看板 paranormal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
傳奇?准???Prepare for Change??西?行??? 2分鐘前? 【地球盟友】【柯博拉】2014年3月27日訊息【自由能源誕生!】Free Energy Revleaed 自由能源誕生! We can confirm that the Fix the World Team has produced a working overunity device, called Quantum Energy Generator (QEG). Yes, it works: 我們證實修復世界團隊已經成功打造了一台可用的超輸出裝置:量子能源發電機(QEG)。沒錯,它已經正式運轉了: You can read more about the QEG here: 大家可以在下面的部落格學習更多QEG的相關知識: http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/qeg-open-sourced/ And download detailed plans how to create a working QEG unit here: 大家也可以下載QEG的技術文件,打造全民自由能源網路: http://hopegirl2012.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/qeg-user-manual-3-25-14.pdfIt would be good that QEG open sourced manual goes viral and that as many QEG units are constructed independently as soon as possible. So if you want to have an overunity device, do not wait for mass production to bring it to you, start building your unit now: 誠摯希望QEG的公開技術文件可以廣為週知,傳遍全世界。讓QEG盡快地在地球的每個角落紮根。如果大家想擁有一台超輸出裝置的話,請不要等別人大量生產之後送到自家門口。現在就挽起袖子,準備開工吧: http://fixtheworldproject.net/start-your-own-qeg-production-unit.htmlFix the World Team is searching for capable individuals or groups that can bring QEG units to the people worldwide on all scales, from small mechanical workshops to large production facilities. People with such capabilities can contact the Fix the World Team here: 修復世界組織正在尋找有能力推廣QEG到全世界的個人和團體。不論是小工作坊或者是大工廠,任何有心有能力的人都可以透過下方的連結與該團隊接洽: http://fixtheworldproject.net/contact.htmlYou can also support the Fix the World Team by helping them bringing free energy to the word: 大家也可以利用下方的募款平台,幫助修復世界組織推廣自由能源到世界的每個角落: http://www.gofundme.com/HopeGirlFixtheworldQEGThe Light Forces have requested that as many Event Support Groups as possible begin constructing their own QEG units as soon as possible. These Event Support Groups will then serve as transformation nodes that will help the planetary transition into the new overunity society. 光明勢力現在要求全世界的事件支援團隊盡早著手打造QEG。這些有建造經驗的事件團隊將會是引導世人的光之燈塔,引領人類進入嶄新的超輸出社會。QEG is not the only overunity device that will be released. There are many more projects being prepared behind the scenes and production and distribution networks on all levels organized, from garage mechanical workshops to global enterprises. If you have large scale production or distribution capabilities, contact [email protected] and we may include you in one of our projects. QEG不會是唯一公開亮相的超輸出裝置。現在幕後的光明勢力正在為自由能源馬力全開地安排各種形式的生產和經銷網路;從車庫大小的機械工作坊,到全球化的新能源企業。如果您有能力大規模量產和經銷自由能源裝置,請來信[email protected]。您將有機會成為我們的專案夥伴。Let there be Light! 讓自由之光點亮全世界! 翻譯: Patrick Shih 華人區事件聯合行動團隊導航: http://return-to-light.yolasite.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/paranormal/M.1396021498.A.F6F.html
ccc73123:你PO在這幹嘛 趕快跟馬英九說 這樣就不用蓋核四了 03/29 00:08
C2C:早就通知政府高層了。 03/29 00:17
ayers1609:那可以叫他們不要理服不服帽 搞這個就贏了阿 03/29 03:37
bohun:XDDDDDDDD 03/29 08:43
tp6g4:支持通報政府,核能議題、石油危機、地球暖化一次解決! 03/29 17:50
C2C:全世界的政府都得到自由能源的設計圖,卻擋下。現在靠民間了! 03/29 21:05
ccc73123:真好笑 如果美國政府拿到怎麼可能不用 用這個當武器 03/29 23:48
ccc73123:不用50年美國就可以統治地球了 03/29 23:48
C2C:你還不算笨。美國沒有在使用嗎?但世界還有別種勢力! 03/30 01:55
ccc73123:你的邏輯到底是哪一顆星球的阿XD 03/30 02:59
nightkid:我累了 03/30 09:03
tp6g4:別這樣,說不定推文的人不是他,而是他被外星人操控的聲音XD 03/30 14:42
h73o1012:根本是步進馬達發電機而已,啥量子,騙小 04/07 03:28
Syd:說政府擋下那開個記者會宣布一下啊 網路即時轉播也很方便 04/14 12:20
Syd:視訊那麼方便,連記者都不用叫來採訪,網路上問一問都行 04/14 12:21
wcdtw:google QEG自由能源用戶手冊中文最終版 04/18 01:02