精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
防雷頁 話說昨天紐約重播Triangle那集。 本集重點: 1) 呃,Football? 2) 實驗室老鼠兩隻出勤去~~ XDDD Football比賽,兩軍對陣,開始跑跑撞撞。 教練叫暫停,把其中一名隊員叫來吩咐, 球員將球丟出,最後一秒,贏啦~~ 教練被人舉起來,超開心的。 下一幕,一具鬧鐘開始喊叫, 男子起身,按掉鬧鐘,渾身是寫的去刷牙...(鏡子反射超可怕的! >"<) 接著男子到了咖啡,走到門外去拿報紙, 一名年輕人開車到了門前,下車驚訝的看著男子, 年輕人: Coach? Coach, are you O.K.? 囧尼跟大衛到達現場檢視屍體,死者是Mustang對的教練Miller。 大衛: My father took me to my first game when I was seven. This is Coach Miller's first name, too. My father love this man. 凱姐進入屋內搜查, 沿著血跡腳印上到臥室,烤魚正在那裡, 蹟証顯示教練遇襲時應該是正在床上躺平的, 兇手下手很狠,教練的血濺的整個床頭櫃跟上方的天花板都是。 凱姐: He still remember to turn off the clock, to pour himself a cup of coffee, and to go out to pick up the newspaper... but not to call 911. 烤魚: You know how it is the head wounds. 兩人繼續交談,安全系統顯示是六點多被關掉的。 烤魚: I taught a class there when he won his second champion cup. Everybody loves him and treats him as God. 凱姐: Even God has his enemy. 小葛跟莎拉去處理從湖里拖上來的車子的案件。 莎拉: (走向湖邊對小葛說) Did you find Nimo? 小葛: Not unless your Nimo is Beemo. 車內有一名紅衣女性死者,證件顯示為Paige,19歲。 駕駛座的安全氣囊是打開的,顯示女子死時並非獨自一人。 布拔詢問第一個到達現場的年輕人,他是校園安全巡邏員, 他說因為Miller教練常要南征北討,所以一直都是他幫教練拿信件報紙什麼的, 當天早上他是順路去看看教練怎麼樣。 布拔: It's you turn off the alarm? 年輕人: Was it bad? 布拔: Oh, yeah. 犯罪現場黃線外聚集了一群球員、球迷...... 凱姐與其中一位看來在掌管秩序的傢伙說話, 凱姐: I'm sorry for your loss. Pal: It's more than a loss. It's a tragedy! Coach Miller is the precious one. 凱姐: So you're familiar with Coach Miller, who're you? Pal: Pal, I'm the present of Buster Club. "Your team is your family." Coach always said that. His wife left a few years ago and they have no kids. 凱姐: So he lived alone? Pal: Not really. His house is alway full. He likes that. 然後Pal還說Coach Miller讓他親密的球員及朋友們都知道備鑰藏在哪, 然後只是凱姐去找到了藏在假石頭匣裡的鑰匙。 囧尼跟羅賓爺爺在一起, 羅賓爺爺向囧尼解釋了頭部重傷的發展過程, 囧尼: Thanks for ruining another breakfast for me. 羅賓爺爺: That's what I'm always doing. 兩人沉默數秒...... 羅賓爺爺: Come'on, you're not going to ask me the Zombie thing? 囧尼: (笑) You're longing to tell me. Just say it. 於是羅賓爺爺解釋說Miller教練受損部位在reasoning的腦內區域, 造成在死透之前死者可以進行部份慣例性的行為(像刷牙、倒定時煮好的咖啡之類的)。 小葛莎拉在查車,小葛從駕駛座發現一把0.38的Smith&Wessen, 莎拉趕緊打電話找Mandy(因為這把證物已經沉湖很長一段時間了,受損嚴重)。 Mandy: This is the most exciting thing I got this week... Wow... the damage is serious, but I gonna give it a try. 烤魚跟凱姐在教練的房裡搜索,凱姐看著一大堆的獎盃獎座。 烤魚: ...Yet most academists and scientists like baseball more. I supposed it's because of poetry. 