能,將可依據下列分類檢視你的挑戰 o Completed (in your previous match) o 已完成 (上一場) o Most progressed (in your previous match) o 達成最多 (上一場) o Almost completed (overall) o 即將完成 (所有總計) ‧ Scoreboard icons will reflect 3 new states: ‧ 計分板圖示會有三種狀態: o Player Evacuated o 玩家已撤離 o Player Dead with Auto-Titan Still Alive o 玩家已死但自動泰坦仍在 o Player Alive with Auto-Titan Still Alive o 玩家與自動泰坦都健在 And more…stay tuned! 還有更多內容...請密切注意! == 這版最大的更新就是私人對戰上線 還有連線問題官方有嘗試修復了 大家再試試看有沒有比較好些了 期待下次更新自訂欄位和其他內容呀!>Q</ -- - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Shooter-game/M.1397202499.A.C90.html
viseal:感謝翻譯 , 今早更新的時候我的更新檔也是9xMB 04/11 16:03
viseal:但是更新到一半他卻把所有的音訊檔再拆一次的樣子.. 04/11 16:04
viseal:就要再跑34G- 3 - 04/11 16:04
dw031276:同樓上 本來是90.83MB 跑到一半開始重讀audio檔34917.21 04/11 17:01
dw031276:mb 04/11 17:01
dw031276:不過速度好快 感覺根本不像是download 只是重新確認檔案 04/11 17:04
dw031276:哦 字型變得好不習慣XD 04/11 17:11
howar31:中文版字型變怎麼樣了?有截圖可以看看嗎?XD 04/11 17:19
RaRaYA:有本來轉圈圈現在不轉的板友嗎? (觀望ing) 04/11 23:53
gostjoke:90.83阿 34G那個是重灌吧@@ 04/11 23:58
gostjoke:34G 有 我突然跑出QQ 04/12 00:01
eason111:正常應該是90MB,結果這次更新還是沒解決我的問題... 04/12 00:38
eason111:只好繼續quit玩BF4跟ROS,買一個月才玩二十幾小時 04/12 00:39
eason111:我BF4可以平均40-50張,但泰坦我卡成豬頭 04/12 00:40
rf3:32核心是怎樣XDDDD 04/12 00:56
howar31:泰坦用Source引擎而已 我都60張的說@Q@ 04/12 02:03
eason111:詭異的地方就是這了..因為reddit上面也很多人有這問題 04/12 03:07
eason111:而且最奇怪的事,右上角有時候60張但是很不順 04/12 03:08
Weith726:推翻譯 04/12 03:36
z1987090:優化還是不夠好,我玩BF4和泰坦都開垂直同步同樣60FPS 04/12 12:10
z1987090:泰坦就是明顯不太流暢 04/12 12:10
viseal:有人跟我一樣這次patch以後就上不去的嗎... 04/12 13:01
viseal:而且patch之前還算順暢,這次patch以後我讀取完都開打了.. 04/12 14:59
howar31:PAX現在正在訪談Titanfall http://www.twitch.tv/pax 04/13 04:33