看板 WarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
6.33 Changelog: =============== * Added two new items 增加兩樣新道具 * Reworked/Improved Bristleback, Avernus and Mercurial 重新修改了豪豬,死騎,AOV * Many code improvements 程式碼改進 * New map preview picture by Artgerm 新的預覽圖 * Improved the game mode entering system. Modes are now entered on one line like "-apidsh" or "-dm -ar -sc". You do not need to worry about the order you enter the modes in, the game will handle it or warn you (and give you another chance) if the mode is incorrect/incompatible. 現在遊戲指令可以一行輸入 像是 -ap -sp - dm 或是 -apspdm 至少這邊是說不用擔心順序或是衝突的問題... * Renamed shortmode to -easymode(-em) 將-sm 更名為 -em * Added -samehero (-sh) mode 增加了同英雄模式 -sh * Reduced Lycan's wolves' model size a bit 微幅縮小了狼人所召喚的狼群體積 * Some -dmar hero respawn optimizations 某些英雄在-dm -ar的模式下會重新調整過 (well, 也沒舉例) * Reworked Mekansm a bit. It now has a larger aoe and buff duration but the heal only occurs if you have no previous Mekansm buff on you (so you can't mass spam it on a team). 將補盾稍微修改了一下,增加了效果範圍和持續時間 但是在持續時間內無法重複治療 (人手一補盾的戰術也不行了) * Furion's Teleportation now creates the same casting effect on the target location. 福利安的傳送現在會在目標地點產生相同的動畫效果 (背刺機會再度大幅減低) * Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse total cost is the same, but 800 of the 900 recipe cost is now in Eul's Scepter of Divinity. 羊刀的總金額不變,但是將合成捲軸降為100元,而剩下的800元由吹杖吸收 (夭壽) * Last Word will only work if Silencer is not silenced 封咒師的被動禁咒現在只會在他未被沉默的效果下生效 (就是DR DP可以先發制人的意思) * If blue isn't playing, the next available color will be allowed to enter the game mode. 假如藍色玩家不在的話,下一個玩家可以代替輸入指令 * Restored a more functional -du mode 恢復了-du mode...(不過這是什麼?) * Improved Viper's base damage a bit 微幅增加了毒蛇的基礎攻擊力 * Enchant's duration when converting creeps is now increased 林精的魅惑術用來轉化小兵時,持續時間延長 * Buffed Weaver's Watcher movespeed 增加編織者(螞蟻)所召喚的監視者移動速度 * Fixed some neutral creeps and beastmaster's summons that had collision size pathing issues. 修正了中立怪物和神獸師所召喚的寵物所產生的碰撞問題 (互相卡來卡去,沒辦法前進之類的問題) * Fixed a Timelapse casting delay 修正了編織者(螞蟻)施展時光倒流時無法移動、或是慢半拍的問題 * Many tooltip fixes from Henri Langenhoven's reports 修正了許多錯誤提示 * Improved Witch Doctor's base damage 增加了巫醫的基礎攻擊力 (上版加動畫速度 這版加攻擊 囧) * Reduced Primal Roar's manacost and cooldown 降低了神獸師原始吼叫的法力消耗和冷卻時間 * Improved timing on Macropyre 改進了雙頭龍巨大火焰的時間點 (動畫速度?) * Reduced Lich's attack range from 600 to 500 降低了Lich的攻擊距離到500 (終於被nerf了) * Updated TDA gaming rules 嗯...TDA rules * Improved the way Beast Rage works 修改了神獸師的被動技野性狂暴 (施展方式?) * -csboardon/off is now -cson/off 把那個難打的指令改成 -cson/-csoff * Voljin's movespeed from 295 to 305 增加了巫醫的移動速度到305 * Buffed Enchantress' strength gain and movespeed 增加了林精每級所獲得的力量值和移動速度 * Stygian Desolator's recipe reduced from 1500 to 1400 降防合成捲軸降價100至1400 * Fixed some icons to their proper passive versions 修正一些圖示問題 * New Doppelwalk icon (from Blazzu/Spankler) 幻影槍兵有了新的匿蹤圖示 * Fixed megakill bounty bonus error 修正了megakill下得到的不正確額外金錢 * Fixed animal courier buy hotkey conflict 將買雞熱鍵的問題修正 * Fixed an -ap -lm bug that caused the last picker to sometimes not be able to pick from the other tavern 修正了ap lm下最後一個角色無法選擇對方酒館英雄的問題 * Fixed a bug with -random and -mm at 59sec 修正了mm random下時間不夠無法選人的問題 * Toss no longer damages wards Tiny的拋擲無法傷害杖了 (啊...) * Butterfly damage from 20 to 25 增加蝴蝶所給予的攻擊力5點 * Fixed a rare Nightstalker -mm bug 修正了一個mm模式下稀有的吸血鬼bug * Chicken autodrops the previous undroppable Black King Bar now 現在小雞會自動把合成好的BKB丟在地上 * Fixed a bug with radiance and Spirit Bear 修正了德魯依召喚的靈魂熊身上攜帶聖衣的問題 * Fixed Presence of the Dark Lord and Witchcraft icons to the proper passive versions. 修正了某些技能圖示不會或不正常出現的問題 (DP) * New Leviathan and Avernus hero description by Terrorblaze and TheMantis 海怪和死騎現在有了新的英雄描述 * Fixed Charge of Darkness to properly stop the charge effect when the target is purged 現在靈牛施展衝刺時,對目標施展purge的話,將會中止靈牛的衝刺 * -ar/-tr now properly says "randomed" instead of "chosen" ar/tr模式下電腦亂數選擇時的顯示修正 * Fixed a very old bug with Morphling and illusions 修正了一個水元素和分身的問題 (很老的問題?) * Fixed a minor issue with -ms after -recreate 修正了在打recreate之後打ms的問題 (move speed is 0?) * Fixed minor casting bugs with Timewalk, Dual Breath and Wild Axes 修正了FV的時空漫遊,雙頭龍的雙重吐息,神獸師的野性擲腐的施展問題 (都是shockwave/breate style) * Fixed various hero acquisition ranges 修正了一些靈氣或增益的影響距離 * Fixed a bug in -mm with Terrorblade and alternate forms 修正了mirrormode下 SOK所產生的問題 -- 呼 -- 無知 就是力量 http://illus.ezdn.cc/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pureblue:厲害! 06/01 15:30
poga:應該是 現在靈牛衝刺的目標被淨化時 不會停下 06/01 15:31
poga:吧? 06/01 15:33
Falair:大推~ 06/01 15:34
Cacodemon:吹杖要花800元的卷軸合~而羊刀只要一百 06/01 15:34
※ 編輯: Illus 來自: (06/01 15:36)
littleeyes:我的阿福被銷弱了...orz 反正原本imba~ 06/01 15:37
rainlover:死騎跟Aov改啥有人知嗎? 06/01 15:40
xanlich:吹終於改弱了,會玩的話,吹太便宜了 06/01 15:43
chairman129:吹吹大nerf 宋啦 06/01 16:02
chairman129:預覽圖那麼帥,淦嘛不給讀取畫面用 06/01 16:03
Connels:改得很好,推 06/01 16:21
kevin628:AV變有趣點了= =+ 06/01 16:36
TaiwanNeko:假如藍色玩家不在的話,下一個玩家可以 06/01 16:36
TaiwanNeko:代替輸入指令... 這有可能嗎? 06/01 16:36
TaiwanNeko:最好是這樣還不RE啦 06/01 16:37
chairman129:米國是個神奇的國家 06/01 16:45
chairman129:不能拿台灣不公平就re的習慣代入啊 06/01 16:46
Attui:Illus 英文強者啊 ! 06/01 17:09
eminem9999k:水喔~!!看懂哩.... 06/01 17:22
ChadMuska:左到右應該是紂王,姬發,天魔,姜子牙 06/01 17:58
nomana:左邊數來第二個是女的耶= = 06/03 14:14