凱姐解釋了下她為啥看football: And I like their butts. 烤魚囧了,看了凱姐一眼沒說話。 接著凱姐眼尖發現一個獎盃的基座有奇怪的痕跡,烤魚拿起查看,發現指紋... 凱姐: The cover-up always leaves behind evidence. 指紋是那個校園巡邏員的,布拔找來問話, 並出示說該年輕人從Coach Miller那偷走了一顆football,正在網上拍賣。 巡邏員: Captain, do you know how much university pay for campus security. 布拔: So? Coach Miller got you and you killed him? 巡邏員: No, no, I love Coach Miller. Don't say around like that! 羅賓爺爺在莎拉小葛負責的女屍體內找到玻璃碎片, 顯示副駕駛座的玻璃確實是在Paige還活著時碎裂的, 水流順著呼吸進入呼吸道。 莎拉告別羅賓爺爺正要往外走,剛好囧尼走進來, 囧尼: Hi, Sara. Wow, (看到那具面目全非的屍體) how's it going? 莎拉: I'm..um...kind under water those days. Have fun on campus! 囧尼: Thanks... 囧尼比對了碎片跟教練擁有的獎盃紀錄, 發現兇器是"Coach of the Year" Trophy。 烤魚去找小哈,詢問小哈調查的現場血鞋印結果。 (教練是赤腳的,所以腳印一定是兇手的) 小哈: Size 12. Galaxy One. Last year's model. (開心的抬腳) Mine is current. 然後烤魚說他要找阿奇幫忙,結果走到阿奇的辦公室, 看到開開心心跑過來的小哈,原來阿奇人在Iowa啦! 於是兩人坐下開始檢視教練跟他的四分衛Calvin Crook的電郵交流。 小哈: Rumor has it that Calvin wanted to cut off his senior and went to draft directly. 烤魚: But he stayed... 兩人找到了那幾封電子郵件,看來Calvin曾就這件事的變卦向教練求援, 但教練卻回說: The loyalty to your team is more important than money. Money waits for talent. Finish your education. 然後教練還轉了一則新聞,是一名年輕人Andrew Jimenez死亡的消息。 烤魚跟布拔於是去找這位Calvin, 年輕的四分衛正慷慨激昂對球隊演說: I'm hurted too! We'll honor coach by put the Cougar in the ground. So what should we do? 球員們: Win!!! 烤魚詢問Calvin那些事情,Calvin只說Andrew的新聞讓他感到生命短暫, 於是他選擇做正確的決定,"Our decision made who we are." 小葛跟莎拉向凱姐報告他們的假設, 他們認為之前在湖邊發現的男性死者就是駕駛, 當車子沉入水中時,Paige被安全帶卡住了, 駕駛領悟到要救他們兩個的方法必須自己先脫困, 但Paige卻以為那男人是要丟下她離開, 於是她隨手抓了槍開槍想要打破玻璃, 玻璃是打破了,可是嘗試想要救她的男人, 卻因為剛好當時在車窗附近,而重槍身亡。 凱姐看著男子的檔案: Andrew Jimenez。 小葛跟莎拉利用水缸跟果凍人模擬水中射擊,證實他們的理論是對的, CSI齊聚一堂絞盡腦汁的想這兩個案子是怎麼纏在一起的, Andrew跟Miller沒關係,Paige是名妓女,跟Miller的形象也不符。 然後囧尼留意到湖裡的車是台Beemer, 話說Coach Miller也是開BMW的車... 烤魚說BMW是贊助大學球隊的大金主,然後找到了當地的廣告, 廣告上赫然就是那個叫Pal的傢伙, 廣告詞"You can always trust your Pal." 囧尼跟布拔去找Pal先生, 他正招待一群球員在他後院Party, 他承認幫球員找過Paige,讓他的黃金男孩們可以滿足, 布拔問說是哪個男孩, Pal: She moved around the room, you know what I mean? 小葛莎拉回到湖邊,莎拉發現Lakeside Pizza的T恤, 小葛在樹叢裡找到一隻鞋,鞋底有Pizza醬汁, 莎拉很疑惑的問說如果是從水裡浮上來的,那醬汁應該被洗淨啦? 於是兩人了解到他們的理論的錯誤, 駕駛另有其人,Andrew是路過,看到意外,脫了衣鞋下水救人, 結果卻被Paige勿傷而亡,至於謎樣的駕駛根本就只是自顧自的跑了。 莎拉: Right place, wrong time for Andrew. 囧尼跟Calvin面對面, 囧尼指出Calvin 4/15那晚就是跟Paige在一起, 然後囧尼推測Calvin像個懦夫似的跑了, 但這件事被Miller教練知道了,於是Calvin為了自己的名聲痛下殺手。 