看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
HEre ya go: LG-IM Coach Hirai explains his side of the Ganzi/SlayerS ordeal. It's not really too important in the big picture of what Jessica is saying, but it's somewhat relevant since she brings it up as the beginning of poor S2con/eSF vs SlayerS relations. 來吧,LG-IM的教練Hirai來談談他們那個角度認知的Ganzi事件。 這其實跟現在包嫂的處境沒有很大的關係,但畢竟包嫂有提到。 Before I start, I would like to say I apologize for worrying everyone with the bad news. Also, I admit that the team environment on IM was not good right after the team was founded. 在開始講這件事之前,我先要對那些對這些壞消息感到憂慮的人們道個歉。 此外,我也承認IM的環境在剛創立那時候不是很好。 Because I was running an amateur StarCraft 1 house before I founded the StarCraft 2 team, about half of the players at the house were still playing StarCraft 1 at first. Also, there were some members who were paying a fee to stay in the house [Note: Common amateur SC1/SC2 house practice. At present, a team cannot receive a membership fee from its players if they wish to be recognized as a pro-team by eSF or GomTV]. However, I could not just kick out all the SC1 players because I started running a SC2 team. 在我管理SC2戰隊前我是在管理一個業餘SC1戰隊的,宿舍裡大約有一半的玩家原本 是打SC1的。裡面甚至有些人是付我們一些錢來一起訓練。(eSF和GomTV禁止這些專業 戰隊跟選手收取費用,否則eSF和GomTV將不承認他們戰隊。)但我不能因為我要管理SC2 的戰隊就把那些SC1選手趕出宿舍。 Thus, I gave the amateur SC1 players a certain amount of time so that they could either join a pro-team or move to another house. So during this period, it's true that every day life and the practice environment weren't that good. Also, it was a period where funds were lacking, and the team was being run in a very difficult situation. Some of the players even came to me and offered 50,000 won, 100,000 won ($45~90) for the food budget. I want it to be clear that this was the situation. 因此,我給了那些SC1的選手們些時間去決定他們要加入職業戰隊或是要去別的 訓練室。所以在這段時間,整個練習的環境並不好。同時在資金的缺乏下,那時候 真的很困難,有些選手甚至來找我要些伙食費($45~$90)。 In October of 2010, not long after the team was formed, I saw Mvp and Ganzi talking. Ganzi had only played SC2 for about one or two days. There was one seat left in the house, and the SC1 amateurs were starting to leave one by one, and there was one player I wanted to accept once I could handle an extra player. Around that time, he was one of the top level players in the business. However, I trusted Ganzi and gave him that spot. And I informed him beforehand that the team house situation wasn't very good. Ganzi told me that all he needed was a place to play, and he joined the team. 在2010年的10月吧,那是戰隊成立後不久,我看到MVP和Ganzi在聊SC2的事。 Ganzi那時才剛打SC2幾天而已。訓練室那時只剩一個位置,SC1的選手也幾乎陸續 離開了,我在想我應該還可以留一個位置給特別的選手。 Ganzi那時可以說是水平很高的玩家,我也相信他所以我把他留下來了。 