看板 media-chaos 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.voanews.com/english/2006-09-12-voa8.cfm Sit-In Continues at Taiwan President's Office 靜坐仍然在總統府持續著 By Steve Herman 史帝夫賀曼 Tokyo 東京 12 September 2006 2006 九月12日 A round-the-clock sit-in is continuing at the presidential palace in Taipei, where protesters are demanding that Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian resign. 一個抗議者們希望台灣總統陳水扁能夠辭職下台的不分晝夜的靜坐,仍 然在位於台北的總統府持續著。 It is the fourth day of a sit-in outside President Chen Shui-bian's office in downtown Taipei. 這是這個在陳水扁位於台北市區中心的總統府外的靜坐的第四天。 Protesters shout slogans denouncing Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian during the fourth day of a sit-in, Tuesday 抗議者在禮拜二,第四天的靜坐中,高喊要台灣總統陳水扁下台的口號。 The demonstrators, who numbered in the tens of thousands on Saturday and Sunday, have dwindled into the hundreds as the workweek begins. But organizers say the persistence of the protest is more significant than its size. It is led by a former head of the president's own Democratic Progressive Party, or D.P.P., Shih Ming-teh. 抗議者在禮拜六和禮拜天是數以萬計的,到了開始要工作的日子,就已 經急速下降到了幾百個左右。不過主辦單位說這抗議活動的堅持是比人數 更強烈的。這個活動是目前執政的陳水扁所屬的民進黨的前黨主席施明德 所帶領。 Mr. Shih says the demand for President Chen to resign is clear from the fact that even in heavy rain, so many protesters have showed up. 施先生說這活動所要求的要陳辭職的訴求是很明顯的,因為即便雨很大 ,還是抗議者錢來。 However, few political analysts expect the sit-in alone to force the unpopular leader from office. Mr. Chen, after all, has stood firm for months in the face of allegations of corruption and other scandals involving himself, his family members and his aides. 不過,有些政治評論家預期這樣的靜坐只會使不受歡迎的政府官員受到 壓迫罷了,畢竟陳先生,已經在好幾個月關於指控他貪腐還有一些其他包 括他自己還有他的助手、家人等等的醜聞中挺立很久了。 Political science Professor Chu-cheng Ming of National Taiwan University says some want to take stronger action. 台大政治系教授明居正說有些人想要更強烈的動作。 "There are some radical voices saying that perhaps a sitting demonstration will not lead to anything at all, so perhaps they should go for more violent and more high-profile action, which is a call for a general strike," he said. 「有一些激進的聲音說也許這樣的靜坐示威並不會改變什麼事情,所以 也許他們應該要作一些更暴力,還有更明確的行動,那就是要一個全面性 的罷工。」他說 Premier Su Tseng-chang on Monday warned against any strike, and said everyone should respect the rule of law. 閣揆蘇貞昌禮拜一警告了任何的罷工,並且說每個人都應該要尊重法律。 Taiwan has formally been known as the Republic of China since 1949, when the Nationalist government fled to the island from the mainland as the Communists came to power. Under President Chen, the D.P.P. has advocated independence for the self-governed island, although he has stopped short of a formal declaration. China, which regards Taiwan as a renegade province, says any move towards independence would be cause for war. 台灣從 1949 年以來,是被當成「中華民國」來看到,當國民政府在共 產黨奪權(執政)之後,從大陸播遷(逃難?)到這個島上。在陳水扁總 統之下,民進黨要為這個實際上自治的島嶼提倡自治,即便這樣的舉動在 缺乏一個正式的宣告下而暫緩了。認為台灣是其反叛的一省的中國,說任 何往獨立的舉動都是引發戰爭的行為。 Despite Beijing's dislike of Mr. Chen, Professor Ming says the communist leadership will have mixed views on the political turmoil in Taiwan. 即便北京不喜歡陳先生,明教授說共產黨的領導者其實在看台灣騷亂的 時候,有著許多混雜的看法。 "The communist regime would like to see Taiwan be caught in a situation like this, because then we'd be split internally," the professor said. "We will not be one voice against (the) mainland at all. But, on the other hand, this is something that they're afraid of - peoples' voice, peoples' power. They would hate to see that happen in their own society - it may be contagious." 「共黨政權會喜歡台灣變成這樣的情況,因為他們會被劃歸成內政問題 ,」明教授說。「我們就根本不會變成對抗中國的聲音之一。不過另一方 面,這樣也是他們所害怕的事 -- 民意、民力。他們討厭看到這樣的事情 在他們的社會裡面發生 -- 這是會傳染的。」 Mr. Chen's son-in-law has been indicted on suspicion of insider trading and taking bribes. The president's wife is under investigation for allegedly accepting gift certificates from a Japanese-owned department store in exchange for lobbying efforts. 陳水扁的女婿被指稱懷疑他有內線交易還有收取賄賂。總統夫人也在接 受收受一個日本所有的百貨公司收禮以換取遊說的調查。 Prosecutors are also investigating the president himself, for the alleged misuse of public funds. Mr. Chen, whose second and final term runs through 2008, denies all wrongdoing. 檢察官同時也在調查總統本身,調查其濫用國務機要費。陳先生,他的 任期會在 2008 年期滿,否認任何犯罪行為。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Thirteen:邱先生加油 你跟江先生的戰鬥現在才開始呢 09/13 14:46
bookishyi:沒有轉換成中文的文法,讀起來不太順...(不好意思喔) 09/13 15:00
nobody:我知道 我很懶XD 09/13 15:11