結果Calvin說,當晚他根本沒能把車開出Pal家, 他跟Paige還在車上纏綿時,Miller教練出現了, Calvin: He didn't yell at me... but it might be better if he did. (回想畫面) 教練: I'm not angry at you, but I'm disappointed. You cannot play football for me like that. So are the rest of you! (對其他在Party現場的球員大喊) Come'on, get your pants, let's go! Pal: Hey!!! 教練: Pal, you never were at where those boys are. And you never will. Stop trying. (回想畫面結束) Calvin: Coach Miller is an amazing guy. When he told you what to do, you just did it. I went back to colledge. So I decided to play for Mustang the last season. Trust me, Sir. If I'm next to the car, I'll do everything I could to save the girl. 囧尼看來心事重重,烤魚剛好經過,囧尼叫住烤魚。 囧尼: Hey, Ray, have you ever play football. 烤魚: ... Um, yes. But with the feet. Tonk, tonk, tonk. 囧尼: Oh, soccer. 烤魚: I don't call it soccer. 烤魚說起跟他老爸以前在各個部隊派駐後院玩球的事。 烤魚: So, how about you? 囧尼: Yeah, I played a while... I understand football players, but I'm not so sure about this Calvin Crook boy. 烤魚想到了什麼,於是跑向休息室,溫蒂跟小哈正在用餐。 烤魚: I need a couple of volunteers. 溫蒂: (很開心的說) O.K. I'm in. (烤魚沉默的看著一聲不吭的小哈) He would be love to. 小哈: Hey! 烤魚解釋說,兇手一定會回到他熟悉的地方, 在這個案件裡就是校園內,如果要找凶器,就得從這地方找。 小哈: What ia almost a mission impossible. 溫蒂: Hey! That's a good theory, Ray. 烤魚: Let's go. 小哈: I'm eating...(哀怨) 烤魚: There's plenty of food where you go. 布拔找了Pal來,布拔告知Pal說他們發現他的槍跟一具屍體沉在湖底。 Pal: Sounds like you're accusing me something. 布拔: I'm not accusing you anything. I'm just charging you with one women's death, and maybe the first level of murder of Coach Miller. Pal: Now that's not funny. 布拔: I loss my sense of hummor when it comes to murder. Tell me about Paige. Pal: It was an accident. Pal說男孩們走了以後他送Paige回家, 後來色心大起,邊開車就邊摸了過去,結果車就衝進了湖裡。 (回想畫面) Pal搖下車窗,解開了安全帶爬出去, Paige: You can't leave me! (抓住) Pal: Let go of me! (甩開) 他踉踉蹌蹌的上了岸,剛好經過的Andrew看到他上前關切, 他告訴Andrew說車裡還有個女孩,Andrew便衝了過去, 結果他看到Andrew不動了,嚇得把男孩的衣鞋往草叢塞, 然後就騎著男孩的腳踏車逃回家了。 (回想畫面結束) Pal: I'm not a brave man. It didn't make me a bad guy. It just made me human...    When that kids show up, I think he's gonna save my ass. 布拔: So this kid died to save your girlfriend... and you didn't even call 911. Pal: It's better to be an alive coward. 布拔: Then what about Coach Miller. Pal: He was there when I got home. He wanted me to call 911. I told him all those coincidence, the party, the boys, the body... will just hurt his team. So he agreed to cover up. That is his only fall in his life... And even then, he did it for the team. 