我也誠實跟他說戰隊現在狀況不好,Ganzi回答我沒關係,他需要的只是有地方可以 練習,所以他加入了我們。 Though Ganzi had only started SC2, I knew that Ganzi had been a diligent player since he was a SC1 amateur, and I believed that he would do well alongside Mvp with time. And it was so, as he gained a lot of skill and took #1 on the ladder in 2.5~3 months. 在打SC2之前,Ganzi是SC1很厲害的業餘玩家,所以我相信他在MVP旁邊學習很快可以 進步很多。這也成真了,他在短短三個月左右就打到了宗師1並學到了很多技巧。 Because he had improved so much, I wanted to give him a chance in tournaments, so I sent him out in the Danawa tournament as my 'coaches pick' player. The problem was that the night of the tournament, Ganzi suddenly said he wanted to go to SlayerS. I asked him if it was confirmed, and he said he had been informed that it was cleared. 因為他的表現,我決定給他一個上場的機會,我以教練的名義讓他去參加Danawa比賽。 比賽當天晚上問題浮現出來了,Ganzi告訴我他想去Slayers。 我問他這是真的嗎?他說已經差不多了。 Honestly, from my standpoint, I was very hurt. So I called then SlayerS coach Seong Sang Hoon immediately to see what was going on, and got a reply that they had never agreed to take in Ganzi. I told him that there must have been a misunderstanding, apologized, and ended the call. The next morning, Ganzi packed his things and left the house in the morning. 從我的立場來看,我實在很難過。所以我馬上打給Slayers的教練Seong Sang Hoon 想要知道事情到底是怎樣,他們卻回答他們從來沒有這個打算。 我回他們那一定是有些誤會,跟他們道個歉後就掛斷了。 隔天早上,Ganzi就打包東西走人了。 As he left, Ganzi didn't apologize or leave a word of thanks. The only thing he did after leaving was to contact SlayerS and said that he had left the team. And then the sent me a text. I thought maybe it would be a word of thanks or apology, but instead it was to tell me that because I had called SlayerS to check, he hadn't been able to join, and that he wanted me to clear things up. 在他走的時候,他並沒有抱歉或是跟我們道別說些感謝的話。他離開後所做的事 卻是馬上跟Slayers聯絡,說他已經離開IM了。之後他傳了簡訊給我,我起先以為 匯市一些道歉或感謝的話,但取而代之的是他責怪我因為打去Slayers,讓他現在 無法加入,並要求我設法解決。 I hadn't signed a contract with Ganzi, and it was his decision to go to a team with an environment where he thought he could play well. So it might seem a funny that I'm criticizing his decision, but I think he didn't keep proper etiquette. I had taken on a player who had only played StarCraft for a few days, and I had done things to help him, and that hurt me more. What kind of coach would have taken in a player who had only played for 2~3 days? 我並沒跟Ganzi簽約,這也是他自己決定要去環境比較好的戰隊發展。所以當我 跳出來批評這件事的時候我看起來像無理取鬧。但我真的覺得他忘恩負義,我把一個 只SC2幾天的選手帶起來,我也做了很多事去幫助他,最後這個結果讓我很受傷。 