精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
防雷頁 本集重點: 1) Trilogy final!!! 2) 為啥禮物是墨鏡啊? 片頭,五光十色的賭城, 賭場裡的保全無視監視螢幕,默默的看著野生動物大世界, 監視螢幕裡一名年輕女子驚慌的逃入電梯裡, 之後步出電梯、穿過客房區,走過大廳, 走到了通往花園的門廊,遭到攻擊, 終於看到螢幕的警衛手忙腳亂的打電話,但是已經太遲了......。 布拔到達現場,打電話找烤魚,語音信箱, 布拔: This is Brass. Shouldn't you already be here a few hours ago? Anyway, come as soon as you can. 結果烤魚在一家賭場門口拿著Madeline的照片, 到處問有沒有人看過她, 很不幸的願意搭理他的人都是妓女小姐們, 某個額角受傷的妓女問烤魚能不能給點她錢, 說他幾天沒吃東西了,烤魚拿了張鈔票, 還在跟女生討價還價說要她跟他去clinic處理傷口時, 囧尼駕著車出現了,女生趁機拿了鈔票就跑。 囧尼: Ray, do you have your phone? 烤魚: Yes. 囧尼: Did you forget how to use it? You didn't answer. What are you doing here? 烤魚: (出示Madeline的照片) This is why I'm here... 囧尼: Madeline Brris? You've been back from New York for ten days! 烤魚: This picture is took at Paso Bill Casino about a week ago. She's here. Madeline is in Vegas. 囧尼: Have you contacted with her mother? 烤魚: Not since New York. But I promised I'll do whatever I could to help her... 囧尼: All right. Take the call first. After the work, I'll be back with you and we can pass out a few more pictures, O.K.? 烤魚囧尼來到現場, 被布拔揶揄了一下說是在哪個轉角slow motion了嗎? 然後布拔注意到有些妓女經過, 說她們一定是從ho-vine知道了消息,就上前盤問去了。 (ho-vine是hookers的簡訊扣機系統) 烤魚判斷凶器是刮鬍刀刀片。 然後大衛也到現場了,很神奇的辨認出死者, 大衛: This is Dede Chaze. The weather reporter from Barstew. Dede always makes me laugh... 烤魚很疑惑的說氣象小姐怎麼會以這麼標準的妓女形象死在這裡? 囧尼: These days... seems like everybody has a second job. 小葛、凱姐跟大衛在處理屍體,在後頸發現一個新鮮的心型刺青, 大衛: (非常感慨) I'm sorry... but I don't believe Dede is a hooker. Maybe... she just likes things being a little dangerous? 烤魚跟囧尼在看監視錄影帶, 某個被看見跟Dede在一起男生只是隨機遇上的房客, 兩人一起上樓後Dede又反悔溜走了,案發當時男子在賭場正玩的開心。 小哈出現,說追蹤一名McDonwell。 布拔詢問McDonwell,原來他是Dede的同事,兩人有婚外情, Dede想要逼他離婚,他不願意,就這樣把Dede從賭城大街上趕下車去, 後來Dede沒有回到工作場所,他開始擔心了,才又回到賭城來; 布拔要McDonwell寫在他人在賭城時所有出沒的地方、出沒的時間, 包括刺青店,McDonwell一臉疑惑的看著布拔。 布拔: We found a fresh tatoo on the neck back of Dede. McDonwell: She hated Tatoos. She said they make women look cheap. 凱姐在調查刺青,但是所有相似的圖案追查到的刺青師傅都是Unknown。 然後,溫蒂不可置信的看著自己檢查到的DNA結果... 溫蒂: Ray, you had better take a look of this. 烤魚: ? 溫蒂: The DNA from the blood on Dede's earrings comes from Madeline Brris. 烤魚、凱姐、小葛跟囧尼一起討論案情, 小葛提出可能說也許Dede被丟下街後這幾天跟Madeline住在一起, 耳環其實是Madeline的,所以才會在上面發現她的血跡。 烤魚問說Dede是在哪個街口被丟下的,是15街, 烤魚: I guess we know that where we can find more pimps tonight. 於是烤魚、凱姐、布拔跟囧尼一起來到那附近的聲色場所, 凱姐感慨了一下時代變化(back to my dancing days...), 連舞場都可以淪陷的比以前更沒格調。 XDDD 烤魚跟囧尼很哀怨的回來說沒人願意跟他們透露點什麼, 凱姐說那就想辦法製造點什麼, 囧尼: (微笑) Let's go talk with the girl on the stage, Brass. 兩人接近在舞台上跳舞拿錢的紅髮女子, 囧尼拿了她身上的錢,變魔術一樣的用試管搖一搖, 說有古柯鹼,然後就讓布拔用這個名義把女子抓走了。 