看板 Soft_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小妹的工作內容大概是程式跟視覺 最近我們公司要換名片了 老闆希望每個人下一個與工作有關的標語 但我的人生佳句都是 Free to be whatever you. 自由又隨性之類的句子 總之就是一個隨便的人… 又不想抄網路上那些有年代的句子 所以實在很頭痛啊~~~~ 所以想問問大家 如果要為自己的工作立一則座右銘 不知道大家在程式設計或工作態度上會下什麼標語呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1408544301.A.398.html
ppoi001: 不怕神一般的對手,只怕豬一樣的隊友(逃) 08/20 22:21
kiii210: Write the code, Change the world. 08/20 22:21
karcher: keep your way, and you get the world. 08/20 22:22
tw689: 這不就改一下就好了,很簡單的嘛 08/20 22:23
donby: I am debuguy~ 08/20 22:25
clerkhsiao: Let’s make things better. 08/20 22:26
akira01: 使命必達,完成任務. 08/20 22:30
y2468101216: We are the creators in the digital world. 08/20 22:34
Haruhiko: Wherever you coded, there you are. 08/20 22:34
kenimai: Write once debug anywhere 08/20 22:38
bxxl: 可以用"Strange, it works on my computer!"之類的XDDD 08/20 22:39
bobju: No money no code 08/20 22:39
PoorLoser: No money here. 08/20 22:44
boss3333: 單身中! 08/20 22:46
rushaun: 摸熟C 摸不到C Cup 08/20 22:51
thanksyou: 及早離去 08/20 22:55
A4P8T6X9: Do better things, and make things better. 08/20 22:56
Aeterna: 姊寫的不是程式,是喚不回的青春 08/20 22:57
ninepoints: 前幾天看到同事寫的「人生苦短,為愛編程」 08/20 23:02
ninepoints: 人家都自稱小妹了還有人推C Cup,真的把這裡當mentalk 08/20 23:03
bleed1979: what you see is what you get 08/20 23:03
GoalBased: 小妹不能想要摸C CUP嗎 08/20 23:05
beemos: shit happens 08/20 23:06
GoalBased: "我的老闆是大帥哥" 08/20 23:06
vi000246: 視窗、痣瘡、大肚腩 08/20 23:19
vi000246: 沒押韻到= = 08/20 23:19
gigayaya: System.outprint("hello world"); 08/20 23:23
ZSZ1210: error 0x800ccc0f 08/20 23:30
yyc1217: 這不是系統的問題,是你不會用 08/20 23:31
O187: 要改的bug太多,只好改天(改編自:謝天) 08/20 23:36
abola921: "java.lang.NullPointerException" 08/20 23:37
DrTech: 程式不築,敗事有餘 08/20 23:37
sing10407: 眾裡尋他千百度 驀然回首 那人正在寫程式 08/20 23:38
sing10407: 兩個bug鳴翠柳,一行程式上青天 08/20 23:40
hearther: 聰明有其極限,愚蠢則無 08/20 23:50
focusardi: "阿不就好棒棒" 08/21 00:04
viper9709: So be it~ 08/21 00:06
weco: 要寫在名片的話當然是 "假日請勿call" 08/21 00:08
erttyy8821: 怎麼沒人推RTFSC ? 08/21 00:14
watz0n: Codes are simple, but Programs are subtle. 08/21 00:27
rcher: write the code, change the world (WWDC 2014的標語) 08/21 00:35
aresa: today no see tomorrow see 08/21 00:44
marsantony: Show me the money. 08/21 00:50
jlhc: I can do absolutely anything, I'm an expert! 08/21 00:54
Darkword1987: 無伴終老 孤獨一生 08/21 02:56
FantasyRyu: 學海無涯,回頭是岸 08/21 03:40
MOONY135: Code裡尋BUG千百度 驀然回首 問題卻在 全形空格處 08/21 06:45
firose: I code, therefore I am 08/21 08:06
littlethe: 寫誠徵女友 08/21 08:08
kusoayan: Talk is cheap, show me the code 08/21 08:11
alexlucifer: What You See Is What You Get 08/21 08:42
csfgsj: a bunch of idiots 08/21 09:26
wadechen: I need a girl to ride ride ride 08/21 09:54
esnothing: do the right thing & do the thing right. 08/21 10:46
v7q4: 這不是Bug! 這是Feature! 08/21 11:31
box123: 世界越快,程式,則慢 08/21 12:04
chd75131: I write code,motherfucker http://tinyurl.com/kpcfhls 08/21 12:19
f124: 使用者去死 08/21 12:39
felixgugu: 程式寫到好要飯要到老 08/21 12:42
annie1729: 超急件就是超級賤 08/21 12:49
b6byc: No pay,no gain. 08/21 12:54
v7q4: "If you're good at something, never do it for free." 08/21 12:57
allenxxx: 屎倒淋頭 08/21 13:59
allenxxx: go ahead ...去個頭! 08/21 14:28
SansWord: Create Anything out of Nothing 08/21 16:18
SansWord: This is Feature, not Bug. 08/21 16:18
SansWord: This is my Matrix. 08/21 16:19
meld: "Life would be much easier if I had the source code." 08/21 16:29
shanlin1117: 這篇會爆 08/21 18:05
gomi: when i use the while loop, it's infinite. 08/21 19:40
LoveBoat: I am your father 08/21 20:16
vi000246: no girl no code 08/21 20:20
ckenken: I am Programmer, I have no Life. 08/21 20:56
virve: Today's fashion is tomorrow's legacy. 08/21 21:30
eejimchan: I've forgot my interest 08/21 22:47
eejimchan: Do nothing as if you do a lot. 08/21 22:48
dream1124: I wrote python. 08/22 01:39
bobju: xxx, nice to meet you, My father is yyy 08/22 09:01
BNT: How do you turn this on 08/22 10:35
pkmu8426: I don't care~ 08/22 12:59
gmoz: Over my dead body 08/22 16:28
gmoz: ALL FOR CODE, CODE FOR ALL. 08/22 16:30
slowrock: 謀事在人○程式在天 08/22 17:20
daniel0076: just sudo it 08/22 23:50
tuzr: No pay , no gain 08/23 00:24
apley: Coming sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! 08/23 00:41
n91324: 快笑死XDD 08/23 10:43
cashspace: ASAP, 就讓你RIP 08/23 16:07
Ekmund: A program a day, keeps the life away. 08/23 21:52
itsnologic: the code never bothered me anyway 08/24 09:56
nclovegc: 絕對是 Hello World! 怎麼都沒有人想到XDDDD 08/25 22:33
sunrise0330: over my dead body 08/26 20:02
coldollsheep: "改第四次殺你全家" 08/29 18:21
alastorlion: hello world 09/22 11:12