有哪個教練會收一個只打過兩三天的選手進戰隊? I think this misunderstanding became deeper because it became seen as Ganzi moving to SlayerS through shady methods. Also, while Ganzi was at the house, his complaints about the poor environment caused one or two players that I was prepared to accept to go to other teams. This I've confirmed directly from those players. Even if he doesn't bash the team directly, saying things about the team environment or negative things about the team off record, I think is an insult to the team. I don't think it was right to do those things. 這些誤會因為Ganzi的陰招變得更深了,而Ganzi之前還在IM時的一些對環境的抱怨 也讓幾個我原本要收的選手跑去了別的戰隊。這我是直接跟那些選手求證的。 即使他沒有直接傷害這個戰隊,但他的風涼話和負面思考對這個戰隊簡直是污辱。 這是不對的。 Because of this, I brought up Ganzi's behavior at an S2con meeting to the other coaches. At that meeting, Mr. Lee Jun Ho (?), Mr. Won (Startale), Mr. Choi (MVP), Mr. Yoon (ZeNEX), Mr. Park (PRIME), Mr. Kim (fOu, not Choya), and Mr. Lee (TSL) were present. Also, SlayerS coach Mr. Seong was there as well. 也因為如此,我把Ganzi的行為在S2con的會議上跟其他教練說了。會議上的人有 Mr. Lee Jun Ho (?)、Mr. Won(ST)、Mr. Choi (MVP)、Mr. Yoon (ZeNEX)、Mr. Park (PRIME)、Mr. Kim (fOu,not Choya)、Mr. Lee (TSL)和Slayers的Mr. Seong。 I absolutely did not request a suspension for Ganzi there, and I never have asked for one. All I wanted to do was talk to the other teams, and make sure something like that didn't happen again. The main agenda of the day was to make rules regarding transfers, and 'protection of players between coaches.' (??). At that meeting, I told coach Seong that there would be no problem with SlayerS taking Ganzi. 我並沒打算要Ganzi接受懲罰,我只是想要讓其他戰對知道這件事,並希望大家保證 這類事情不會再發生。那天開會的重點是要定一些規矩防止這些事,保護教練和選手。 會後我也告訴Coach Seong 我們對Ganzi這件事不會放在心上。 But there was another hurtful event to come. Not long after, Ms. Kim Ga Yeon requested a three way talk regarding the Ganzi case, with all the team coaches and Ganzi present. 但後來又發生了更難過的事。這是在Ms. Kim Ga Yeon要求三方面談Gznai事件不久後 發生的。 According to SlayerS and Ganzi, I had 18 SC1 players in the house, and had received 500,000 won a piece from each of them. Also, they claimed that no one practiced and just goofed off, that the environment was bad, and that I was not qualified to be a head coach. 據Slayers和Ganzi的說法是我以前有18個SC1的選手在宿舍,並對每個選手收500,000韓元 但他們卻完全無法練習,環境實在太糟糕,他們覺得我不夠格當總教練。 Additionally, Ganzi was disappointed in me, and had to move to an environment where he could practice properly. That day, I first learned that Ganzi had those kind of feelings. I asked him then, why he hadn't told me those things earlier. Ganzi更表達對我的失望,所以轉到環境更好的戰隊。那天我才知道Ganzi原來對 我的看法是這樣,我問他為什麼不早點告訴我。 At that meeting, I said that I never made money running a SC1 house. I offered free spots to players who came from poor families, and there were a lot more times when I wasn't able to collect money from the other players. At that time I had 12, not 18 SC1 players in the house, and I hadn't received that much money from them. Of the players who were in bad financial situations I didn't receive any money from, while I received about 400,000 a piece from 6~7 players. Also, I received smaller sums from some of the other players. 