看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
時空錯亂,訪談內容也亂翻。 山姆雷米的訪談是談論當年 Spider-Man 3, 《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起》(The Amazing Spider-Man)系列的導演是 Marc Webb, “It’s a movie that just didn’t work very well,” he told Chris Hardwick on the Nerdist podcast. “I tried to make it work, but I didn’t really believe in all the characters, so that couldn’t be hidden from people who loved Spider-Man. 山姆雷米是說他自己無法相信那些角色,無法對那些角色有信心 不是痛批演員,導演自己都不相信角色了,當然無法對於愛好者隱瞞。 “If the director doesn’t love something, it’s wrong of them to make it when so many other people love it. I think (raising the stakes after ‘ Spider-Man 2′) was the thinking going into it, and I think that’s what doomed us. I should’ve just stuck with the characters and the relationships and progressed them to the next step and not tried to top the bar.” http://bit.ly/1wNScOv Variety http://www.polygon.com/2015/1/2/7481563/spider-man-3-sam-raimi-messed-up 訪談文字內容可以看以上兩個網址 Marvel 也沒有拿回來,根據流出內容,是有談過合作企劃,但是並未成局 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1420353633.A.9B7.html ※ 編輯: alljerry04 (, 01/04/2015 14:41:16
qn123456: ETtoday那篇真的是本日最爆笑新聞 01/04 14:44
SevenSins: 呼~ 原來看不懂上面那篇並不是我的問題 01/04 15:36
LaBoLa: 希望上面那篇不要流出國外 會被笑死 01/04 16:33
wtao: 我剛剛看還以為這記者是在說哪裡的方言... 01/04 16:37
WMstudio: 記者吳家寧/綜合報導 記者吳家寧/綜合報導 01/04 18:04
devin0329: 記者吳家寧 01/04 19:20
obersterver: 就ETTODAY是製造業啊 01/05 01:27
evilraistlin: 當初蜘蛛人3就是塞了太多角色才會烙賽阿... 01/05 17:07
qazxswptt: 誰暴飲暴食不勞賽 小學生都懂這道理 但是高層不懂XD 01/05 23:03