精華區beta Browsers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Highlights for this release: Google Chrome now supports the video tag. --auto-spell-correct flag will fix common typos like "teh" for "the" in the blink of an eye. Various bits of UI clean-up (toolbar and dangerous download bar paint issues). Multiple crash fixes. Known Issue: The font in the browser's user interface is very small in most non-English languages. This will be fixed in the next Dev channel update. (Issue 12309). Version Changes: WebKit - 531.0 V8 - Gears - [via] http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=777246 -- He HA HA HA HA HAHAHA | | AHAHAH Why So Serious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You're Just A Freak, Like Me! HAHAHAHAHAHAH There's a Batman, woo he wanna play. come on! I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? THE DARK KNIGHT http://www.thedarkknight.com 08.07.17 (18) Taiwan (US) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
andrewhanks:這算是正式版嗎? 05/28 10:29
ICEFTP:應該算alpha或beta? 05/28 10:30
alljerry04:開發版本 05/28 10:57
alljerry04:Chrome分成 穩定 測試 開發 05/28 10:58
sate5232:用dev就就可以自動更新成這個了 05/28 13:00
SCYAzure:google很積極在更新阿@@ 05/28 13:21
kaoh08:版本號就快超越Fx了.. 05/28 14:26
Zas:請問有什麼特別的新功能嗎? 05/28 22:44
karst10607:http://tinyurl.com/qqol9a 05/29 00:14
Equalmusic:為什麼 Google 忽然對瀏覽器這麼執著阿, 真有趣 XD 06/01 03:14
Equalmusic:不過 Windows 版都 3.0 了...Mac/Linux 連個影子都還沒 06/01 03:15
showww:MAC版已經出了 06/01 12:30
showww:http://0rz.tw/3RzXu 連Linux版也出了..o__o 06/01 12:32
showww:資料有點錯誤..MAC/Linux官方版還沒出 目前的版本好像都是 06/01 12:42
showww:部份人自己改的..像是這個 http://0rz.tw/PYpWu 06/01 12:43
ateclean:瀏覽器市場先打下來 接著的線上服務才能一波波推出 06/01 14:10
ateclean:如果要玩小花樣的話 就是讓IE或其它的瀏覽器不完全支援 06/01 14:11
ateclean:藉以服務的吸引性推動瀏覽器普及 普及之後再繼續推新服務 06/01 14:12
ateclean:一波一波的推進 接著順利進入Google online-OS 06/01 14:13
ateclean:最後統一地球XD 06/01 14:13