在會議上我說我從來沒從經營SC1訓練室上賺到錢,有時候家境不好的選手交不出會費 我也照樣提供他們場地練習。而且我只有12個SC1選手不是18個。我也沒有收這麼 高的會費,那些環境不好的孩子我根本沒收錢,其他6~7個選手的我大約收400,000。 I gave the SC1 players time to leave the house, whether it was to return to studies, find a new team house, or join a pro team. If you ask those players now, they will all confirm it as well. Some of them I even called recently to make sure that was the situation at the time. After that period, there were a few players who were at the house, paying house fees. 我也讓那些選手有充分的時間考慮,現在有些找到新的訓練室,有些去讀書,有些 加入了職業戰隊,這你可以跟它們確認。我最近才跟幾個連絡過,問候他們最近好嗎。 在那之後有少數幾個繼續待著並且繳著會費。 I acknowledge that as mentioned before, because we shared the space with SC1 players, the environment wasn't the best overall, and general mood wasn't that good. And I admit that I received fees from the players. All those things contributed to a poor environment. But if he really couldn't stand staying in such an environment, I want to ask why that never reached my ears. 我前面提過,我們是SC1和SC2共用訓練室,環境真的很差。我用那些會費嘗試 維持這個環境,如果Ganzi真的對這環境這麼不滿,我很想知道為什麼我從來 沒聽到過。 Also, I checked Ms. Kim's prepared chatlogs about Ganzi saying negative things about the house, and it was all things that could be easily misunderstood. I personally think that telling a player planning to come to our house to choose carefully, telling him about the environment directly led to him choosing a different team. On this part, even Boxer (who was at the meeting) said it was something that could be misunderstood. All of this was witnessed by the coahes there. 我也透過Ms. Kim的紀錄確認過了那些Ganzi所說過的話,那些都是很容易 讓人誤會的,我認為跟有那些意願加入我們的選手表明我們的環境多爛,這通常 會讓他們改變心意。Boxer當天也在場,他也同意我說的話。這些那天在場的教練 都可以證明。 I clearly admitted the things that I should have, and did not object at all to Ganzi going to SlayerS. That was the conclusion of the day. I never asked for a suspension for Ganzi, and I don't believe I have any reason to be sorry to Ganzi even now. Nor do I have any reason to be sorry to SlayerS, who acquired a teamlessGnaiz. This is simply a problem between Ganzi and myself. 我應該要捍衛自己讓Ganzi不能加入Slayers的,但我沒有這麼做,這就是結論。 我從來沒要求要對Ganzi做禁賽處分,我也不覺得我需要對Ganzi或Slayers做任何 的道歉動作,Slayers就是得到了一個沒有戰隊身分的選手,如此而已。 Also, it's a misunderstanding that this was start of s2con coaches grouping together to criticize or hate SlayerS, and relations continued afterward. I just hoped that something similar to the Ganzi case wouldn't happen to other teams. 