看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ONISUKA ()》之銘言: : 轉自:http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/free-shipping-terms-conditions/ : 好像只有底下的商品買滿50美金免運(國際運費也免) : http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/post-convention-premieres?p=1 : 有爐石抱枕 但不知道為什麼比原本賣的便宜一塊九九 : Terms and Conditions: Order total must equal $50.00 USD after all discounts, : and before shipping, handling and taxes are added. Discount will be applied : at checkout. Customer must select the "Free Shipping" option during checkout : in order to receive free shipping. Applies to standard shipping only. If : another shipping method is selected, shipping charges will apply. See the : Blizzard Gear Shipping Information Page for specific details related to World : Wide shipping, including Shipping Destinations. Additional duties, taxes or : fees may apply to International Shipments. Offer does not apply to : out-of-stock items or on previous purchases. Offer is non-transferable and : subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. : 雖然圖片上寫免國際運費 但可能會有額外的稅或運費要付 : 有人之前免運的時候買過嗎? 這個活動好像應該明天才截止 可是現在已經沒有0元運費的選項了.... 有人也有一樣的疑問嗎? 他底下有霸王條款 Offer is non-transferable and subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. 該不會免運費被玩壞了? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1407938114.A.584.html
moonjuice: 我剛剛的畫面如下:http://i.imgur.com/O6UB4vQ.png 08/13 22:20
moonjuice: 所以意思是已經要運費了嗎 O_Q 08/13 22:20
poptask: 剛剛正在用 我也超想問的= = 該不會沒了 08/13 22:27
填寫回報單中... ========================= 回應來了 Okay, so after doing some digging it appears that the free shipping promotion has ended. And due to the way the gear store is set up we don't have a way to offer a discount or change the price of the shipping for you. ========================= Q_Q 本來還想今天訂等到明天中午再尾刀一張,現在只能夠付運費 ※ 編輯: TFsonG (, 08/13/2014 22:46:39
moonjuice: 哭哭.... 08/13 22:48
exri: so sad.... 08/13 22:54
moonjuice: 那這樣加運費之後,87.06 會被抽稅嗎? 08/13 23:03
TFsonG: 不會喔 08/13 23:14
poptask: 哭哭 不知道以後還會有免運嗎 08/13 23:15
Maus: 還好今天中午又怒衝一波..免運活動可遇不可求吧(? 08/13 23:37
littleyu1221: 太多人拆單嗎XD 運費暴增 還好已買完 08/13 23:45
max6m4: 免運活動時間是美國0813, 2359截止, 所以有時差吧? 08/13 23:49
max6m4: 阿我錯了抱歉, 美國比較早.... 08/13 23:51
Ohmy: 提早結束無誤 美國現在還是13號白天 08/13 23:52
Ohmy: 報告 早上起床看又有免運了 不知何時結束 08/14 07:48
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 大感謝!!!! 應該是照他說的時間結束(大概是台灣時間今天下午兩三點左右截止)
exri: 天啊沒帶驗證器出門...有人要開團的話請水球我拜託Q_Q 08/14 10:16
incKevin: 請問要到哪邊查進度, 定了兩天只有顯示order processing 08/14 11:03
Ctkao1988: 我8/8號定的 昨天才顯示Complete 08/14 11:25
moonjuice: 崩潰,昨天晚上訂了,已經無法取消訂單了= =" 08/14 13:21
TFsonG: 樓上可以填回報單看看 08/14 13:42
※ 編輯: TFsonG (, 08/14/2014 13:42:48
incKevin: 謝謝回答~ 08/14 14:22
moonjuice: 算了,反正已經寄出........ 08/14 14:42
takumi09011: 我拆了八張單lol 前天收到暴雪 08/14 15:56
takumi09011: 跟我確定是否確定要這些訂單 08/14 15:57
Ohmy: 同個收件人 寄出時間差不多 拆8張單還是有機會收稅.. 08/14 17:28
poptask: 太晚看到..繼續哭哭 08/14 22:45