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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1c8TRGQz ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] 爵士老闆買下NHL土狼,並搬來鹽湖城 時間: Fri Apr 19 10:28:29 2024 https://reurl.cc/OMqZlg The NHL is moving the team now formerly known as the Arizona Coyotes to Utah to begin play as a new franchise next season, the league announced Thursday. Ryan and Ashley Smith of Smith Entertainment Group bought the team and its exist ing hockey assets for $1.2 billion from Alex Meruelo, sources told ESPN. Meruelo had owned the Coyotes since buying the franchise for $300 million in 2019, but the league lost patience in his ability to find a long-term arena solution in Ar izona and facilitated a sale. 爵士隊老闆確定用12億美金買下NHL亞利桑那土狼 並把土狼隊搬來鹽湖城 將和爵士共用Delta Center The Smiths, who also own the NBA's Utah Jazz, initially built a relationship wit h commissioner Gary Bettman because they wanted an expansion franchise. However, over the past several months, the conversation changed and Bettman approached t he Smiths about becoming a solution for the Coyotes instead. 之前爵士老闆就在推動在鹽湖城擴編一隻NHL隊伍 現在則直接買現成的搬過來XD https://i.imgur.com/aBeHzdl.jpeg
土狼老闆由於新球場計劃碰壁,所以先把球隊賣了 然後繼續在亞利桑那弄新球場 NHL有保障他,如果五年內弄到新球場 會讓他重新在當地擴編一隊回來 只不過他2019用3億買土狼 現在先用12億脫手也算不吃虧了 影片 https://x.com/fos/status/1780833048826728664 In what’s set to be the Coyotes’ final game in Arizona, Mullett Arena broke ou t into “Salt Lake sucks” chants: 土狼隊在亞利桑那最後一場比賽 全場球迷高喊鹽湖城爛XD https://x.com/sportico/status/1781048676464369693 Ryan Smith has never spoken to @ArizonaCoyotes owner Alex Mruelo. It didn’t s top him from executing a $1.2 billion acquisition that will add an NHL team to h is growing Utah sports empire. “It’s a little unprecedented in how this is all happening, but with the timeli ne—there’s so much to do" 話說雙方老闆從未講過話XD https://i.imgur.com/tWCpFzz.jpeg
但還是達成這筆轉售案 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1713493712.A.6BD.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/19/2024 10:30:54
RisingTackle: 郊狼比較聞名吧 youtube一堆射殺show 04/19 10:31
PrimeChaoz : Salt lake sucks 04/19 10:32
ShoTime17 : 5年身價翻4倍 薛爛了吧 中間還covid-19 04/19 10:33
louis99666 : 土狼球員:我不要住鹽湖城啊~~ 04/19 10:38
RisingTackle: NHL球隊數量比NBA還多 04/19 10:38
gandalflee : 哇 這樣害人的 04/19 10:40
Pixis : 等等亞利桑納和猶他沒差太遠吧 球迷也太同仇敵愾www 04/19 10:44
ROCArmy623 : Coyote怎麼翻“土狼”的? 還以爲是Hyena 04/19 10:45
zxc906383 : 我是照維基百科寫的 04/19 10:49
HHH0214 : coyote一般都是翻土狼胡狼沒錯,hyena是鬣狗 04/19 10:49
zxc906383 : https://i.imgur.com/CHHVhdK.jpeg 04/19 10:50
mouz : 好像也會翻成美洲狼? 04/19 10:53
zsp9081a : 亞利桑那不會抗議士狼搬走嗎 04/19 10:59
qw99992 : 冰球好看 04/19 10:59
HrtUndrBld : 想起當年得超音速 04/19 11:03
derekhsu : 住在鹽湖城比住在亞利桑納慘多了 04/19 11:13
TimmyJiang : 看爵士老闆買之前有沒有說過不搬走,如果沒說的話是 04/19 11:19
TimmyJiang : 沒差 04/19 11:19
TimmyJiang : 雷霆老闆被噓是他自己立flag不管球場問題有沒有解決 04/19 11:20
TimmyJiang : 都不會把超音速搬回自己老家奧克拉荷馬 04/19 11:20
keltt : 5年漲那麼多倍! 04/19 11:24
xo1100 : 西雅圖: 04/19 11:41
BlGP : 借轉SUCKS版 04/19 12:00
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: BlGP ( 臺灣), 04/19/2024 12:01:02
Actus: 隊名都有了 就叫鹽湖城薩克斯隊 Salt Lake City Sucks 04/19 15:45
stevenlovego: 不知道的人大概還覺得SLC很會吹XD 04/19 15:50
Stelle: 今天有消息說申請了Blizzard/Venom/Fury三個商標 04/19 16:56
RisingTackle: 如果真的改名了可能會選暴雪吧,都有zz 04/19 16:57
Stelle: 個人覺得猶他暴雪蠻酷的 吉祥物可以用另一個討論很多的 04/19 16:58
Stelle: 隊名Yeti(雪怪) 04/19 16:59
mt0481: 老闆要去搞冰球了 可以盡情擺爛了 04/19 20:24