還有,這也不是s2con的教練們聚集起來要杯葛或討厭Slayers的原因。 我只希望這類事情以後不要發生。 To the end, there's no apology or thanks for Ganzi. Maybe this all happened because no one wanted to speak frankly. Hearing Ganzi say that I was not qualified to be a coach and that the team environment was a mess gave me the motivation to make things better, and it was a turning point for me. 最後,我不需要對Ganzi道歉。這種事情會發生就是因為大家都不誠實,講實話聽到 Ganzi認為我不夠格當教練反而讓我有更深的動力去把事情做好。這倒是個轉折呢。 Honestly, I don't know who was the 'victim.' I was hurt at that meeting in front of everyone, and I even considered quitting this business. I'm thankful to my players who stayed on through those bad conditions until now, and I will work even harder for them. I want to do more for my players in the future. 老實說我也不知道誰是所謂的犧牲品,那時我被大家指著鼻子的時候我一度想要 放棄。現在我很感謝那些跟我一起度過困難的隊員,未來我會更為大家努力。 That is all I have to say about Coach Kim's allegations about Ganzi, IM, and SlayerS. 這是我必須要講清楚的,IM Ganzi Slayers之間的事。 原來這年頭教練都是賠本在當,真辛苦。 Boxer、Won、Hirai 都是唷 還有,我比較想知道那倒底是甚麼事情讓你們開始杯葛Slayers... http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=48786 英文翻譯來自TL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
allqwdd:打了這麼多25p 殘念 10/18 15:24
FAlin:複製貼上版面超過一定的幅度,最高就是25p 10/18 15:25
ctx705f:歡迎加入服務鄉民的行列XD 10/18 15:26
kira925:星海人生 持續中 10/18 15:27
allqwdd:本來想賺點賭本下賭盤的 可惜 10/18 15:27
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (10/18 15:28)
kullan:真是複雜啊 趕緊看看playSC的反串文比較開心一點XD 10/18 15:29
finaltrial:星海人生-竿子番外篇 10/18 15:29
FAlin:要搞翻譯可以先把英文放在旁邊 打中文 10/18 15:31
Minato:所以IM沒有排擠SLAYERS? 10/18 15:31
FAlin:然後發出文章後再編輯文章把英文補入 10/18 15:32
FAlin:這樣會轉很多 10/18 15:32
joe675029:環境不好 但IM現在是冠軍數最多的一隊 10/18 15:33
Tylor:太酷了 本傳還沒結束就先有番外篇... 原來Ganzi這麼糟糕 10/18 15:34
capssan:IM.教練 加入戰場 10/18 15:34
allqwdd:FA教學 受用受用 感謝 10/18 15:34
momogo11:想噓GANZI 10/18 15:36
momogo11:如果他像龍哥 只是晃兩三天 還沒差 招都學完了 馬上跑 10/18 15:36
gts123:10年GSL公開賽第三季的時候SEN不是住在IM宿舍嗎 10/18 15:38
LUOZISHANG:太精采了 ㄆ ㄆ 10/18 15:38
evilraistlin:韓國電競也是很難混的阿...TESL真的很幸福... 10/18 15:38
gts123:還挺好奇那時候IM環境到底怎樣... 10/18 15:38
capssan:SEN是住GOM浩司吧 跟IM練習而已 10/18 15:39
gts123:我記得一哥在打進亞軍的時候 SEN說那時候再看我打的小胖子 10/18 15:41
gts123:已經這樣了... 所以那時候應該是住IM那沒錯吧? 10/18 15:41
ake1234:看來台灣隊伍的宿舍跟韓國比起來是五星級!? 10/18 15:44
elong:sen那時候住gom 的練習室 10/18 15:45
jkl852:跟mvp學完招就跑掉 這真的滿xx的 10/18 15:45
Adonisy:所以說真的,大多數會跑來跑去別戰隊就那些人 10/18 15:50
hydexhyde:想噓GANZI的也別急 GANZI一定也有他的說法 10/18 15:51
CaTkinGG:IM教練的聲明蠻有經驗的 一直有拉第三者當他聲明的證人 10/18 15:51
a8330028:MVP幾時要參戰? 10/18 15:51
OOorc:桿子......沒人品 10/18 15:52
gts123:查了以前的採訪 原來那時候SEN住在朋友家剛好跟IM同棟而已 10/18 15:52
chuckni:重點:大家都沒老實才搞得現在這麼亂 10/18 15:53
miha80425:維GSL解密中.....這說真的會毀了GANZI吧... 10/18 15:54
RIFF: 環境很差 跳船也正常 10/18 15:56
