看板 WorldCup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
#以下評論皆來自reddit# via: http://goo.gl/dxX1HZ 有錯歡迎指正 謝謝m(_ _)m --- [Germany] afito German lineup in the first half: Neuer 德國隊上半場陣容: 小新  [Bayern München]AwkwardHyperbola  Neuer  Ozil  The classic 1-1-0.  小新  272  110神陣 --- [Germany]db82 Momentarily the biggest fans of the German team: the French National Police and Gendarmerie. 目前德國隊最大粉絲團: 法國警察憲兵隊  [France]TheNoob29 111 points 13 hours ago  I don't know who to go for :/  我不知道該支持誰惹   [France]Is_This_Democracy_   Algeria.   (nothing against you Germans, but you're too scary and it would be way   funnier).   阿爾及利亞(不是針對德國你們啦~只是你們太可怕了而且這樣比較好玩啊)    [France]TheNoob29    but then it will be chaos in France :/    但這樣法國內部會暴動吧     [France]Shriman     I am not sure an Algerian team that beats Germany will be a walkover.          打敗德國佬的隊伍你能小看嗎  [Germany]Turminder_Xuss  Yeah but it's bad business. If they smash all their cars come Friday, we  can sell them shiny new cars.  如果法國週五真的暴動然後亂砸車的話 我們就可以賣他們新車車惹 --- [Argentina]ELJavito I don't want this World Cup to ever end 世界盃不要結束啊  [England]Mc-Diablo  How will Messi ever get to lift the trophy if it never ends though?  不結束你們家梅西一輩子沒法捧杯啦   [Argentina]ELJavito   I'll let future me be mad at present me for having this opinion, god   dammit I love football   讓明天的我苦惱去吧~現在的我就是這樣覺得,我簡直愛慘足球 --- [Germany]rEvolutionTU German commentators keep calling Algeria "Desert Foxes", I think we're forgetting something... 德國球評一直說阿爾及利亞是沙漠之狐 我們是不是忘記什麼了...  [Germany]Feelonaut  Don't mention the war!  不能說出口的秘密!   [Germany]rEvolutionTU   The amount of WW2 and France jokes these matches have to offer is too   damn much to not take stabs at them. <3   這幾場比賽中關於第二次世界大戰和法國佬的笑點實在多到讓人忍不住關愛他們    [United States]messy_messiaho    Who's takin stabs at France?!    誰在針對法國了?     [Germany]rEvolutionTU     Algeria, if they win this.     (sorry)            阿爾及利亞囉(他們贏的話)(拍謝啦)  [France]benMerguez  It's the fennek fox. I guess you're making a reference to Rommel? I just  want to tell you that it's an Algerian animal.  耳廓狐吧 我猜你說的是隆美爾? 我就是路過告訴你那是種阿爾及利亞動物   [Brasil]dPedroII   Rommel was never an Algerian animal. Educate yourself.   隆美爾啥時變阿爾及利亞動物了 砍掉重練吧你 --- [Germany]Thurasiz we don't expect much from our team. 4 wins in a row, starting today, that's all we demand 我們對德國隊沒啥期待啦 從今天開始連贏四場 這樣就好了 --- [Germany]DerKenz I'm calling the german tactic Shitty-taka. It combines the boringness of tiki taka with unsuccessful shitty football... 德國隊的戰術可稱之為tiki-taka(糞作版) 集tiki-taka的無聊和各種失敗踢法於一身  [United States]sdkdk444  Now make a single word in german that means that... :P  能用個德文單字來形容嗎   [Germany]DerKenz   Das "Lowsystem"   勒夫體系唄 --- [Colombia]kikipowa101 I find it funny how Germany is having a fullback crisis and Lahm is playing in midfield. 