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[email protected] 謝謝你 ※ 引述《howardking (howardstudy!)》之銘言: : 哈佛老師上課時發現10月27日同學背出來的寫作機經回憶跟實際有落差,因為老師曾考過 : 這題,所以明確的知道真題的呈現方式,麻煩同學修改如下: : On p. 3 of 最高危險口說寫作 Set 3, #2 the writing question should be: : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The main role of a : university professor is to educate students rather than to do research. : 而針對這道題,哈佛老師為了確保同學得分,因此免費提供給大家滿分範文,若想參考, : 請留下e-mail,以便寄送載點,預祝所有考生如虎添翼,考試順利! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
howardking :已寄出嘍^^ 預祝你考試順利! 10/24 10:15