看板 Sixers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Posted: Friday, August 10, 2012, 3:01 PM | 32 comments | Collins: Bynum 'might be best low-post center' 老柯: Bynum 可能是聯盟低位最強 http://tinyurl.com/8nwbv2u by Phil Sheridan, PI LONDON -- Sixers coach Doug Collins was broadcasting the Olympic semifinal between Spain and Russia when it became official. The NBA office had approved the stunning four-team deal that brings center Andrew Bynum to Philadelphia. 魔獸人生完結篇上演的時候,Doug Collins 正在倫奧轉播西俄之戰。 To say Collins was happy would be understating it. The only possible negative is that he has to wait a couple months to get his radically rebuilt team on a basketball court. 消息傳來,老柯的興奮之情溢於言表。唯一的問題大概是,他還要等 上兩三個月,才能在球場上看到這支陣容大改造的七六人。 Collins had a lot to say. Here's some quick hits. There will be more in The Inquirer and here on philly.com tomorrow. 以下是老柯第一時間的反應-- On big changes after a good season: "I thought it was incredible what our guys did. I thought we maxed out our time. For us to take the next step, we were going to have to make some changes. One of the keys one was having to amnesty Elton (Brand). It was the only way to get any flexibility. I think a lot of people felt like we were doing all these things for salary cap room next year, but we had in our sights, could we get in the (mix) for Andrew Bynum. He might be the best low-post center in the NBA. You can throw the ball into him, he can score, he can defend, he can rebound. He's from New Jersey and I think he was looking forward to coming back East." Q. 季後賽成績斐然,卻發生人事大地震? A. 我覺得球員的表現真的很棒,我們發揮出120%的水準。為了更上一層 樓,必須要做點變化。特赦 Brand 是很重要的一步,這是我們創造操作 彈性的唯一辦法。很多人可能以為,這些動作是為了製造下一季的薪資 空間,但我們在意的,其實是怎麼把 Bynum 弄來。他可能是目前聯盟最 強的低位球員。把球給他就能得分,一流的防守、籃板,加上老家在紐 澤西,他應該會期待到東區來。 On the impact: "We think we've gotten bigger on the front line. We're more athletic. We're bigger on the perimeter, we've added shooting. All the things we set out to do, we think we've done that. Miami is still obivously the class of the East, but we think we can line up and play with most teams now." Q. 一連串異動帶來什麼衝擊? A. 前場更加高壯,更有運動力,外圍也更高壯,更多火力。我們所有的 目標都達成。當然東區最強還是邁阿密,但我們足以跟大部分隊伍正面 對決。 How it came together: "We had three teams that we locked in to doing it. But Orlando was looking for a home for Dre. At the last minute, Denver came into the picture to be the fourth team. For them to move Dre and get Aflalo and Harrington was the thing that really pushed it over the top and got them to do the deal." Q. 魔獸交易怎麼搞定的? A. 本來有三隊說好要交易了,但魔術還得幫 Dre 找到新家。結果最後 一刻,金塊跑出來湊一咖。他們決定收下 Dre,丟出 Afflalo 和 Harrington,這是整筆交易成功的最後關鍵。 On being aggressive: "The thing I love is our owner has been very, very committed to making things happen. Amnestying EB was a big thing. You have to be realistic when a team is maxed out and make changes. Josh Harris and I always talk about intelligent risk. His business is built on intelligent risks, and we think we've taken a lot of intelligent risks. Q. 高層相當積極喔? A. 很高興看到老闆們一直很努力打造球隊。特赦 EB 是個大決定。當 你發現球隊到頂,必須改造的時候,不能手軟。 Josh Harris 常跟我 討論智慧風險控管。那是他的老本行,我想我們的決策也都是基於有智 慧的風險控管。 On the departure of Andre Iguodala, traded to Denver: "We're going to miss Dre. The thing I'm happy for Dre about -- the last two years, he finished on an uptick. What he did to help us win, the Chicago game where he goes the length of the floor and makes to free throws to put us into the next round, the way he defended (against Boston in the second round). I wish Dre well. He's been on a world championship team, he's been on the all-defensive team, he's been an All-Star, he has a chance to win a gold medal. The two years I've known him, good things have happened for him." Q. Iguodala被交易到丹佛,你有什麼感受? A. 我們會想念他。我最欣慰的是,經過這兩年,他剛好在生涯高點離 開。我記得他在公牛系列賽最後一場,一條龍上籃,還罰進關鍵兩球, 幫我們挺進下一輪。還有在波士頓系列的防守也很重要。我祝福 Dre。 他是世錦賽冠軍、防守第二隊、全明星,現在有機會拿到奧運金牌。我 認識他這兩年,他一直在往上爬。 On Iguodala's reaction: "I'm going to talk to him before the (U.S.-Argentina semifinal) game here. My son Chris saw him in the hotel today. He said, `Dad, he's fine. He was in good spirits.' We had to wait until it went through. The conference call just went through. I'm going to thank Dre for everything and wish him well. It's interesting how things work. I believe e open up with Denver." Q. Iguodala 自己的反應是? A. 我會在美阿四強賽前跟他談談。我兒子 Chris 今天在旅館碰到他, 他跟我說「爸,他沒事。他心情不錯。」我們得等到聯盟蓋章批准,才 能跟他說。現在已經正式通過。我要感謝 Dre 付出的一切,也祝福他 一帆風順。命運真的好好玩,因為開幕戰就是跟丹佛打。 On getting a dominant center: "You've got to have a good big man. You have to be able to throw that ball in the post." Q. 拿到頂級長人的感想? A. 好長人不可或缺。一定要有個人在低位造成威脅才行。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kira925:所以Doug....自己也算是有參一手? 08/11 16:47
hanway:一定有的啦 08/11 16:48
※ 編輯: hanway 來自: (08/11 16:49)
bfetter:聽起來就是參很多手 08/11 17:27
SULICon:Collins 一定有參與其中 08/11 18:17
SULICon:合理的推論就是七六人一直都在DH的討論案中 08/11 18:19
SULICon:只是沒有被媒體揭露出來 08/11 18:19
bfetter:如果76人本來就在魔獸人生買票進場想分杯羹拿Bynum 08/11 18:33
bfetter:同時讓AI去好的球隊發展,這四方交易就是最好的結果了... 08/11 18:33
willyt:不過還是很難過阿 08/11 20:18
willyt:Hoopchina 七六人區有個朋友的回覆是: 08/11 20:18
willyt:曹操的座右銘是:「寧願我負天下人,不願天下人負我」 08/11 20:19
willyt:Iggy的座右銘是:「寧願天下人負我,不願我負天下人」 08/11 20:19
willyt:倒過來真剛好... 08/11 20:19
duke7814:所以Collins也認為去年那樣的陣容已經到頂了 08/11 23:30
bfetter:季後賽常客跟奪冠熱門還是有差距,應該是這麼想的 08/11 23:49
YamagiN:老柯應該有自信把這年輕隊伍兩三年內打造成奪冠黑馬 08/12 00:03
willyt:只能說,至少有Doug Collins, 這交易沒有亂賣 08/12 00:06
willyt:只是送出Moe還是很可惜 08/12 00:06
rock61816:如果假想敵是熱火 強大的禁區 也是熱火唯一的痛腳 08/12 00:43
hanway:我覺得到頂是關鍵啦 只是不能以核心班底再向上衝擊有點可惜 08/12 12:30
hanway:但是在這個時代的nba 除非選到超強人才 否則真的很難 08/12 12:30
hanway:費城也不是洛城 會有人自動貼過來XD 08/12 12:31