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泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美! http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR4/3925085.shtml http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/070711/2/h50t.html 【聯合報╱編譯夏嘉玲/報導 製圖】 ---------------- The world's most ambitious projects They're big and bizarre and bold and... buildings (not space ships, despite appearances) http://tinyurl.com/2dd94h 這是泰晤士報的原文,實際上是用戲謔的口吻在評論每一棟所選出的建築物 我覺得新民報的標題比較妙『全球最強悍工程』 以下是對於北京鳥巢的段落,最好是"handsome"可以翻成「美!」 (北京機場那一段也沒什麼好話) 2008 OLYMPIC STADIUM, BEIJING Herzog & De Meuron If anyone knows about the ability of a command economy rolling in money and cheap labour to achieve the architecturally impossible, it's Herzog & De Meuron. Even as you read this, an army is slaving day, night and every second in between so that the viewers at home will have something pretty to look at in the background while the runners are limbering up at the Olympics next year. Vital statistics 330 metres (1,083ft) long, 220 metres wide, 69.2 metres tall, 250,000 square metres in area, 100,000 capacity. All well and good, but havethey got as many lavatories as Wembley? Beauty or beast - Let's agree on “handsome”. Will it change the face of architecture? Herzog & De Meuron are test-driving countless technological advances through it, all to realise their dreams of an architecture whose facade and structure are one. The wow factor - Well, the Lea Valley's got a job on its hands. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Happyboy101:你這文章想表達什麼? 給你及格分好了 07/12 18:06
rockywoo:簡單說就是一篇加料的外電新聞 07/12 18:11
rockywoo:聯合報的記者可以考慮一下重修英文閱讀 07/12 18:15
mstar:各大報翻譯外電消息都會自行加料或自我解讀,已是常態 07/12 19:33
alcoholic:你的英文理解能力似乎比記者更慘... 07/12 20:50
carsen:handsome形容建築多半是堂皇典雅 翻成「美」就差太遠了 07/12 22:06
rockywoo:所以呢 就像蝦仁蛋炒飯都有加硼砂 沒什麼好大驚小怪嗎 07/13 00:05
Thirteen:原po你英文強不強 我不知道但是你可能不知道 在評論藝術 07/13 10:08
Thirteen:評論都非常機車 雪梨歌劇院 玻璃金字塔 當年也被批的慘 07/13 10:09
Thirteen:對於藝術的評論 尖酸刻薄是這行的一貫作法 那什麼是好的 07/13 10:11
Thirteen:藝術大作呢 你在笑我在笑大家都在嘲笑的作品 以後就會變 07/13 10:12
Thirteen:萬古流名的大作 畢卡索 印象派當年被嘲笑的什麼一樣 07/13 10:14
Thirteen:之所以會這樣 是因為藝術有他非常獨特的性質 07/13 10:15
u9161031:抵銷吠噓 07/13 12:31
rockywoo:所以樓上到以要噓什麼 07/13 12:34
carsen:評論慣例是一回事 這篇新聞是編譯外電就應忠於原文 07/13 13:24
ninetales:評論是你家的事情吧? 外電本來不應該加料! 07/13 15:50
mirandaliu:推一下 外電應該忠實翻譯..~ 07/14 00:25