看板 TaylorSwift 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://news.spotify.com/uk/2014/11/03/taylor-swifts-decision/ by The Spotify Team We love Taylor Swift, and our more than 40 million users love her even more – nearly 16 million of them have played her songs in the last 30 days, and she ’s on over 19 million playlists. We hope she’ll change her mind and join us in building a new music economy that works for everyone. We believe fans should be able to listen to music wherever and whenever they want, and that artists have an absolute right to be paid for their work and protected from piracy. That’s why we pay nearly 70% of our revenue back to the music community. PS – Taylor, we were both young when we first saw you, but now there’s more than 40 million of us who want you to stay, stay, stay. It’s a love story, baby, just say, Yes. -- 簡單來說就是Spotify上的歌全下架了 然後他們很希望Taylor Swift能夠回心轉意 重新把歌上架 說一堆歌迷都在等妳啊~ 之類的 -- 在1989發售後就一直沒有上Spotify 那時候還一堆人在問 「為什麼1989沒上spotify!!」 結果現在連以前的全下架了... 仔細看spotify寫的消息的PS... 還是Love Story 的歌詞XDD 不過專輯都買了其實就沒差了(? -- 然後文章最底下還有一個撥放清單 "What To Play While Taylor's Away" 裡面的歌.... http://i.imgur.com/mObsHWx.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TaylorSwift/M.1415036021.A.391.html
kkch520: 難怪昨天要聽時發現都不見了,只剩love story可以聽... 11/04 13:13
andrewabbc: 其實Spotify滿幽默的XD 11/04 22:15
traver220: 哈哈真的挺幽默的XD 可愛ww 11/05 00:34