看板 SuperHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
from marvel official http://marvel.com/news/movies/2014/1/13/21746/michael_douglas_to_star_as_hank_pym_in_marvels_ant-manhttp://tinyurl.com/ohkz3r7 簡單來說就是確定讓他來演Hank Pym了~ Michael Douglas to Star as Hank Pym in Marvel's Ant-Man Michael Douglas has stepped into some of the biggest--or should that be tiniest?--shoes of his career. The two-time Academy Award-winning actor will join director Edgar Wright and Paul Rudd in Marvel's "Ant-Man," hitting theaters July 31, 2015. "With Hank Pym's rich history in the Marvel Universe, we knew we needed an actor capable of bringing the weight and stature to the role that the character deserves," said Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. "We felt incredibly relieved when Michael Douglas agreed to step into the part with the charm and fortitude he brings to every character he inhabits, and couldn't be more excited to see what he will do to bring Hank Pym to life." The legendary actor, who earned an Academy Award in the category of Best Actor in a Leading Role for his iconic portrayal of Gordon Gecko in "Wall Street," has also starred in numerous modern classics including "Basic Instinct," "Fatal Attraction," "The Game," "Wonder Boys," "Traffic" and many more. In addition to acting, Douglas has also served as Producer and Executive Producer on a number of films including "Romancing the Stone," John Carpenter's "Starman" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," for which he also won an Academy Award for Best Picture. Most recently, Douglas earned a Golden Globe and his first Primetime Emmy Award for his role as legendary entertainer Liberace in the HBO original film "Behind the Candelabra." Douglas will star as Hank Pym, who first appeared in TALES TO ASTONISH #27 (Jan. 1962), with Rudd starring as Scott Lang in the film. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qn123456:保羅˙路德則是演二代史考特˙朗恩XD 01/14 05:00
qn123456:不知道皮姆會不會被設定為初代,如果他在這部電影裡根本 01/14 05:03
qn123456:沒有成為螞蟻人,那麼Marvel就可以在不違背先前「奧創的 01/14 05:03
qn123456:創造者不是螞蟻人」 發言的情況下把奧創的創造者設定為 01/14 05:04
qn123456:皮姆了.... 01/14 05:04
XZXie:該不會在玩文字遊戲吧 奧創不是"蟻人"造的 是"皮姆"造的 01/14 08:36
Yenchin:驚奇毆妻俠 01/14 09:58
reader2714:請給我凱薩琳麗塔瓊斯的蜂女!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/14 10:14
lolix:Hank應該會設定成Thor裡那個接觸過神盾的科學家吧? 01/14 14:10
lolix:^賽爾維奇博士提到的 01/14 14:11
qn123456:應該會,凱文費吉先前說過,雖然電影沒明說但設定上 01/14 14:22
qn123456:和賽維吉聯絡的就是皮姆沒錯 01/14 14:22
biglafu: Michael Douglas!!???? 01/14 15:06
biglafu:糟糕我想到Basic Instinct 01/14 15:07
biglafu:再拿出來複習一下好了 (快轉到莎朗史東坐椅子的橋段) 01/14 15:08
RIOTlimp:蟻人讓年輕人演 可一次帶出2個角色 又可回避掉毆妻的梗 01/14 23:06
RIOTlimp:不然蟻人上映前 原本不認識的人 都會先被植入毆妻俠的 01/14 23:08
RIOTlimp:印象吧XD 畢竟現在迪士尼是老大 他們總不希望有負面印象 01/14 23:09
qn123456:「皮姆=家暴」的梗好像只有台灣這裡講得特別厲害吧...... 01/15 00:11
biglafu:這樣我看這部電影都會想到Basic Instinct.. 01/15 00:33
amokk76267:蟻人:老婆是用來疼的 路人:怎麼疼? 蟻人:打到她喊疼 01/15 04:11
AngelNo13:大陸那邊也很喜歡酸皮姆家暴喔.... 01/15 09:46
AngelNo13:甚至喪屍世界裡皮姆甚至還說懷念打她的感覺XD 01/15 09:47
AngelNo13:代表皮姆毆妻這印象還滿根深蒂固的XD 01/15 09:49
qn123456:犯錯一次就流傳千古,真的不能家暴啊XD 01/15 16:25
AngelNo13:老實說 皮姆家暴不只一兩次....XD 01/15 18:46
qn123456:正史不是只打一次嗎?還是我記錯了? 01/15 20:46
AngelNo13:你沒記錯 但我印象yellow jacket的皮姆好像打不只一次 01/15 21:06