RIFF: 收費練習室 是否稱得上戰隊 有距離 10/18 15:58
bewty0106:Ganzi現在應該是在國外戰隊不知道外國看不看中這東西 10/18 15:58
capssan:只能說桿子事件也是不違法只是違背情理而已 10/18 15:59
RIFF:以前KESPA對這種事 規範嚴格 KESPA會幫忙處理戰隊與選手後續 10/18 15:59
momogo11:沒違法 只是沒品 10/18 16:02
capssan:在違背情理這方面雙方說出來的內容一定有巨大的差別 10/18 16:03
momogo11:誠實...最誠實的只有ACE... 10/18 16:04
kullan:ACE哥一看到教練被黑 馬上跳出來力挺 只是他是個老實人XD 10/18 16:05
momogo11:不過照他講話 IM現在能威成這樣 也要感謝GANZI XD 10/18 16:05
WindSpread:吃乾抹淨就跑,還回頭咬人一口,有沒有這麼惡劣lol 10/18 16:09
WindSpread:坐等GanZi說法!不過也許以他現在的情況澄不澄清這個 10/18 16:09
WindSpread:都無所謂了? 10/18 16:10
GigiBuffon:如果IM跟SLAYERS的說法都為真 那可能是GANZI兩面手法 10/18 16:10
gts123:那時候大家都在感嘆IM這麼威 結果贊助都好少... 10/18 16:11
dakkon:IM跟slayers都真的話,那ganzi就黑到不行了 10/18 16:13
capssan:如果說法都是真的 那桿子就是個吃不起苦的人= = 10/18 16:17
capssan:先在IM混 發現S是凱子 趕緊跳過去 S沒$了 趕緊跳出國 10/18 16:17
Esca:ganzi也沒有兩面手法,jessica也知道ganzi放話的事情 10/18 16:18
Esca:IM教練避開了ganzi有沒有付錢給他進訓練室的問題 10/18 16:18
Esca:然後他也沒有說清楚他一開始跳出來批評ganzi的時候下手多重 10/18 16:19
Sechslee:GanZi好黑 10/18 16:20
gts123:收錢是收SC1的人的錢吧....跟ganzi有個屁關係 10/18 16:22
GigiBuffon:星海人生跟風水世家哪個會先下檔呢 10/18 16:23
pkghj666:GanZi... 10/18 16:24
asdfou:沒想到當初Slayer大將都有問題 10/18 16:24
soramoe:竿子真沒品Y 10/18 16:26
finaltrial:太甲表示: 10/18 16:26
leged:IM果然只有茶神和MVP...其他Orz" 10/18 16:26
pkghj666:GanZi也要發言? 10/18 16:26
DoRNi:感覺有些人處理事情的態度和方法都有點莫名其妙 10/18 16:27
handfoxx:還有seed IM三族都奪過冠了 10/18 16:27
DoRNi:都是不誠實害的(死 10/18 16:27
qtzero:越多人發言 才有機會接近真相!! 10/18 16:28
qtzero:不然都是和諧後的官方說法一點看的興趣也沒有 10/18 16:28
capssan:目前看來選手發言的最好玩 特別是A字頭的兩個神族 10/18 16:31
olikeblueo:覺得IM教練的聲明比包嫂的陳述方式相對理性及有邏輯些 10/18 16:32
Taeja:換一家網咖練很正常阿 老闆可以換妹仔嗎 10/18 16:33
GUYDA:這真的是番外篇 重點是ST教練抵制練習 還有J經理事件 10/18 16:34
GUYDA:竿子追求更好的環境也是人之常情 IM並沒有簽約 沒有啥約束力 10/18 16:35
GUYDA:放人進去也是IM教練自己放人進去的 留不住人怪別人條件好? 10/18 16:36
GUYDA:看一堆人說竿子黑還真莫名其妙 有問題推給選手就好 10/18 16:36
leged:重點是忘恩負義吧 10/18 16:37
jkl852:他哪有怪slayers 你是看到哪裡去了 10/18 16:38
GUYDA:忘恩負義這點都教練自己說的 艾莉西亞不也說包嫂沒關心 10/18 16:38
et310:好像全部的事件跟後續都起源於竿子身上, 不知道竿子怎麼回答 10/18 16:38
GUYDA:事實就是他看到竿子潛力 給他進IM 然後沒簽約 留不住人 10/18 16:40
gts123:GanZi這件事只是一個slayers不加入協會的藉口吧... 10/18 16:40
capssan:反正事情只要扯到情理就絕對沒人說的輕楚的拉 10/18 16:40
GUYDA:這就是事實的全部 其他啥忘恩負義 根本就是單方面說法 10/18 16:40
GigiBuffon:應該會有桿子方面的說法 等等看吧 10/18 16:40
gts123:這件事又沒多重要 IM教練怕火燒到他身上先出來滅火罷了 10/18 16:40
capssan:大陸網友有句話說的好:S事件跟我沒關 我其實是來黑GZ的 10/18 16:41
GUYDA:所以看到推文一堆人跟著罵 都想問問有沒有先思考過立場問題 10/18 16:42
kullan:我也覺得教練只是想找機會黑竿子XD 10/18 16:43
Taeja:有收錢這不是網咖嗎 科科 10/18 16:43
Taeja:我還嫌你店裡沒正妹咧 10/18 16:44
MinChuan:感覺真的很多愛恨情仇啊! 當事人要不要出來說句話? 10/18 16:46
jkl852:他是收sc1選手的錢 又不是sc2的 10/18 16:46
kira925:實際上還真的有收錢的訓練基地 但是他沒有戰隊 10/18 16:53
kira925:現在的問題是:這樣又要怎麼算? 10/18 16:53
kira925:IM這個情況是他是SC1的訓練基地 但是沒有SC1的戰隊 10/18 16:55
Esca:ganzi本來就是打sc1的,雖然現在以sc2出名但那時算哪邊還難講 10/18 16:55
