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2. Muscle Testing techniques of manual examination 7th edition 內有標記 書頁側邊有些許黃點 https://i.imgur.com/5c8VQP3.jpg
3. Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders Physical Therapy Principles and Methods 4th edition 這本很少翻 還算新 目前沒翻到有註記 https://i.imgur.com/cmOEWGm.jpg
4. Magee Orthopedic Physical Assessment 4th edition 精裝 裡面有些註記 https://i.imgur.com/yIe9WYT.jpg
5. Magee 骨科物理治療評估精裝 第三版 這本1-300頁 右上角因沾到白開水有點皺皺的 內有註記 https://i.imgur.com/TJGAqPu.jpg
6. 呼吸循環系統物理治療 基礎實務 書頁泛黃 書頁泛黃 https://i.imgur.com/9KxZuJx.jpg
7. Clinical Kinesiology 5th edition 內有幾頁標記 https://i.imgur.com/V4dxuRE.jpg
8. Therapeutic Exercise foundations and techniques 4th edition 書頁微泛黃 只有幾頁有標記 https://i.imgur.com/hMAi8RA.jpg
9. Measurement of Joint Motion A guide to goniometry 3rd édition 目前沒有翻到標記 https://i.imgur.com/DBcOx6O.jpg
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honeytree: 3以及magee中英文版皆洽詢中 08/18 17:55
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