看板 Sixers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 拜能的治療計畫 http://tinyurl.com/ccumfb3 http://www.phillyburbs.com/blogs/sports_columnists/tom_moore/bynum-headed-to-germany-for-plasma-therapy-on-knee/article_4541e467-c429-5116-960e-02bdcc20dbe1.html 來源: Philly Burbs http://www.ocregister.com/articles/segundo-351963-believes-bynum.html 來源: Orange County Register Bynum confirmed at Wednesday’s introductory news conference that he’s planning to undergo an exploratory procedure in Germany early next month to help reduce the inflammation in his knees. 拜能在救世主見面會說,他下個月初就會飛到德國接受治療,希望減輕膝蓋發炎的 老症頭。這項來自德國"杜塞道夫骨科及分子醫學中心"的療法,病人包括Kobe和A-Rod! 這種所謂的歐凱(Orthokine)療法在美尚未獲准上市。 拜能說他目前膝蓋傷勢沒有問題,他也問過Kobe的術後經驗,確定會成行,希望能以 最佳體態開始新球季(10.31.2012開幕戰)。 Bynum has a genetic predisposition for knee injuries, ligamentous laxity (or “looseness”) contributing to hurting his left knee in 2008 and then his right knee in 2009 and ’10. He wears a brace over the right knee in games and practices and has been told to wear it for the rest of his career. His risk management is so intensive that he even planned to wear a brace over the left knee in the 2009-10 season despite it not bothering him at any point during the previous season. 所謂"韌帶鬆弛"的天生狀況,讓拜能比較容易受到膝傷。08年左膝出事,09、10年換 成右膝,醫生說他在NBA剩下的日子,只要打球就得在右膝戴上護具。他怕到連已經治好 的左膝也一直戴著。 2. 什麼是歐凱Orthokine? http://www.skosmi.com.tw/ch/knowledge_detail.php?ID=164 來源: 新光骨科運動醫學中心 關節炎 (關節軟骨壞死) 是一個持續且不可逆的過程。目前關節炎是以消炎藥、類固 醇、玻尿酸及維骨力治療,但以上四種治療都只是在暫時緩解關節炎所帶來的發炎及疼 痛 (不能停止軟骨的死亡 !)。歐凱治療則是 減緩 或 停止 軟骨的死亡 !! 歐凱治療 是將病患自己的蛋白質 (細胞激素或細胞生長素): “白血球間質-1接受體 抗體” 從 血液中培養萃取出後,注射到受損關節中,即可減緩甚至停止軟骨的死亡,達到根本的 治療。 歐凱治療就像在輸自己的血一樣。治療過程皆採 ”無菌” 之抽血、培養、分離,且 注射時皆使用細菌過濾器,所以不用擔心會有感染的問題。此外,注射自體培養出的蛋 白質也較注射類固醇或玻尿酸治療來的安全,且無嚴重副作用, 譯註: 聽起來似乎是某種膝蓋軟骨"凍齡術"... 3. 上一季與傷勢的奮鬥 http://www.nba.com/lakers/120607trainerstake 來源: 湖人官網 Vitti: Yes. It should. Andrew does have some alignment issues that are apart of his make up, but you try and make him the best that he can be. We worked at it as a staff, and he worked at it, and to his credit, he also played through some things this season that would have sidelined some guys in other years. He needs to be credited for that. He could have easily taken a game or two off due to swelling in his knee, but he did not. He gutted through it. 隊醫: 拜能天生就有一點"體線"偏差的問題(譯註: 容易讓某些身體部位承受更多壓 力,導致受傷,此處指的應該就是韌帶鬆弛),但治療師和訓練師一直在幫他調整, 他也很努力矯正。這個球季(2011-12)他幾次帶傷上陣,換做其他人早就高掛免戰牌 了。 MT: And will Kobe go back to see the Dr. again? Perhaps after the Olympics in London? Vitti: Yes. He could even do it while he's playing. I'm not sure if he's going to go before, during or after, but he says it helped doing it last offseason 曾經大力讚揚歐凱療法的Kobe,今年暑假還要再到德國去做一次,甚至在倫奧期間也可 能已經飛到德國做了。 -- LaoDa認證療法,甘有效? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hanway 來自: (08/18 20:44)
LBJKO:這療程若能救回活動力到全盛6成左右 真的會不下呂布了XD 08/19 08:24
rock61816:不過敗能已經打七年了 感覺應該無法回到07年的飛天豬 08/19 13:38
LABOYS:他現在不跳最主要的原因是因為他學會了有些事情不跳也能做 08/19 13:39
LABOYS:看他季賽對雷霆那個灌籃就知道,可能彈速和彈力有影響, 08/19 13:40
LABOYS:但他並不是傷到那種完全跳不起來的。 08/19 13:41
LABOYS:http://youtu.be/K1Kwy_I8LSo 08/19 13:45
LBJKO:我個人推崇他未傷前。。最棒的灌籃就是對76人 切入單臂 08/19 14:27
LBJKO:暴扣XDDD 那時基本上就是手感更好的DH 可惜後面。。。 08/19 14:28
LBJKO:衰小。。2個傷都是隊友弄到 囧  但他這種務實派 08/19 14:32
LBJKO:也學到同樣是2分 能放就用放的 不要造成膝蓋太多負擔 08/19 14:33
LABOYS:有時候他反而該灌籃的球會不用灌的就是這樣。 08/19 14:34