烤魚回到局裡,Madeline媽媽出現了... @@" 媽媽: Why don't you tell me you found Madeline in Las Vegas? You said you'll let me know if there is any development. 烤魚: It's just a picture... that is took a few days ago... It's not something promising or... that provides hope... 媽媽: Just don't decide for me what information I can handle with! 烤魚: I understand. (遞出照片) 媽媽: (看著照片哭了出來) That's her... she's with a police! Why didn't she call me? I don't care what she is done. I just want to bring my Maddy home... 布拔他們利用追蹤被抓進牢裡的紅髮女子打的電話,找到了幕後的pimp。 女子: They said there is coccaine on the money! 男子: Every bill in America has coccain on that! Stupid bitch! 但男子總之還是把女子保出來了,布拔跟烤魚得以跟蹤到一戶民宅前。 烤魚邊監視邊照了相傳回局裡,小葛馬上調查, 保出紅髮女孩的是Susan Samuels,眾所皆知的職業老鴇, 男子是她兒子Anthony Samuels,然後小葛注意到一件事... 小葛: Ray? He's wearing Madeline Brris's earring. 於是布拔跟烤魚帶著警方衝進去啦! 布拔跟烤魚聽到一扇門後有呻吟聲, 打開發現裡面是被打的渾身是傷的紅髮女生Diane。 警方要把Anthony跟他旗下的妓女們押回局裡時, 烤魚拿著Madeline的照片問那些女孩有沒有看過她, Anthony: That's right, ladies. You help out cops anything you can! 天殺的當然沒有人敢說話,烤魚於是只好在房中搜尋, 他拉開了某張床單,下面的床墊正中央是一攤血...... 烤魚回局裡檢查切割床墊; 凱姐跟囧尼在房子內搜尋, 囧尼檢查現場球棒上的指紋,凱姐則找到幾個皮包; 警方跟小葛則在屋外搜尋, 小葛在烤肉爐的磚塊後只到一只箱子,裡面有大量現金, 還有,Dede的駕照...... 布拔詢問Anthony. 布拔: You know, we have a lot of things in common. Both of us are in the family business. I guess I'm lucky that I'm not in a pimp family. Anthony: I'm not a pimp. 布拔: ... Oh, yeah? Your finger print is all over the bat. We found a box. There are 67G's in cash. And, Dede Chase's driving license. Anthony: Oh yeah, that girl is partying with my girls a few days. She asks a place to stay. 布拔: Did she also ask you to beat, rape and sell her? Anthony: Hey, no! 布拔: (丟出Madeline的照片) She is one of your girls? Anthony: Never seen her. 布拔: Then why are you wearing her earrings? Anthony: I think Mom bought that for me. Mom bought everthing on the street. 布拔: (丟出床墊的照片) Look, if the blood is from Madeline. You're in such deep trouble. 凱姐跟囧尼去醫院詢問Diane,她拒絕合作。 Diane: My fault. I shouldn't call from the jail. 凱姐: Look, you can go back to school. You can get a straight job. You don't need to live under his threats. He already killed a girl. Diane: No! Anthony, he never do anything like that. You don't understand him! That Russian can put Anthony in a hole in the dessert. That Ryssian can put holes on a lot of people. Anthony doesn't care. He fought for me! 囧尼: That Russian? Diane: ...Get out here. You're messing everything up. (激動起來) 囧尼: Nurse? (護士趕來打鎮靜劑) Diane: Anthony... he loves me. Diane昏睡過去了, 凱姐: Nick. Help me roll her over. (凱姐看著她後頸刺青) This tatoo is larger than any other Anthony's girls. I think it is for covering... 凱姐用紫光一照,果然,紅心刺青下是一個蝴蝶刺青...... 