精華區beta Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Visual Design http://dev.chromium.org/user-experience/visual-design Golden ratio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio 黃金分割 http://0rz.tw/072xf 上面說到Chrome是用黃金比例來打造的耶,全文如下: While the following is very rough because of gradual changes over time, rounding errors, and because highlights and shadows make it hard to judge perceptual distances, our design started based on the golden ratio. In the diagram above: C = GR * B B = GR * A As the titlebar fills up with tabs, 'A' becomes the only grabbable area for the window. This may prove to be too small for most users (user study results are encouraging, however), so this may change. 看來Google真的是一個兼具藝術美感以及科技時尚的公司 XDDD -- 雜七雜八的kewang部落格 http://kewang.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: kewang:轉錄至看板 Google 09/03 20:07
cckagt:我是看不太懂...不過GC的配色.....我不喜歡 @@ 09/03 21:05
cckagt:最底層的藍色太亮了點..看久眼睛不舒服 我倒是希望能自訂 09/03 21:06
norlan17m:我覺得還好ㄟ...把螢幕調暗一點就好 09/04 00:07