精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
德服已經更新了, 不知道何時會更新到我們這... 主要是調整job的難度(主要是變難),還有增加一些新的job,然後地點也會重洗. 貼個官版的資料如下 I highlighted some of the new <<< old difficulty values Name wage experience lucky danger difficulty Pigs guard 3 1 0 1 1 Scaring Birds from the Field 1 3 2 20 0 Posters affixed 2 3 0 10 0 Tobacco pluck 6 1 2 2 0 Cotton picking 1 4 0 3 1 Sugarcane beat 5 2 4 1 3 Fishing 1 0 6 2 3 Cereal harvest 2 6 2 4 10 Berries collect 2 6 5 6 15 Tending Sheep 3 5 0 2 11 Newspapers sell 6 1 2 1 8 Corn picking 4 7 8 5 22 Beans pick 9 7 4 5 22 Fort guard 3 9 2 7 25 Gerben 12 15 5 18 41 Gold mine 11 3 5 7 31 Dig graves 16 12 22 9 77 <<< 31 --- (Money, XP, Luck are increased) Hunt turkeys 3 14 7 21 43 Tracks embarrassed 10 18 5 10 46 Cowboy ? 5 17 0 11 38 Repair fences 7 11 5 6 35 Stone mining 17 8 9 33 54 <<< 38 --- Luck increased from 2% to 9% Tree Cutting 18 5 2 21 48 <<<36 Cattle surge 8 25 0 35 51 Install Barbed Wire Fence 17 13 6 0 60 <<<47 --- Money increased from 13% to 17% Gemstones search 25 7 8 4 77 <<< 57 --- Luck increased from 0% to 8% Carving out Claims 31 4 4 29 59 Wagon repair 5 23 42 11 141 <<< 68 --- Luck goes from 16% to 42% Breaking in Horses 13 32 10 52 75 Trading 15 3 25 12 87 <<< 62 --- Money increased from 9% to 15% Setting up Telegraph Poles 21 25 3 14 77 Beaver hunting 32 17 6 21 125 <<<82 --- Money increased from 20% to 32% Coal mining 30 14 0 13 89 <<<75 River Fishing 6 23 23 38 94 Building Railroad Station 12 47 7 15 119 <<< 110 -- Money +3% and XP +6% increase Building Windmills 42 43 6 18 172 <<< 100 -- Money increase +19% and XP increase 13% Exploration 1 45 22 37 118 <<< 108 Rafting Wood 23 45 0 52 145 <<< 110 -- XP increase from 37% to 45% Building Bridges 17 33 18 53 113 Catching Horses 29 45 0 42 143 Building coffins 42 8 15 20 125 Transport Ammo 23 12 64 93 155 <<<136 -- Luck increased from 55% to 64% Coyote hunting 15 43 26 45 150 Buffalo hunt 24 62 0 72 191 <<< 143 Trading W/ Indians 11 14 63 34 239 <<< 176 -- Luck increased from 57% to 63% Clearing the Forest 62 8 9 16 188 <<< 166 Silver mining 76 8 0 32 207 Guarding the Stagecoach 34 77 45 43 442 Wolves hunt 21 63 15 67 223 Protecting the Settlers trek 10 60 30 33 229 Horses steal 64 34 18 43 257 Prison guards 25 35 38 4 228 <<< 206 Evangelizing 5 61 52 77 255 <<<232 Ponyexpress 15 48 51 44 244 Selling Guns to Indians 15 35 72 82 280 Plunder corpses 14 14 90 34 289 Grizzly Bears hunt 25 78 35 71 306 Drilling Oil 83 25 20 7 321 Treasure hunt 20 20 83 24 319 The army 55 76 17 35 328 People steal 48 50 74 66 408 As mercenaries working 92 52 23 65 365 Bandits chase 28 75 85 83 425 Raid 78 27 78 86 465 Stagecoach hijack 43 73 95 67 529 Bounty Hunters 92 32 79 72 472 Transportation caught 23 69 85 44 481 Train hijack 67 87 92 96 564 Burglar 80 34 81 26 573 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
shaldrem:恩恩 我也有看到 不知道大洗盤之後會怎樣 11/19 01:53
shaldrem:最怕是技能又要重洗 聽說最傷的是獵熊人 11/19 01:53
dakkon:有沒有連結看一下? 11/19 01:57
god145145:當個快樂的挖墳人 11/19 01:59
lice0225: 不知道技能能不能開放重點 11/19 02:03
floater:死最大的會是純戰鬥職, 更沒法做job了.... 11/19 02:27
scannol:啊啊啊~~~我的陷阱人才半完成啊 11/19 02:29
edward1207:和印地安人交易也變難好多阿.... 11/19 09:15
crueangel:不知道旗子打到的機率會不會高一點= = 11/19 09:34
teves:現在已經很難換新工作了跟解任務了,這樣一搞不是更難- - 11/19 09:58