德國後防起火,拉姆踢後腰,整個超有趣的  [Germany]Feelonaut  Yes. "funny".  對啊潮有趣der --- [Brasil]KuzStuna Today I'm rooting for the underdogs. Go Germany! 今天我支持弱隊 德國加油! --- [Germany]Micoud If we'd get a penalty right now I'm pretty sure Neuer would just be like "fuck all of you" and grab the ball. 好啦如果我們有個點球的話 我覺得小新也會一臉「我**你全家」的搶下球射出去 (感謝Shalone板友指正) --- [United States]5tHorseman This kid is bringing Miguel Herrera levels of energy to the German supporters. 這個小正太簡直墨西哥教練上身一樣點亮整個德國應援區 http://imgur.com/1leOzEP  [United States]Arsenal7X  The most German looking kid I've ever seen.  我看過最德國的小朋友了 沒有之一   []JuergenKohler97   hes like a small thomas müller   根本縮水版穆勒 --- [The Netherlands]terror406 Yes, very funny Germany, pretending you don't know how to play football. 好樣的你們德國人 再繼續裝不會踢球啊 --- [Manchester United]dwight_spirit 小新 http://imgur.com/f2H9WU9 [England]Leeham721 阿爾及利亞門將 http://i.imgur.com/BnGLB3s.jpg
--- 推 kilasophi:有個Ozil那球評論滿好笑的 要配影片http://ppt.cc/0hsV 07/01 19:17 → kilasophi:"you score, no you score, NO YOU SCORE, oh ok" 07/01 19:17 → kilasophi:"你請吧,不你請吧,不!你請啦!喔 好的 得分" 07/01 19:17 → kilasophi:下面一個英格蘭球迷回"恨不得有這種煩惱" XDD 07/01 19:18 --- [Germany]3RDnKING 為什麼今天要支持德國呢? 為了德國妹 為了德國香腸和蝴蝶脆餅 因為主流是支持弱隊 因為阿爾及利亞配不上席丹 他們也配不上你們這些觀眾! 因為德文超有趣 http://youtu.be/ZlATOHGj9EY
為了小豬 為了穆勒 為了272 因為我們不會用雷射光去婊對面門將 雷射是我們用來征服未來世界的!! http://goo.gl/vgRFy  ...好啦開玩笑 德式幽默最棒惹 因為 即使你不喜歡德國有這麼多 但你討厭法國會多~~~更~~~多~~~~ (足球界啦) 只有我德可以阻止法國! 阿爾及利亞旁邊玩沙吧 因為我德在各方面都ㄏㄏ我超強 因 為 希 臘 欠 錢 沒 還 !!!!! http://i.imgur.com/gIzmbBf.gif
...嗯不好意思離題惹 為了啤酒和緊身裙! http://i.imgur.com/4jP93kX.jpg 拿去不謝
總之,德國加油!!! 靈感來源: http://www.reddit.com/user/AkrourTheMagician --- 剛好要下班了 先這樣 謝謝大家(′・ω・`) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WorldCup/M.1404211749.A.B6C.html
tim1112:不說沙漠之狐 難道要說非洲之星嗎(大誤) 07/01 18:53
l81311i:沙漠之狐這外號真的莫名其妙 07/01 18:55
yoshro:德文一定要這麼用力嗎? = =" 07/01 18:56
momocom:啤酒照是怎樣XD 07/01 18:56
ciccio:法國梗真的很好笑 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 07/01 18:57
joey89116:德文超有趣 XD 07/01 19:02
Shalone:最後第二個的意思 我想是說Neuer會去搶那個點球來射 07/01 19:04
Y1999:沙漠之狐就算了,還偏偏對上德國XD 07/01 19:04
leonjapan:還好沒有非常爆笑 07/01 19:04
Shalone:感謝翻譯 真的很好玩XD 07/01 19:06
kilasophi:有個Ozil那球評論滿好笑的 要配影片http://ppt.cc/0hsV 07/01 19:17
kilasophi:"you score, no you score, NO YOU SCORE, oh ok" 07/01 19:17
kilasophi:"你請吧,不你請吧,不!你請啦!喔 好的 得分" 07/01 19:17
kilasophi:下面一個英格蘭球迷回"恨不得有這種煩惱" XDD 07/01 19:18
這個昨天有看到XDDD 但今天不知道為什麼就消失了 來放上去
gruenherz:話說這板上的發言容許度有reddit那麼大嗎? 07/01 19:30
Miralles:Das Lowsystem 好好笑 07/01 19:31
godfight:緊身裙good~~ 07/01 19:50
wl3532:隆美爾表示 07/01 19:57
LebronKing:到底是誰先叫他們沙漠之狐的ww 07/01 20:19
momocom:昨天google的doodle就先用狐狸梗啦 07/01 20:31
terop:隆美爾表示: 07/01 21:13
thedeathhero:手把那個小新是因為FIFA出擊的按鍵嗎? 07/01 21:56
kaz09:樓上 是的! 07/01 22:41
befdawn:原PO有跟polandball XD 07/01 23:06
binsho:XDDDDDDD 07/02 14:50
※ 編輯: kaz09 (, 07/03/2014 11:38:16