看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Activate your Humble Bundle on Steam Dear Humble Indie Bundle customer, thanks for your purchase back in May! I have some good news regarding your games. Since launching the bundle, our most common request has been the ability to download it on Steam. Well, I'm happy to announce that Valve has made this possible -- your personal Steam redemption key is below. ** 這裡是序號! ** If you're a Steam user, you know what to do. Otherwise, here is a blog post with all of the details on how to access your Humble Bundle on Steam. Don't worry your direct game downloads will always be active on your Humble Bundle key page, which is linked here for your convenience. P.S. we have been hard at work on the second Humble Indie Bundle and will send you another email soon to let you know when it's ready. If you don't want to be notified when it launches though, please feel free to unsubscribe. Sincerely, Jeffrey Rosen Humble Bundle == 剛剛早上起床收到這封信xD 這是一個很長的故事...(?) 很久很久以前(??) 在一個我忘記了是哪個板的板上 有網友分享一個連結 Humble Game Humble Game裡面包涵了五個付費小遊戲 World of Goo、Aquaria、Gish、Lugaru HD、Penumbra Overtune 只要付費購買後你以後就可以下載這些正版遊戲來玩 至於多少錢?自己決定! Humble就是謙虛的意思 你多謙虛就付多少錢 不論你付多少錢 他都會讓你買下 而你付的錢 可以選擇要幫助Windows、Mac OS或是Linx開發 甚至可以捐給兒福團體 我當時想:「想虎我?哪有這麼好的事?」 我想說那隨便按吧 剛好那時候我才剛申請好Paypal想說順便測試試看購物 我就付了USD$0.01買下了五款小遊戲...結果他真的給我買了囧 == 故事回到今天早上 今天早上這封信告訴我 我之前買得那五款小遊戲 現在在Steam上面也有了! 而且由於我付款過 他現在直接給我序號去啟動遊戲 好棒呀!直接跟Steam整合了! Humble Indie Bundle的優惠活動已經結束了 現在想要加入的朋友已經晚囉orz 而如果之前有參與到的朋友趕快去收信看看 如果沒收到信請直接上官網查詢 http://www.wolfire.com/humble -- About me? Please visit: 關於我?我的網路電子名片 http://about.me/howar31 http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
howar31:喔現在變成六款遊戲囧 138,813玩家購買後Amanita Design公 12/10 08:14
howar31:司決定再多捐一款遊戲Samorost 2 xDDD 12/10 08:14
calmsea31:0.01.......這樣對嗎=..= 12/10 10:06
EXZ57:哈哈 算你夠無良XD 12/10 10:28
howar31:我只是測試...結果竟然成功了囧 我指定捐給Linux唷!(熱心 12/10 10:30
Hateson:0.01 我笑了.. 12/10 11:12
cashWANG:看不到序號 12/10 15:50
l037985589:看不到序號 XDD 12/10 16:00
lb01899540:序號勒??? 12/11 08:41
howar31:序號我用掉了耶 下次請早喔抱歉>.^ 12/11 17:18
DavidCooper:0.01 給個讚xD 12/12 03:14