烤魚、小哈、溫蒂去搜查校園裡的垃圾車。 (背景音樂: I think I smell a rat~~ XDDD) 小哈: (找到了那個獎盃凶器) Touch down! 溫蒂: Nice job. 小哈: You know I'm not a CSI, by choice. 溫蒂: (在另個垃圾袋裡發現血鞋) Hey Hodges, I think it's probably the best. 最後,烤魚跟Calvin面對面,證據顯示這男孩是兇手。 烤魚: Evidence showed... you killed Coach Miller... Even though we don't know why... it doesn't matter. Calvin: It matters to me! All I've been learned, all I've know, is football. Coach Miller is naive. No one keep their loyalty today. Coach Miller had everything to cover me. So I agreed to play the last season. 烤魚: Then? Calvin: He stopped play me when there is the chance for me to shine! 烤魚: Can't you stop thinking about only yourself? Carring a secret around like that isn't easy for a guy like Coach Miller. Every time he looks at you. He was remained about his hypocripsy. Calvin: I have to think for myself. Everyone does. I won't apolog for that... But, if Coach Miller is here, he would say: "Calvin, you need to take the responsibility for your action." I'll do that. I own him that much. 烤魚: Then you did learn something. 本集心得:1)啊我期待的萬聖節惡搞哩? ~>"<~ 從頭到尾就溫蒂跟小哈出勤那裡好笑...(背景音樂真的很賤!XD) 2)其實烤魚看起來還滿適合玩Football的。 女王的發言還滿驚人的,但是我還是不愛看Football... 虧我們學校去年又破紀錄的拿冠軍說(攤手聳肩)。 話說三家店crossover的日子近啦~~(灑花) 目前廣告只確定看到老何烤魚面對面,包子大哩???凱女王去找嗎???(搖尾巴) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/30 11:22)
zyxel:這麼快就07喔 ... 10/30 11:36
malisse74:今晚趕回家看 結果一開電視就被一顆血淋淋的頭嚇到 10/30 11:39
pisacat:05...是05...我被最近一堆重播搞昏了...Orz 10/30 11:46
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/30 11:46)
chaostheory:烤魚才Lvl2就可以直接烙Wendy和Hodges出勤 @_@"... 10/30 13:18
zyxel:special guest star : Jorja Fox 所以Sara還沒正式歸隊囉 10/30 13:40
tonylin:Sara本來就是客串方式回來的啊....所以不進片頭算OK吧 10/30 16:39
cita:對啊,看烤魚才剛加入就一副老大的樣子,實在很不爽編劇:( 10/31 08:30
el4e8d:烤魚這個菜鳥竟然對9年以上經驗的凱姐說:你知道頭部傷害的 10/31 20:08
el4e8d:情況了吧 我真的囧到爆了 10/31 20:08
zomb12:一開始就應該把烤魚的角色設定為擁有多年資歷的CSI鑑識人員 10/31 21:44
zomb12:而不是一個新加入的菜鳥,否則就不會有這麼多矛盾...。 10/31 21:45
peruman:這及一開頭真的令人不寒而慄 10/31 22:44
peruman:又 烤魚的醫學背景應該是足夠讓他凌駕其他人員 只有爺爺 10/31 22:45
peruman:能比吧 不過編劇這樣真的不太好 應該循序漸進 10/31 22:46
TinaJones:我想問的是 這一集的教練到底是什麼樣的人啊? 有勒索嗎? 11/01 13:33
ariachiang:沒有啦,教練是良心不安,球員是"做賊心虛+只想到自己" 11/04 23:10
Schematic:那個贊助商跟球員真的是爛人兩個 11/05 01:19