看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Source: This Is Game First off, we're curious as to why you requested an interview. 首先,我們很好奇為什麼你會想要來個專訪? In the past, I had no intentions of revealing private information regarding SlayerS to the public. I figured if anything was explained incorrectly, it would only lead to misunderstandings and speculations so I didn't want to reveal anything. But I decided it's finally time to reveal everything. And I also really want to just let everything off my chest regarding SlayerS. Too many things occurred all at once so I needed some time to sort everything out. The damage was just too big to forget about and move on. 過去我並沒有興趣把Slayers的事情這樣攤開來講,那時我覺得這種做法很容易 造成誤解。但現在我決定把所有的事都講出來了,我要把我知道的所有事都說出來 ,太多事同時發聲讓我感到很疲倦,這個傷害太大讓我無法忘懷。 How is the current situation for SlayerS? 所以Slayers現在的狀況是? MMA and Alicia have been demoted to B team but recent events has caused us to release Alicia. (Alicia has yet to comment on this) Ryung currently plays at home, YugiOh was already practicing from home, CranK was released not because of a withdrawl. Puzzle, CoCa, Min were given time to think about their careers and have decided to pursue League of Legends. MMA和Alicia都被降到二軍,但最近的事情讓我們開除了Alicia。(Alicia這時候還沒 回應)Ryung在家裡自己練習,YugiOh也是,CranK則是被開除,CoCa、Min、Puzzle則是 決定展開他們LOL的職業生涯。 There was a discussion that a boycott for this season's GSTL my take place. 聽說原本有打算抵制參加這次GSTL? I originally was considering not even attending this seasons' GSTL. I was really concerned since our power roster had gotten cut in half. I even had players on our roster who refused to play for GSTL even though they were on contract. But the rest of the players wanted to go for it so we did. I decided that even though we had no chance of winning the championship, players could still get valuable experience so I went for it with that mindset. Right now, winning or losing is not important. I just want to leave a final impression that SlayerS was a team that got together and headed toward one goal. 我原本幾乎要放棄參加這次的GSTL了,考慮到我們的主力隊員少了一半。甚至有 隊員不願意出賽GSTL,他們似乎都忘了他們有約在身。 但其餘的隊員們還是想要參加所以我們就參加了。我想到即使我們不可能奪冠,但選 手們可以有寶貴的經驗。現在贏或輸已經不再重要了,我只想要Slayers還能有 一個共同目標可以一起奮鬥。 What is going on with the roster? 你們的隊員們到底怎麼了? Aside from three players who are currently looking for other teams, we'll be fielding four B teamers and four A teamers for the GSTL. Alicia refused to participate at all ever since last season's GSTL so we eliminated him entirely from the roster. 目前有三個隊員在找尋其他戰隊,我們只有四個一軍和四個二軍可以出賽這次GSTL。 Alicia上一季就拒絕參加GSTL所以我們也沒把他算進來了。 A lot of fans wish to know why BoxeR went over to SK Telecom T1. 很多粉絲想要知到包哥為什麼要回去SKT1? In order to completely explain this we need to go back to the time of when SlayerS was formed. So I would have to explain our past. 要談這個的話可能要先講我們當初剛創立的背景,這樣我有很多以前的事要說。 What would you like to start with? 那你想從哪裡開始呢? I have to start with SlayerS and the SC2 organization. Everything was wrong from the very fist button. SlayerS earned Intel as a sponsor and started off very wealthy. We also had BoxeR. Because of our situation, the organization wanted SlayerS to join them. However, the whole scenery still had yet to be figured out so we decided to just kind of stand by and observe the whole thing before deciding. And then the GanZi incident occurred. 就從Slayers和SC2的協會開始吧。從一開始就錯了,Slayers得到Intel的贊助所以 一開始我們環境非常的好,同時我們也有包哥。 