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Dear All 又來幫助大家考多益滿分了! --------------------------------- 以下真題引用自【多益滿分天書】: 1. 創滿分/應考/學生進步世界紀錄作者親撰寫 2. 全球唯一有公信力實證每題都真題改編題目 3. 題本格式比官方OG還符合目前最新規格趨勢 4. 全球唯一免費分享全部的[版權所有]題目:) 5. 裡面題目都實證會一考再考 建議大家專攻這些題目 投資報酬率最高! 6. 感謝多家大學/企業/兩岸網友指定使用:) 臉書社團內甚至有書的整回圖文內容可下載 也有答案跟老師權威解說唷:) 歡迎免費善意使用, 祝大家都考滿分 :) ----------------------------------- 這邊也有每月都有的【多益滿分天書】贈書活動 原新聞網址:http://tinyurl.com/ckdrafe 每個人都可參加:) ====================== 101 The sales team meeting originally planned for next Tuesday has been --\ ----- until next Thursday. (A) abbreviated (B) terminated (C) postponed (D) scheduled 102 Financial analysts believe that an unexpected rise in local tourism is\ the most ------- cause of the sudden economic growth of the quarter. (A) probable (B) probability (C) probably (D) probabilities 103 The changes now occurring ------- the computer industry reflect efforts by engineering departments to customize products to specific c ustomer needs. (A) into (B) throughout (C) during (D) as 104 A monthly company newsletter is a useful approach to keep employees in\ different branches of the company in touch with -------. (A) one another (B) the other (C) another (D)other 105 Due to space constraints on its airplanes, the airline changed its ---\ ---- and now allows only two suitcases per passenger. (A) Accommodation (B) policy (C) handling (D) measure 106 Applicants for the position of research assistant must have ------- la\ boratory experience. (A) extend (B) extensive (C) extensions (D) extending 107 Passengers should call the airline ------- confirm their flights 24 ho\ urs before departure. (A) for (B) to (C) so (D) when 108 ------- did the lamps arrive two weeks late but they were also badly damaged. (A) Not only (B) In addition (C) Over and above(D) Nevertheless 109 The designers were fully ------- to answer questions about the new line of automobiles at the press event. (A) prepare (B) prepared (C) prepares (D) preparation 110 The Far East Asian Business Association hopes to have its new Web site\ operational ------- the end of next week. (A) by (B) up (C) of (D) among 111 Few tourists attended the city festival the first year it was held, bu\ t extensive advertising attracted larger crowds in -------- years. (A) subsequent (B) next (C) followed (D) late 112 After Tomoko Tanaka------- Union Electronics Co., she eliminated unnec\ essary expenditures from the budget to promote efficiency within the firm. (A) joins (B) joined (C) is joining (D) has been joining 113 Fama Corporation plans to hold a series of afternoon seminars to promo\ te better communication ------- its staff members. (A) under (B) past (C) among (D) behind 114 The old bridge across the Lakota River has begun to show signs of ----\ ---. (A) decrease (B) shape (C) limit (D) wear 115 Romney agreed that a great deal was accomplished at yesterday's meeting, and the marketing group in particular found it -------. (A) productive (B) abundant (C) inaudible (D) reluctant 116 The more we work with Mr. Yang, the more ------- we are by his outstan\ ding project management skills. (A) impression (B) impressed (C) impress (D) impresses 117 ------ his wife was being transferred to Holland, Mr. Woo requested a \ transfer too. (A) Whether (B) For (C) Since (D) Which 118 New employees ------- wish to attend the welcoming banquet must sign u\ p before May.5. (A) when (B) what (C) whom (D) who 119 Century Shipping takes every ------- to ensure that your items arrive \ at their destination safely and in top condition. (A) precaution (B) idea (C) advice (D) rule 120 Ms. Watson has said that it is not ------- to discuss the report outside the committee because it contains materials of a sensitive nature. (A) appropriateness (B) appropriate (C) appropriately (D) most appropriately ==== 延伸閱讀 1. 史上首位:多益990滿分助教及2月破九百/進步300up http://tinyurl.com/ygtmt57 2. 史上首位:學生十周通過英檢「高級」 http://tinyurl.com/2ekp6b6 3. 史上首位:學生十周托福口說20爆升近滿分 http://tinyurl.com/2urpt2y 4. 免費試聽滿分學堂暨無限多獎學金: http://tinyurl.com/y9sndmd 5. 全球最有公信力且最方便的【多益網路滿分軍團】 http://tinyurl.com/aw2fnxl -- 大家好 我是郭易滿分助教◎歡迎參觀加入郭易老師的Blog跟Facebook:) ◎多項托福/多益/全民英檢等國際英檢滿分/背題/學生進步世界紀錄保持者且唯1多次實證 ◎榮幸師訓上百位教師暨感謝兩岸大學/企業/政府機關/媒體邀請講座及國際專訪 ◎臉書: http://tinyurl.com/aynllxv (社團內有超多各項英檢真題跟權威資源) blog: http://tinyurl.com/3e2h57a 【郭易滿分英文軍團】 -- ※ 編輯: pttEnglish 來自: (11/02 14:00)