看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A team executive close to the situation told GameSpot that former GSL and MLG Champion Mun "MMA" Seong Won is negotiating between teams Evil Geniuses and Axiom Gaming. 有消息指出前GSL和MLG冠軍的MMA正在跟EG和Axiom戰對協商。 The source also said that Slayers Terran teammate Kim "Ryung" Dong Won will sign to Axiom Gaming, joining Choi "CranK" Jae Won as the second Korean player on the newly formed team by Genna Bain and John "Totalbiscuit" Bain. 消息來源也指出Ryung將會跟Axiom簽約成為該隊第二位韓國選手。 "While Ryung and MMA are both still under contract, Slayers did give their departing players 30 days, prior to the end of their agreement, to seek out new opportunities," Axiom Gaming owner Genna Bain told GameSpot, regarding the potential signing. "雖然MMA和Ryung現在還是有合約在身,但Slayers方面讓他們提早30天離隊 先去為之後的事打算。"Axiom的管理者告訴我們,所以他們可以先簽約。 "I have no doubts that these players have been speaking to several teams already. MMA and Ryung are great friends with CranK, but Axiom will be a small and selective team." "這些玩家已經跟不少戰隊談過了,MMA、Ryung和CranK都是好朋友,但Axiom還 只是個小戰隊所以無法全部簽下。" GameSpot approached Evil Geniuses, but the team declined to comment. 我們像EG方面探聽點消息,但它們拒絕做出任何評論。 One year ago today, Evil Geniuses formed a partnership with Slayers as a Korean training facility. In May, it was announced that they would play the 2012 GSTL Season 2 together, getting to the finals, before losing to FXOpen eSports. On September 1, it was announced that the partnership would be coming to a close, with Evil Geniuses owner Alex Garfield stating, "Now is the right time for us to head our separate ways." 一年前的今天,EG和Slayers成為了練習的夥伴,五月的時候它們表示會跟Slayers一起 參加GSTL Season 2,也打到了冠軍賽但最後輸給了FXO。 九月則宣布兩方的合作關係即將終止,EG的老闆Alex Garfield表示:現在正是分手 的時候。 It is said that MMA developed a strong connection to the Evil Geniuses over the course of the partnership, with both management and players, and is his optimal choice for where to go next. 有人說MMA跟兩邊中止合作有極大的關係。 現在他將要決定他到底要去哪裡。 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=376185 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
capssan:快去EG啊 挑戰一下詛咒 10/18 09:09
GUYDA:如果EG跟包哥戰隊關係好 敢收MMA這燙手山芋嗎? 10/18 09:10
OOorc:MMA快去EG啦~~~挑戰詛咒!!!!fighting 10/18 09:10
capssan:不過我覺得MMA加入之前已經被詛咒好久了 10/18 09:10
Woorissica:應該會去Axiom 不過MC個人在海外戰隊的經驗 他只推薦 10/18 09:11
Woorissica:EG跟TL 其他的收入並沒有很好 10/18 09:11
whydan:真有趣 SlayerS J經理也叫Garfiel..Jung"Garfield"Chul LOL 10/18 09:12
LUOZISHANG:我忽然懂我阿罵 每天盯八點檔的心情了!!!! 10/18 09:12
LUOZISHANG:好看阿!!!!! 10/18 09:13
RKO771022:樓上XDDDD 10/18 09:13
A1pha:Garfield 加緋貓 XD 10/18 09:14
saba1414:聰明的話快加入SKT1或KT阿 10/18 09:14
gunfighter:說好的GamaniaMMA呢(誤) 10/18 09:14
eminemqoo:Alex Garfield 只是剛好撞名而已XD 10/18 09:14
capssan:你確定是剛好?..EG老闆為了搶MMA跑進去臥底..很八點檔.. 10/18 09:15
gogoegg:KESPA的薪資是很穩定 但管理可是超嚴苛的 MMA絕對受不了 10/18 09:16
LUOZISHANG:看來某電視台 下一檔戲有譜了/講遊戲產業裡的鬥爭!!! 10/18 09:16
eminemqoo:另一個Garfield是韓裔 10/18 09:16
aa1477888:SlayerS解散 選手要不要來TeSL當傭兵做為打工XD? 10/18 09:17
Woorissica:capssan別拱火了 一個是韓國青年一個是美國中年 10/18 09:17
xenosdk:Alex Garfield才27歲喔! 10/18 09:21
SansWord:看到SlayerS被隊員罵成這樣的情況下還願意給他們方便。 10/18 09:25
SansWord:就覺得包嫂真的很為他們好了.... 10/18 09:26
sezna:包嫂如果要玩他們可以再拖個30天 10/18 09:26
eric1112:隊伍都解散了 如果綁住他們只是讓自己更難看而已 10/18 09:27
eric1112:隊伍解散 合同還成立嗎 這也是個問題 10/18 09:27
sezna:Slayers在11/9才解散喔 現在還沒 要玩大可以到11/9再放 10/18 09:29
Lattendue:就合約精神他綁到最後一天也不會難看... 10/18 09:32
momogo11:EG CURSE又可以拍續集了 14YO已經GG了 換下一個 10/18 09:37
SCEW:TESL歡迎您的加入 10/18 09:37
capssan:我真的覺得MMA還沒加入就已經有curse了 10/18 09:38
privatecho:下一個就是EGmma了, 塊陶阿~~~~~ 10/18 09:38
rogger:希望塵埃落定之後MMA狀況能恢復 最近實在打得很...... 10/18 09:50
privatecho:mma這種狀況, 他找的到戰隊收他就偷笑了 10/18 09:54
eric1112:再等一個月簽約 事情也就結束 這一點實在沒甚麼好下功夫 10/18 10:00
eric1112:好聚好散 10/18 10:01
Taeja:MMA又不是天才 你們在爭什麼 10/18 10:56
RKO771022:樓上天才Taeja!! 10/18 10:57
sakaizawa:離開那種戰隊 去哪都好 10/18 11:29
jack19931993:外國戰隊就EG跟液體戰力最強了 10/18 11:47
Saza:去EG練身體!! 10/18 12:02
wumacomsum:不相信MMA會找不到戰隊...只是看他要不要繼續打吧 10/18 12:05
Taeja:就那種比賽態度 去EG養老吧 10/18 12:15
handfoxx:如果MMA能回到之前實力的八成 有哪個戰隊不要的???? 10/18 12:15
capssan:前提是有8成 現在的他恐怕4成都不到 10/18 12:16
Taeja:加入諧會吧 我還能說你是有實力的諧星 10/18 12:23
Taeja:只關心跟柔柔有來有回的Miya要去哪阿 10/18 12:26
LOKI930351:MMA現在是故意不發揮實力的,別在噓他了,嗚嗚嗚 10/18 12:55
jumpballfan:MMA狀況再爛上季還是有S級 恢復實力又可再度問鼎冠軍Y 10/18 13:16
gts123:嗚嗚嗚~怎麼沒有人問猴哥的去向阿... 看來他大概要去當兵了 10/18 13:24
Flyingheart:覺得MMA操作跟小戰術好 但大局選擇常常出問題 10/18 14:17
Flyingheart:個人覺得他是沒辦法發現自己問題的人 去國外不看好 10/18 14:18
Adonisy:mma教練走人就完全變菜了 10/18 14:44
hydexhyde:最後一段是不是翻錯了...@@ 10/18 15:16
Sechslee:包嫂根本對這些瘤很好了 你是老闆你做的到嗎? 10/18 15:58