因為這次,協會想要我們的加入,但我們覺得情勢並不明朗,所以我們打算 當個OB,靜靜的在旁邊觀察一陣子對方想出甚麼兵再說。 這時候發生了Ganzi事件。 (From here on out, everything else was already translated and explained in this thread so I just translated the parts I had yet to see translated in here) (這裡省略了很多已經翻譯過的部分) Players without any contracts have no clause that is forcing them to stay. What happens to the five players with contracts? 選手一但沒有合約在身,戰隊是沒辦法綁住他們的對吧? 那五位有合約在身的選手呢? SlayerS definitely did not try to force players who had no contracts to stay. And even players with contracts still got sent to the team they wanted to go to if they really wanted to leave. I guess those contracted players will just leave for whatever team they want to join if they want to right? GanZi also signed a contract with us but he wanted to leave so we let him. I hope the players will be able to leave leave thing professionally and not cause anymore reasons for people to lose faith in each other. 我們從來沒有想要綁住那些沒有合約的選手。甚至有約在身的選手如果真的想離開有些 也被送到了他們想去的戰隊。當選手心意已決的時候是不管有沒有合約在身的,Ganzi 跟我們有簽約,但他想離開去別的戰隊時我們也沒有刁難。 我希望選手可以拿出職業的態度處理這些事,不要讓別人有閒話可以說。 Contracts will be terminated on November. 所以合約會在11月生效。 That is correct. If there are any issues with the contract and also promises in that contract that I wasn't able to keep, I'm sure the players would have left with harbored resentments but we've kept all our words from the contracts and we didn't take a dime from the players. We even took BoxeR's money and distributed it along the players and took care of the team that way. As far as I know, Alicia has already found another overseas team that he is going to join but I can't confirm this since he hasn't made any statements about that himself yet. I just hope he doesn't replicate his actions when he does end up joining another team. 沒錯,我們處理好了很多細節,確保我們有做到合約上的每一件事,如果我們 沒做好的話選手大概會非常不爽吧。但我們信守諾言的完成了合約上的每一件事,唯一 沒做的大概是我們從來沒有從選手身上拿一毛錢(指獎金)吧。 我們甚至動用了包哥的錢來營運Slayers。就我們所知,Alicia已經找到海外戰隊了,但 因為他沒做任何聲明所以我無法確定。我只希望他到下一個戰隊不要再重蹈覆轍了。 Without stable sponsors, operations within a team cannot continue. 在沒有穩定贊助的情況下,隊伍很多東西無法持續下去。 In order for a team to remain intact, a team needs sponsors. Although even without sponsors, I could still get by on what I've been doing so far through investments. We had a really great opportunity because of a great offer but a certain player ruined that for us. This is also something I just recently found out but apparently there is this rumor that I took money from our players and ran the team through that. Who the heck spread this rumor? Everyone on SlayerS already knows that we got by because of BoxeR's own personal funds but the fact that an insider is spreading this kind of rumor maybe makes people this that his information is credible. These are just my thoughts but I think perhaps this person spread this rumor so he could find a way out of SlayerS. Honestly in the past, KeSPA teams would gather a certain amount of money every month and operate like an amateur team. Later on, they discontinued this process and forbid teams from taking money from the players but I think some teams still kind of did this on the side. But now that we are all operating through sponsors, I don't think this is the case anymore. 為了讓戰隊正常營運,我們一定需要贊助。但即使沒有贊助,我可以用我以前 投資下來的資產來運作戰隊。我們原本有一個很好的機會得到贊助但卻被一個 player毀了,這也是我最近才知道的,甚至還有人傳是我吞了那筆錢。 到底是誰在散發這些謠言?Slayers的每個人都知道包哥出了多少自己的錢,但散發 消息的人可能會讓別人覺得他是可信的。我是覺得也許有人想辦法要離開Slayers 所以散發了這種謠言。