看板 Tech_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小弟有幸接到群暉Technical support engineer面試 版上少有此討論,所以自己發篇請益文 個人背景及工作經歷跟CS完全無關,只有英文還過得去,履歷上寫得很清楚 有點擔心被找去做HR業績.. 工作內容如下: 1. Provide services for global end users and distributors. 2. Analyze and organize technical tickets/e-mails by category. 3. International and domestic phone support. 4. Cross-department cooperation to improve product development. 5. Create outstanding user experience. 加分條件: 1. Excellent English reading and writing skills, speaking ability is a plus. 2. Flexibility for task rotation. 3. Experience in customer service in IT field. 4. Enthusiastic about 3C/NAS/Technology. 5. Linux and networking knowledge is a plus. 想請問各位前輩此職位相關資訊(面試,薪資,工作內容等) 也可站內信,十分感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1413963706.A.77A.html
jammy50605: 先過四關 10/22 17:28
cunankimo: 客服吧 看內容似乎有機會服務到國外的客戶 10/22 21:33
Snapple: 821 10/22 21:42
ahg: 就技術客服.... 10/22 21:49
RodShih: 透過 mail 與電話回應客戶的各種問題 10/24 18:23