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App 名稱:Animated LockScreen Preview 類型:娛樂 連結: http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=aed8fa1a-6cc4-4c57-830a-702e30fb458a 簡介: Try the new Windows Phone Animated Lockscreen !!! This is a free preview, as the final developer APIs are not yet publicly [...] available (but will be in next days listening to the news ;). The preview contais three lockscreens, a restyled version of the two showed at \\Build [...], and one exclusive from the Full version (the less cool one ;). The full app includes more awesome effects, so stay tuned, as soon as the final APIs will be released, download the FULL version here on the Store !!! Enjoy the power of Windows Phone 8.1. Venetasoft Dedicated to B. & H. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WindowsPhone/M.1406022090.A.AB2.html
Nuaaukw:8.0表示我可以裝?!?! 07/22 17:47
Nuaaukw:很完美的閃退了……(淚奔) 07/22 17:48
MichaelKiske:這是官方版? 07/22 17:53
wysallen:925 8.1 也閃退… 07/22 17:54
Xanvious:4個字:瘋狂閃退,我是8.1 07/22 18:01
alljerry04:我也瘋狂閃退中 07/22 18:10
alljerry04:大概是有甚麼東西沒更新到,有930 或 Cyan的人嗎 07/22 18:10
mcleo:我記得系統要英文語系的@@ 07/22 18:14
heyeal:1520 8.1 閃退... 07/22 18:16
willie183tw:非官方的,這個只是給你試好玩的... 07/22 18:21
lavendertea:920 8.1 pre 沒問題 07/22 18:23
alljerry04:這家應該是和 MSFT 有合作,等官方宣布吧 07/22 18:27
Xanvious:我是英文語系、8.1,在第二步驟之後閃退 07/22 18:27
alljerry04:這個只是先看看效果而已 07/22 18:28
g9245291:930無限閃退中 07/22 18:30
Lusmall:好帥XD 07/22 18:52
niwatorigoha:820 8.1 沒問題 07/22 20:46
edwar:920 8.1 DP 沒問題 07/22 20:56
Lumia925:試好玩的... 07/22 21:06
a495941221:突然可以用了 還蠻酷的 07/22 21:06
polung:1020 8.1DP - OK!給大家試試看的版本,蠻酷的 07/22 21:22
hahababa:這preview有點弱... 07/22 21:32
fischcheng:這不是我前幾篇說的,看看效果而已 07/22 21:42
alljerry04:對啊 07/22 21:44
StUtYao:感覺自我安慰用 以為怎麼620也能裝了 07/22 21:50
joe7254445:這個有更新 07/22 23:28
Joey452:值得期待~超棒的 http://i.imgur.com/wlteBeY.png 07/23 00:33
mina0216:橫條的好好玩 好期待正式出來~~快出阿 07/23 02:40
mcleo:期待正式版,感覺都變高級起來了 07/23 04:40