以前KeSPA的隊伍會跟選手收費,雖然後來這種行為被禁止了, 但我認為那時還有隊伍私底下有在做這種事。 現在則不同了,戰隊的一切都靠贊助商 However, you still need sponsors to raise a team. 不管怎樣,你還是需要贊助商來創建一個戰隊。 Our situation is almost as if we did a head butt on solid ground. We already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on operating expenses. We didn't do this for revenue purposes but since we wanted a successful team with everyone working together, it was just such a shame that this had to happen. 現在的情況是我們早已花了上億的錢在Slayers上面,我們並沒有想要從這個 戰隊賺取些甚麼,我們只是想要弄出一個大家可以奮鬥的環境。 很遺憾最後是這樣結束。 So why did you continue to operate the team? 那為什麼還要繼續管理這個戰隊? We still had players. It's true that our recent results have been rather poor. But we still had loyal fans who continuously cheered on SlayerS so disbanding the team was not some easy decision we could just make. 我們還有選手。雖然我們最近的表現非常悽慘,但我們還有忠實的粉絲一直為我們 歡呼加油,決定解散戰隊真的是很難過的決定。 How much longer do you plan on being with SlayerS? 你打算在Slayers繼續待多久? I'm not sure. It could even get to a point where we can't even field enough players for the GSTL... I can't predict what will happen in the future. Everything is changing so I can't know for sure. 我也不確定,可能是我們找不到足夠隊員參加GSTL那時候吧...我無法預測未來 會怎麼樣,一切都在改變。 SlayerS has even been called an academy. Slayers曾經被人叫做學院。 Even from my perspective I think that's ridiculous. But in the beginning, the goal was to create the ultimate team led by BoxeR. But we no longer have BoxeR so our players need to trust in me and I had to lead them like a parent. I just hope the players don't lose faith in me. 從我的角度來看也覺得很誇張,但一開始包哥是帶領大家前往這個目標的。 但後來包哥不在了,換我來帶,我希望我可以像他們的母親一樣。 我只希望他們不要對我失去信心。 There are a lot of misunderstandings regarding player transfers to and from SlayerS. 目前看來那些轉隊的選手們似乎有很多誤會啊。 When GanZi, TaeJa, Golden, and Sleep left the team, we had no problems. TaeJa personally stated that he wanted to leave so we let him. He didn't necessarily want to join a foreign team, he just wanted to join a different team. That's when the Team Liquid offer came. I am so happy and filled with joy whenever I see him do well. (the rest of this was already translated in the previously linked thread) GanZi、TaeJa、Golden和Sleep的離開沒有任何問題。TaeJa私底下表示他想要離開 我們也祝福他,他並不是一定要去國外戰隊,他只是想換個環境。所以當TL對他 提出offer的時候我很高興,他每一次有好表現我也都很開心。(其他很多都翻過了) Anything else you would like to say? 還有甚麼想要說的嗎? The reason I am revealing everything is because I didn't want there to be any lingering misunderstandings or speculations. Everything I am saying I heard from the respective parties. I'm not sure what kind of response I will receive when they read this interview. I mean they might reveal... something they never told me initially... or they might spew up more false information so I'm just going to have to stand by and watch what happens. 我不希望解散戰隊後讓大家留下許多誤會跟不解,所以我打算跟大家說明白。 我不知道其他人看到這篇報導會怎樣,也許他們會說出一些我不知道的事。 或是他們選擇繼續說謊。 我現在做好準備病等著看會發生甚麼事。 Regardless of whose decision it was, bullying is something that should never occur again. There was even a ESF player who called Sleep "SlayerS trash" through a chat. I really think the ESF organization needs to realize what kind of consequence their actions can have and what kind of influence they're presenting to kids by implementing bullying. 不管是誰的決定,抵制都不應該再發生。有ESF的選手用聊天工具對Sleep罵 "SlayerS trash"。我希望協會他們能夠自制點,他們不知道這會有甚麼後果也不 知道這種對待對一個小孩會造成甚麼影響。 