囧尼: Pimps treat their girls like livestocks. If someone steal their cattle and tried to mark as theirs. It will start a ranch war 溫蒂告訴烤魚說,床墊血跡不是Madeline的, 但是有13對allele DNA吻合...... Madeline流產了...... 烤魚: Anthony bought Madeline without knowing she's pregnant. So he feels ripped off. And he took that off. 溫蒂: Do you think she survived that? 烤魚: The blood on the mattress is about a pint of blood... 布拔從檔案找出蝴蝶刺青是一名Dimitri Sadeskey旗下的標誌, 於是烤魚跟布拔去找這位Dimitri先生, Dimitri原來還輕輕鬆鬆的在跟布拔周旋, 看到烤魚在後面查車就開始緊張了。 Dimitri: Let me tell you something, Brass. What I leanred from women. Inside, they're all whores. They like to hear what they want. They like to have what they want, jewelry, clothes... And you know how to get the whore emerge. You tell her that there is a easier way to get that, and look her licks her lops. 烤魚找到了可以扣押Dimitri車輛的跡証,於是布拔把人跟車都押走了。 車子被拖回局裡, 囧尼從車子的GPS找到了一個沙漠裡的座標, 烤魚則發現了血滴過儀板表面後滴到下面的血跡。 凱姐則再次查看Dede案件裡的監視錄影帶, 發現當晚跟蹤Dede的人,赫然就是Diane。 於是凱姐跟布拔回到醫院詢問Diane... Diane: I knew I should threw the perse away. I just couldn't do that. It's my first gift Anthony bought after our first dating. 凱姐: Dating? Diane: Yeah, he courted me. He wrote me those little poems. He said he'll marry me. We can move to Hawaii. All other wifey will make money for us... That all changed up when we picked up Dede. 原來,那天Dede被趕下車後遇上了Diane和Anthony, 他們把她帶回房子,然後用脅迫的方式要她賣淫,Diane還打了Dede, 結果,Anthony完事後居然把對Diane說過的那些話對Dede全說了...... 之後,Dede被帶出去交易的第一晚, Diane暗中監視,卻發現Dede其實是要利用機會逃走... (回憶畫面) Diane: (花園裡) You can't leave Anthony! Dede: Come with me! You really want live with him? What's the problem of you? 結果Diane動手殺了Dede... (回憶畫面結束) Diane: Anthony told me he loved me. Nobody had ever said that to me before. 凱姐: ......(一臉不忍) 囧尼跟烤魚來到了那個詭異的沙漠地點。 烤魚: It seems a odd place to seek butterflies. 囧尼: It's a good place to hide a body. 烤魚: (收到簡訊) We had the DNA from the blood on the SUV. It matched Madeline. 然後囧尼發現了屍體...... 局裡,烤魚詢問Dimitri。 烤魚: We found four female body. As if murdering them is not enough, you had to tourched them, too, right? ...... Where is Madeline? Dimitri: This girl meant something to you, right? I am cooperative. 烤魚: If you're thinking to escape from death penalty with some trade... Dimitri: (微笑) As a token of my good faith, I can tell you. I got the girl from Anthony as an exchange of Diane. But... only to save face. I can see her commercial value is destroyed already. So... easiest thing was to let her go. So, I was not such a that bad guy, right? 凱姐、小葛、溫蒂跟小哈在拆烤魚邁阿密紐約行帶回來的禮物, 是墨鏡哩!!! 小哈戴上了一個兩邊有巨大棕梠樹裝飾的墨鏡搞笑。 外頭,囧尼跟烤魚並肩走在走廊上, 烤魚說Dimitri提供的名單讓邁阿密跟紐約都得以逮到某些人, 囧尼: So we did do something good. 