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※ 引述《playerj (I know nothing)》之銘言: : 是的,譯者就是最近很紅的洪蘭... (‧ε‧)∫ : 最近看了版上不少討論洪蘭翻譯品質的問題, : 於是我也基於好奇心去查查看我自己有沒有看過她的譯作, : 唯一的一本就是,麥克‧克萊頓寫著恐懼之邦!? : 不過,就我自己印象中這本書我看的時候還滿過癮的, : 而且是欲罷不能,一天之內就把它啃完了。 : 莫非其實這裡面也有不少的翻譯問題?! : 有沒有看過中、英文版的版友出來解惑一下? : P.S. 我本來打算接下來要收奈米獵殺, : 但譯者還是洪蘭...只好先去圖書館翻翻了... ( ′_>`) 翻得還是很爛.... 首先,書名翻成「恐懼之邦」就有問題。state 這裡是「狀態」的意思, 簡體版就翻成《恐懼狀態》。氣候暖化是全球性的問題, 不是單一國家面對的處境,怎麼會把英文單數的state翻成「邦」? 只能說狗屁不通了. 接著看 introduction. The National Environmental Resource Fund, an American activist group, announced that it would join forces with Vanutu in the lawsuit, which was expected to be filed in the summer of 2004. It was rumored that wealthy philanthropist George Morton, who frequently backed environmental causes, would personally finance the suit, expected to cost more than $8 million. Since the suit would ultimately be heard by the sympathetic Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, the litigation was awaited with some anticipation. 以下中文翻譯來自遠流的官網: http://www.ylib.com/book_cont.aspx?BookNo=E0302#pp5 洪蘭: 美國的一個環保團體「國家環境資源基金會」(NERF),宣布將與萬那杜聯手控告美國環 保署,他們計畫在二○○四年夏天提出告訴。億萬富翁慈善家喬治‧摩頓拿出一千萬美元 支持這件告訴案,籌組法律團隊並積極準備這場官司。 評: activist group 是激進團體,或基進團體 (許多activist喜歡用這個詞) 環保團體雖然幾乎都是基進份子,但畢竟不是一回事 It was rumored that who frequently backed environmental causes Since the suit would ultimately be heard by the sympathetic Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, the litigation was awaited with some anticipation. 以上都沒翻。 一千萬美元 是打哪裡來的?原文只說訴訟預計會花超過800萬。 「籌組法律團隊並積極準備這場官司」,又是洪蘭的創作。 No official explanation for the failure to file has ever been given either by Vanutu or NERF. Even after the sudden disappearance of George Morton, an inexplicable lack of interest by the media has left the circumstances surrounding this lawsuit unexamined. Not until the end of 2004 did several former NERF board members begin to speak publicly about what had happened within that organization. Further revelations by Morton’s staff, as well as by former members of the Los Angeles law firm of Hassle and Black, have added further detail to the story. Thus it is now clear what happened to the progress of the Vanutu litigation between May and October of 2004, and why so many people died in remote parts of the world as a result. 洪蘭: 萬那杜或環境資源基金會從來沒有提出任何解釋。在摩頓突然失蹤後,媒體的興趣缺缺, 使這個案子沒人關心了。一直到二○○四年底,幾位參與這項計畫的人員透露了一些消息 ,現在終於明瞭二○○四年五月到十月之間,萬那杜律師團隊工作進展的情形,也終於明 瞭為什麼在世界遙遠的角落有這麼多人因它而死亡。 評: No official explanation 洪蘭:從來沒有提出任何解釋 沒有提出正式的解釋 inexplicable lack of interest by the media 洪蘭:媒體的興趣缺缺? 出錢打大官司的大人物突然失蹤,媒體居然會沒興趣報導, 背後一定鬼,所以說難以解釋inexplicable former NERF board members 洪蘭:幾位參與這項計畫的人員 NERF的前任董事 連board members是什麼意思都不知道,難怪她得辭去公共電視的董事職務了 speak publicly about what had happened within that organization 洪蘭:透露了一些消息 公開談論該組織內部所發生的事情 Further revelations by Morton’s staff, as well as by former members of the Los Angeles law firm of Hassle and Black, have added further detail to the story. 整句沒翻。洪蘭是不爽翻呢,還是看不懂? 短短不到一頁的「序幕」,就可以有那麼多翻譯的毛病,後面會怎麼樣, 還需要多說嗎? -- There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
w854105:覺得標題還好欸,翻「邦」是因為原書名有「國家」雙關吧? 07/26 18:25
w854105:記得在大學的什麼課上有聽老師舉例過。 07/26 18:26
widec:state是暗指美國吧 本意就是政府-媒體-環保操弄恐懼愚弄百姓 07/26 20:24
decorum:這本書的反派是生態恐怖份子 美國政府對暖化的政策是搖擺 07/26 21:49
decorum:不定的 07/26 21:49
valenci:還好我知道board member 07/29 20:47
valenci:原文八百萬美,翻成中文通膨成一千萬美元。 11/20 10:22