I could also have just stayed silent about everything. I debated this for a long time. ESF have stated that I am not capable of being a partner. So because were considered outsiders, that's why they treated us like this? While I do agree that there needs to be power in an organization in order for an organization to keep progressing forward, that organization needs to get their basic mindset in order first and stop relaying just power. 我可以保持沉默甚麼都不說,但我已經忍很久了。協會說我沒有能力跟他們合作,所以 我們就活該要受到這種對待?我承認協會有很多事要做,要帶著協會往前進步也的確 需要很強的能力,但我希望他們在追求能力和成果的同時可以保持正確的心態。 If eSports really wants to progress forward, instead of restrictions, we need to liberate our players more and prepare more stable environments for them. But we only look like this on the outside, because in reality, we seem as if we only care about being able to feed ourselves so unless I become a more reliable manager for the future, I don't think I have any room in the ESF world. 如果電競真的要進步,我們應該要讓選手更自由些,而不是用一堆有的沒的限制他們 並且打造一個更穩定的環境給他們。 但這看起來都只是空口說白話,畢竟在我有能力改變這之前我們能夠每天吃得飽 就很好了。但我想在電競的世界裡並沒有我的一席之地。 I wanted to reveal all this so I could shut up all the speculations going around about why BoxeR left SlayerS for T1. This is the answer to all the questions the fans have been asking and the reason why SlayerS refused to cooperate with the ESF organization. 我說了這麼多是不想讓其他人去亂猜包哥為什麼離開SlayerS而去了SKT1。 這是對目前所有問題的答案,也是為什麼Slayers會拒絕跟協會合作。 I want it to be clear that we are not doing this because we hold a grudge. Teams that disband eventually get forgotten about anyways but the players themselves need to be able to go on on a positive note. I wanted to get rid of all the misunderstandings and get rid of any lasting rumors. I also kept my mouth shut for a while even though the fans were dying to know. There's a chance that this whole situation could turn in to a real ugly battle but I haven't stated any lies. But if there are still any truths out there that haven't been revealed, I am hoping that the respective parties will come out and finally reveal everything. 戰隊解散影響最大的就是選手自己,他們必須趕快做好規劃。 我希望可以無視那些誤解跟謠言,我也知道我說出這些會引啟一些醜陋的口水戰。 但我沒有說任何一句謊話。但其實很多疑點是我自己也不知道的,如果其他的戰隊 有知道別的真相,我希望他們可以趕快出來說明。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這是TL上的包嫂的專訪 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (10/19 01:35)
orange0319:我沒有從選手身上拿一毛錢.....望向隔壁棚的違約金... 10/19 01:33
jack19931993:人族研究院....時代的眼淚 10/19 01:38
lukenming:我愛包嫂!!!!!! 10/19 01:38
et310:以下開放對包嫂告白 10/19 01:40
Adonisy:協會真的很ox,又要包哥光環,又要抵制 SlayerS 10/19 01:42
xenosdk:這篇報導好像就是TIG之前說 要發的新聞稿.. (記者生病) 10/19 01:43
xenosdk:基本上講的跟另外一篇的爆料是差不多的東西.. 10/19 01:44
jeffreyshe:貌似沒新料 10/19 01:44
Flyingheart:希望明天早上起來可以看到更多爆料 ~~ 10/19 01:44
xenosdk:現在各個事件的時間點真的很亂.. XD 10/19 01:44
hahahaha5438:這一篇文章值 384 Ptt幣 你抓到要領了! 10/19 01:46
allqwdd:好像是用回文的才有P 10/19 01:48
allqwdd:這篇應該就是之前說的那個早就專訪過但遲遲沒PO出來的 10/19 01:48
alz:有po出來啊上面@@ 10/19 01:49
allqwdd:沒看到耶 10/19 01:59
allqwdd:這絕對是我PO最多文的一天.. 10/19 01:59
alz:18112 10/19 02:05
ska9362:我想知道罵SLAYERS TRASH的是誰.... 10/19 02:14
mjque2jm:我要包嫂照片 意吟一下~~~ 10/19 02:30
wtao:樓上... 10/19 02:44
mjque2jm:wtao能給我張照片嗎? 10/19 03:10
nicholassys:樓上想意吟wtao嗎? xD 10/19 03:20
UltraKill:自己GOOGLE就有啦 10/19 03:37
cxzqwer:兩邊都講得很含蓄,這樣就沒爆點了,怒噓退票!!! 10/19 03:41
cxzqwer:GSL還我票!!!(咦) 10/19 03:41
cxzqwer:8點檔怎麼可以沒有親子對罵+甩巴掌戲!! 10/19 03:42
mjque2jm:包嫂快40? 我草 真的好好吃阿!!!??? 應該很嫩~~?是很正~ 10/19 04:10
mjque2jm:多謝UlTRAKill提示,肯定是高手!!! 10/19 04:16
darksign:合約是十一月結束,TERMINATE 10/19 05:26
WarIII:支持翻譯姬 可以原文一篇翻譯一篇其實也沒差 如果翻譯沒p 10/19 06:38
wtao:-.- 10/19 18:30