看板 Sunrise 關於我們 聯絡資訊
10月晨曦活動逗相報 Activities of NTUSUNRISE in October 1. 社課-《叛逆的佛陀》讀書會(中文進行) Rebel Buddha Study Group(In Mandarin) § 時間:週五19:00-21:00 Time:Every Friday 19:00-21:00 § 地點:活大226或博雅403(請參考行事曆) Place:1st Student Activity Center Room226 or Liberal Education Classroom Building Room403(check the calendar) § 讀本:叛逆的佛陀──回到真心 莫忘初衷。竹慶本樂仁波切著,天下雜誌出版。(社 團會提供書籍) Book:Rebel Buddha: On the Road to Freedom by Dzogchen Ponlop( https://goo.gl/RE4M2N) § 導讀:解典衛(曾任里仁事業公司總經理、福智文教基金會董事;現任專任佛學講師 ) ※本課程免費 This activity is free of charge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bodhisattva GO!──靜坐入門課程(中英文進行) Bodhisattva GO!──Meditation Class(In English and Mandarin) § 時間:週三19:00-21:00  Time:Every Wednesday 19:00-21:00 § 地點:博雅403  Place:Liberal Education Classroom Building Room 403 § 內容:靜坐能夠幫助我們提升專注力、身心放鬆,以及保持正念。十月份將邀請恆定 法師與我們分享靜坐入門──觀察呼吸,包括概念介紹與實作教學。  Content:Meditation can help us cultivate concentration, relieve stress, and stay mindful. We’re delighted to invite master Heng-Ding to teach the basic ideas of meditation as well as how to practice in our daily lives. § 線上報名:https://goo.gl/forms/rs7nwFOndLh64tAt1  Online Application:https://goo.gl/forms/rs7nwFOndLh64tAt1 ※本課程免費This activity is free of charge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 校外活動:故宮博物院龍藏經展覽 x 士林夜市 Off-campus activity:The Tripitaka Exhibition and Shilin Night Market Visitation § 時間:10/15(六),詳細時程將再公布  Time:10/15(Sat), details to be announced § 地點:故宮博物院、士林夜市  Place:National Palace Museum and Shilin night market § 展覽介紹:https://goo.gl/vwWDpM(中文)  Exhibition information:https://goo.gl/2KBRLm(English) § 費用:本國學生持學生證免費參觀故宮,交通費與餐費需自行負擔  Fee:(1) National Palace Museum-NTD$150 with ISIC (international student identity card) / NTD$250 for general audiences     (2) Transportation and food costs are at your own expenses. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FB:https://www.facebook.com/ntusunrise/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sunrise/M.1475252844.A.77C.html ※ 編輯: aaazz1122 (, 10/01/2016 00:38:10 ※ 編輯: aaazz1122 (, 10/01/2016 00:44:10