烤魚: Yeah, we did. I just don't understand... If Madeline come out freely, why doesn't she go home? 囧尼: You know, after all things happened, they come out changed and feel ashamed. They think nobody wants them again. You know what I mean? 烤魚: Yeah... (想到什麼似的跑開) 囧尼好奇的跟過去。 囧尼: What're you doing? 烤魚: (低頭打字) I'm using the ho-vine. Anthony must gave every girl one of those machines. 囧尼: You think she still keeps that? 烤魚: I don't know. But it is a hope. 烤魚的訊息是這樣寫的: This is for Madline Briss. You don't know me. But I know your mother. And she wants you know this... She still loves you, no matter what you had done. She wants you come home. - Lengstan 一個女孩嗤之以鼻的刪掉了, 一個女孩看了看也刪掉了,去搭訕一個在玩吃角子老虎的男子... 一個...... 一個Madeline出現在警局外。 烤魚: (原來正準備去開車) Madeline? Madeline: You're Lengstan? 烤魚: (點頭) Madeline: (哭) How can I go back after all those things happen? 烤魚: All you have to do is.. walk through the door.    (伸手) Come on. 最後,Madeline邊哭邊走向烤魚,烤魚給她安慰的抱抱。 本集心得(兼總結心得): 1) 不錯不錯,第一次三家橫貫,故事都接的上,每家店的風格又都沒有跑掉。 霹靂火店吃虧在第一個出場,不能玩大場面, 但是何公威能跟婦孺救星特色依然明顯,幾個甘草角色也都很好笑~~ XDD 蘋果店每個人本來的性格啥的都琢磨的很好, 在故事裡恰如其分的扮演那個角色該有的應對; 今天本店結尾,本店特有的無奈案件產品依然存在, 烤魚總算慢慢的給人感覺是一份子而非劇組主打星了。 總結來說沒有讓人的期待失望,所以要給阿邊掌聲鼓勵鼓勵~~ 2) Diane那個傻女孩說從來沒有人說過愛她那裡實在讓人心疼啊... 最後那些沒有人在等她們回去的女孩刪掉烤魚的簡訊那裡也讓人很無奈/哀傷... 也許Madeline還是該說是幸運的,母愛果然很偉大! 3) 為什麼土產是墨鏡,然後就算是墨鏡烤魚你買給小哈的那是啥鬼!!! ^^" (難不成是何公推薦的?很難想像啊~~~~~~ Orz) 4) 是說超級大魔王Zetas到底會不會由霹靂火店季末解決哩??? (本家看來是手術醫生殺手,蘋果看來是指南針殺手了咩...) (而且幫派火拼這種東西還是要老何才做的到啊,看阿編怎麼玩囉?) 以上,功德圓滿啦~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:辛苦了 這三集真的有每家分店的風格 結局也很棒 11/13 13:03
malisse74:雖然知道最後一集不太可能出現和Zetas周旋的劇情 11/13 13:04
malisse74:但最後只定位在「把女孩找回家」還是有「啊 就這樣?!」 11/13 13:05
malisse74:的感覺 話說每次看到Madeline都讓我想到中島美嘉... 11/13 13:05
malisse74:我個人是覺得故事應該是結束了... 11/13 13:06
tonylin:推功德圓滿(戴起墨鏡緩緩黏起導演椅飄走) 11/13 13:49
CTSMITH:沙漠得屍體怎沒追究呢??不是都有DNA了?? 11/13 14:08
chaostheory:H:Los Zetas Justice, meet Miami Justice (bang) 11/13 14:09
chaostheory:Miami土產墨鏡真的滿XD的.... 11/13 14:11
TX55:禮物是墨鏡XDDDDDDDDDDDD 11/13 16:53
empty999: 墨鏡當禮物!!! 哈哈哈!!! 11/13 19:17
pisacat:To CTSMITH: 那是Dimitri幹的啊,我不覺得他會沒事耶~~ 11/14 01:35
cloudie:邁阿密土產就是墨鏡啊!!! 送的真貼切XDXD 11/14 13:09
frairy: 中島美嘉+1 11/14 14:04
leepingyo:話說希望有包子 H 烤魚三人墨鏡大合照~(菸) 11/14 14:05
macheal:沙漠那個有dna也不一定找的到啊...所以那個才會說可以合作 11/16 19:08
coffeebean19:終於看完三部曲了,話說莎菈怎麼沒有出現?? 11/16 20:11
tinga:我也覺得zetas應該會留給老何收拾吧 哇哈哈 11/16 23:24
Schematic:所以Madeline是被人家從Zetas買來,再轉給俄國人囉? 11/18 02:19
Schematic:到底....俄國人是不是Zetas中的一員呢??Dimitri會放 11/18 02:21
Schematic:Madeline離開也是很奇怪...看完後疑惑更大 11/18 02:22
meteor77:好可惜沒看到NY跟MI的合作~不過還蠻精彩的 11/19 01:50
meteor77:只是最後好像沒有犯人受到應有處分的感覺(MI看太多了XD) 11/19 01:51
meteor77:拆禮物那段蠻有趣的~墨鏡真的頗有笑點的 11/19 01:53