kira925:GanZi那應該是想要轉SC2了才會開口吧 10/18 16:56
kira925:這件事情目前看來還算滿清楚的 如果之前GanZi是SC1的訓練 10/18 16:57
kira925:生 那他付錢也是合理的 他轉SC2以後有沒有被收錢才是問題 10/18 16:58
gts123:裡面都提到了eSF禁止戰隊收錢 桿子轉SC2有被收錢IM早除名了 10/18 17:00
kira925:另外 IM教練與Jessica的說法根本就不互斥 10/18 17:01
jack19931993:怎麼韓國選手都流行這種說兩面話的... 10/18 17:02
gts123:這篇不就回應 加研說IM造謠slayers到處挖角 還不跟他們道歉 10/18 17:02
GUYDA:又一個說選手說兩面話的 有沒有獨立思考能力? 10/18 17:02
gts123:IM教練來表達他的立場沒必要跟slayers道歉... 10/18 17:03
Nurvay:突然想問 既然slayers沒有加入聯盟 那他們有沒有跟選手收費 10/18 17:04
kira925:確定的事情是有抽成獎金 收錢與否不知道 10/18 17:04
pkghj666:這教練感覺很有聲明經驗 10/18 17:04
GUYDA:包哥戰隊一開始這麼有錢 哪需要收費... 10/18 17:04
gts123:樓上沒必要黑slayers啦...收費也是GOMTV禁止的 10/18 17:05
jack19931993:Slayers跟IM的說法都差不多 那關鍵就是桿子了啊 10/18 17:05
jack19931993:我不能表達自己看法喔 = = 10/18 17:06
leged:大概是ganzi派的吧XD 反正現在就是等ganzi說話 10/18 17:06
GUYDA:表達阿 我也表達一堆人沒有思考能力看單方面說詞就放炮而已 10/18 17:07
finaltrial:重點應該是等MMA和J經理出來,竿子這算前傳而已! 10/18 17:08
jkl852:自己可以講啥事實的真相 不准別人講選手說兩面話 噗 10/18 17:08
jack19931993:我還說某些人沒有接受推文的壓力勒 10/18 17:08
jack19931993:意見不同就說缺乏思考 你不就是缺乏包容 10/18 17:08
GUYDA:推文壓力? 對誰 我連竿子長相都不清楚 現在哪戰隊也不知道 10/18 17:09
GUYDA:包容? 你以為你是誰 別人要給你包容? 10/18 17:10
GUYDA:那天有人亂板可以請大家包容他壓力大 給他亂一下? 10/18 17:10
jack19931993:所以是誰先說誰無思考能力 誰先亂誰 10/18 17:11
leged:至少已經兩個ganzi待過的戰隊已經出來說話了 10/18 17:11
jack19931993:先開批然後扯到亂版 自以為正義 10/18 17:11
GUYDA:你覺得我在說誰就說誰啊 推文離題 我不會再跟你討論這東西 10/18 17:12
jack19931993:批了就離場那就好啦 不開批誰會跟你扯 10/18 17:12
GUYDA:事實==> 竿子進IM IM沒簽約 竿子想去包哥戰隊 IM教練不爽 10/18 17:15
GUYDA:忘恩負義之類的 教練自己說的 有人說就有人信啦 很正常 10/18 17:16
a8330028:有時候沒正式簽約 但是私下可能還是有一些默契存在 10/18 17:17
jkl852:你說事實的也都是他們新聞說的 難不成你是親眼看到的? 10/18 17:17
Nurvay:看他之前的推文就知道他來釣魚 你怎麼不選擇性忽略他? 10/18 17:17
GUYDA:不是事實.. 那一開始竿子是哪隊? 有簽約竿子能跑? 10/18 17:18
GUYDA:竿子離開IM去哪隊? 邏輯好一點 OK? 10/18 17:18
elong:這篇推文好沒營養:Q 桿子不是重頭戲啊(飄) 10/18 17:25
pkghj666:18152有翻譯修正喔 10/18 17:42
saba1414:竿子SC1母隊SKT1要不要也出來點評一下...朴禿你說說看吧 10/18 17:52
kullan:不要這樣 朴禿剛下位 還在心情低落中XD 10/18 17:54
UltraKill:當戰隊是屁孩收容所喔.. 10/18 18:11
allqwdd:剛剛有人提醒後才發現很多地方看太快看錯 跟各位版友 10/18 18:18
allqwdd:道個歉 10/18 18:18
black3213:突然覺得台灣的電競環境真的算很好了... 10/18 18:24
bitegod0921:那是因為目前台灣電競利益不夠高 10/18 18:29
jack19931993:餅都吃不夠了誰跟你黑 夠大才會互搶 10/18 18:36
vergilmir:IM跟Slayers的說法沒有啥衝突的感覺 就GanZi在搞鬼 10/18 18:46
icycandle:星海人生多線會戰 10/18 19:27
Lattecafem:結果IM現在超強大 10/18 20:40
only1032:原來如此 一切明瞭啦 10/18 22:26
killerbank:GanZi也不能說是在搞鬼啦,職業選手為自己考量的出發點 10/19 04:47
killerbank:本來就各有不同,並且大多數都是以金錢為第一要件..... 10/19 04:48
killerbank:雖然GanZi是先在IM那邊學了不少東西,可是去包哥戰隊不 10/19 04:52
killerbank:也一樣可以練習?並且IM環境較差也是事實,會想換去包 10/19 04:53
killerbank:哥戰隊也是人之常情,只能說GanZi是個沒辦法共患難的選 10/19 04:54
killerbank:手,可是也沒那麼嚴重就是了...... 10/19 04:55
killerbank:不然的話像法蟲轉去EG怎麼沒人說之前千禧戰隊先把他栽 10/19 04:57
killerbank:培的功勞? 10/19 04:58