看板 WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
PORTUGAL Eduardo: 6.5 - Only had a minimal amount of work to do over the course of the match, and when he was tested, it tended to be from weakly struck shots. Easy afternoon. Miguel: 5.5 - Had a horror show of a first half, but wasn’t effectively punished by the North Koreans. Lost control of the ball easily, his passing was sloppy and his crossing was poor. Looked vulnerable defensively in the first half, but such was Portugal’s domination after the break, he had no further worries. Carvalho: 7.5 - Stood like granite in the centre of the Portuguese defence against an attack that proved tough for Brazil to handle. Got himself forward well too, even heading powerfully against the post. Alves: 7 - Not as pronounced in his play as his defensive partner, but just as effective. Didn’t have the driving attacking runs, but those were not needed from the secure centre-back. Coentrao: 8 - Enjoyed a hugely active match down the left flank, where he was most effectively used as an attacking outlet. One terrific ball into the centre nearly brought a goal for Hugo Almeida in the first half, but he ran riot in the second period, nearly registering himself. Tiago: 8.5 - Slow start to the game, but the midfielder soon came into his own. It was his wonderful pass that unlocked the North Korean door for Meireles to open the scoring, and he also made his presence felt from a defensive point of view. Scored a couple of goals after the break to cap a productive evening. Mendes: 7 - For periods of the first half the former Tottenham Hotspurs and Rangers midfield struggled to stop the flow of opposing attacks towards the Portuguese net but did soon get a handle on things. Fancied his chances when in shooting range, but nothing came off. Meireles: 7.5 - The third member of the Seleccao midfield, he was another to start sluggishly but grow into the game. Was the main goal scoring threat due to the excellent timing of his runs. Opened the scoring with a good close range finish and might have had a couple more. Ronaldo: 8 - Anonymous for the most part of the first half, the world’s most expensive player struggled to live up to his tag. What a difference after the break, when the Real Madrid attacker was active in much of his side’s best play, hitting the bar, bagging assists and finally scoring himself. Almeida: 7.5 - Cut an isolated figure alone in the Portuguese attack at times, and was used little more than an offensive decoy at others during the first half. Came to life after the interval, scoring a wonderful diving header. Simao: 7 - Showed fleeting glimpses of skill, but like Ronaldo on the opposite flank, he was generally well marshalled before the break. It was his well taken goal that really opened the floodgates, though the Atletico Madrid winger was withdrawn before full-time. Subs: Veloso: 6.5 – Came on with 20 minutes to go but couldn’t get in on the scoring jamboree. Liedson: NA – Played the final quarter of an hour, scoring with virtually his first touch. Duda: NA – Given too little time to shine. NORTH KOREA Ri Myong-Guk: 3.5 - Nearly embarrassed himself in the early stages of the match when he came to claim a corner kick but got absolutely nowhere near it, and he also looked uncertain with his handling. Obviously leaked seven goals, a number of which he could have done better with. Cha Jong-Hyok: 6 - A surprisingly useful performance from the all-action right-back, at least in the first half. Pushed forward effectively, firing a thunderous shot narrowly wide of the goal but was also strong at the back. Made a terrific back post headed clearance and more or less eradicated the threat of Ronaldo, who had swapped to his wing to try and get some success. Let’s try and gloss over the second half! Pak Chol-Jin: 4 - So disciplined in the Brazil game, the North Koreans failed to hold their shape in the same way against Portugal. Pak was one of the chief offenders, getting tugged too easily out of position and creating gaps that could be exploited. Horrible mistake for the Portuguese sixth goal. Ri Jun-Il: 4 - Made a couple of important headed clearances, but along with the other members of the defensive line, this was very much an afternoon to forget. Schooled by superior players. Ji Yun-Nam: 4.5 - Worried Miguel at stages in the first half, though he didn’ t ultimately get enough of the ball to continue to threaten the shaky looking Portugal right-back. Provided welcome attacking impetus for the Koreans prior to the break, but collapsed totally after the interval. Ri Kwang-Chon: 4 - Had his share of worrying moments, including an early slip that might have cost his side. Did have a mistake punished after the break, when he gave possession away 25 yards from his own goal. Not as reliable as he was against Brazil, but his commitment to the cause was total. An Yong-Hak: 5 - Got back to try and help out his defence on several occasions, though the midfielder did so to mixed results. Made a terrific early block on the Portuguese but quickly followed that up by blocking an attempted clearance, which nearly cost his side. Pak Nam-Chol: 6 - Charged with play a rather defensive role in the centre of the pitch, the holding midfielder lost too much possession in such a key area. North Korea looked vulnerable in the first half, but after he was withdrawn they totally collapsed. Mun In-Guk: 6 - Sacrificed with half an hour remaining, when the real carnage was in the midst of kicking off. Actually enjoyed a tidy enough performance in the first half and was only let down by 15 minutes of poor play after the break. Hong Yong-Jo: 6 - Tried a shot from a difficult angle that proved to be an excellent option as it required Eduardo to make a very smart save to his right. Industrious as one of two genuine centre forwards in the side, the striker shouldn’t be too downhearted with his efforts, though he was well handled for the most part. Jong Tae-Se: 6.5 - Introduced himself brilliantly against Brazil but couldn’ t quite follow that performance up with one of equal quality against Portugal. Struggled to match himself effectively against the defence, which at times shrugged him off well. Always looked a threat and always looked positive. Subs: Kim Kum-Il: 4.5 – Given the virtually impossible task of stemming the Portuguese attacks. Wasn’t up to it. Kim Yong-Jun: 4.5 - Another midfielder introduced after the break, and another flop. Nam Song-Chol: NA - Exposed three or four times in the 15 minutes he was on the field. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jim1029 來自: (06/21 22:22)
RyomaTaco:趕快推 不然人家以為我們看不懂 06/21 22:22
evenblue:XDDDDDD 06/21 22:22
yuyumoon:3.5... 06/21 22:23
alsoty:原來如此 06/21 22:23
handelshieh:北韓守不好Tiago 06/21 22:23
cover543:GK Ri Myong-Guk: 3.5 06/21 22:23
VV11:酷耶 這寫什麼 06/21 22:23
lithaimo:趕快推 不然人家以為我們看不懂 06/21 22:23
leoturkey:鄭大世還有6.5分欸 06/21 22:23
chancewen:C羅拖怪+助攻+得分都有阿 06/21 22:24
shouben:寫的好棒 這啥 06/21 22:24
max9797:說得有道理..........(最好是看得懂啦><) 06/21 22:24
Coldcool:拖怪 XDDDDDDD 06/21 22:25
chancewen:沒說錯阿XD 06/21 22:26
boboleo:贏球的還有人那麼低分,輸球四五個過六分... 06/21 22:26
bear2008:朝鮮:0分 06/21 22:27
betty31024:趕快推 不然人家以為我們看不懂 +1 06/21 22:28
jeff780626:拖怪XDDD 06/21 22:31
hsiangp:推大宗( ′▽`)b 06/21 22:34