看板 weiyin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源(金鶯官方臉書):http://0rz.tw/phU8n Tim Greenwood Mr. Chen has done a phenominal job as a ROOKIE!!! Can you imagine moving to Taiwan, not knowing the language & then show extreme humility by taking the blame for every loss in a truly team sport like baseball. That's what this young man has done in Baltimore, in a totally new culture and well, he simply didn't have his stuff on a few pitches tonight. I'd bet money on him the next time he takes the mound. GO BIRDS!!! GO MR. CHEN!!! 12 小時前 身為一個菜鳥,陳偉殷已經有驚人的表現了。你能想像你搬到台灣,完全不懂當地語言, 然後在棒球這種完全是團體的運動中,每一次球隊輸球後,都歸責於自己,展現非常謙卑 的態度。這就是這年輕人在巴爾的摩,一個全新的文化,所做的,他不過是今天在幾個投 球上沒投好。我在他下次投球時還是會拿錢賭他贏!加油金鶯!加油!陳偉殷!!!! *看完整個痛哭流涕 Donna Thomas Smith That's okay. We'll get 'me tomorrow night 12 小時前 沒關係。我們明天會贏 Scott Skidmore 2 place is better then last place 12小時前 第二名總比最後一名好 Brian Farmer Don't forget we still have a chance in the wildcard too. A fallback plan to the playoffs, if you will. 12 小時前 假如你願意的話,別忘了我們在外卡還是有機會進季後賽的 Brian K Valor You forget Chen did give up 7 but not all 15 the last 2 times he pitched against the yanks. The last time he left with the lead. And Strop blew it 12 小時前 你忘了陳偉殷確實是丟了七分,但並非總共丟15分(有點不太懂他意思?上次對洋基不 是丟三分還四分?) Jake Radford Offense looked good. Pitching had an off-night. It happens. Get 'Em tomorrow O's! 12 小時前 打擊看起來不錯,投球今晚不如平常水準 但總會發生的 加油吧金鶯! John Harris Chen looked tired. Not crazy about the Saunders/Sabathia match-up on Sat. 12 小時前 陳偉殷看起來累了,對明天桑德斯/沙胖對決一點也不感到興奮 Jessica Stanley Its only one loss boys! Weve got this! Theres NO WAY the dirty yanks are going to stand in our way of the WORLD SERIES!!! NO WAY!! Go O's!! :) 12 小時前 只是輸一場而已!我們已經打得很好了!絕對不能讓下流的洋基在我們前往世界大賽的路 上阻擋我們!絕對不能!加油金鶯:) Charles Matthews It's baseball nobody wins them all.that's why it's a series,and we still got a shot of taking first place before we kick there butts out of Baltimore. 12 小時前 這就是棒球阿,沒有人能全部都贏的,所以才叫系列戰啊 我們在把洋基踢出巴爾的摩前還有機會拿下分區第一 Charles Matthews We're not Yankee fan's,nobody needs to be fired just because we loss a game. 12 小時前 我們又不是洋基球迷,不會有人只因為輸了一場球賽後就要被開除 Mike Wilkinson We were hoping to just get a season above .500 and guess what REAL fans.... you got it! Being in the running for the division is no more than a bonus this year. Congrats to Buck and the whole team for exceeding our expectations this year! Us true fans support you no matter what happens #OSFANFORLIFE 12 小時前 我們以前只希望能夠超過五成勝率,然後猜看看發生什麼事?球迷們?它成真了!今年競 爭分區冠軍可不是bonus!恭喜Buck還有整個團隊,你們今年 已經超乎我們預期!身為一個真球迷,會一直支持你們,無論發生什麼事 Joe Driver All the naysayers writing the team off over one loss need to go root for someone else and quit your crying on this page. Plenty of room on the Red Sox bandwagon right now - go bug those guys for a while. 11小時前 所有在球隊輸一場球賽後就開始唱衰的人,你們需要去支持其他隊,別在金鶯的粉絲夜哭 腰。紅襪的樂隊還有很多空間,去為他們瘋狂吧 Calvin Mitchell You know you are a orioles fan when half the people give up on them after on frickin loss.That stuff makes me sick.Try being loyal or leave this page.Know one wants your negativity 10小時前 身為金鶯球迷的你知道,金鶯球迷有一半人在球隊輸一場球後,就對球隊放棄了。這種廢 物讓我覺得很厭煩了,要嘛就對球隊忠誠,要嘛就離開去找其他想要這麼消極球迷的隊伍 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
f0150628:令我感到最欣慰的是沒有很多老外在責怪陳偉殷 09/09 00:28
pajerojoe:好感動 09/09 00:45
terryex:推辛苦翻譯,也推這些情義相挺的外國網友 Q_Q 說話真中肯 09/09 01:13
quakelin:金鶯球迷真不錯!希望陳下一場能以好的表現回饋球迷 09/09 02:53
Nanoha:有這樣的球迷相挺真感動 09/09 03:03
agsdf:金鳥球迷很愛陳偉殷呀 就算他爆炸 也都不會很多人罵他 09/09 04:21
yungwena:太死忠了吧@Q@ 09/09 10:58
smartchao:好歹陳也帶領金鳥贏了12場阿 不然現在可不會在這個位置 09/09 11:50
dr4100:真感動QQ 09/09 15:20
wind72626:如果是在養雞場~輸一場大概就被酸爆... 09/10 09:00