精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
防雷頁 本集重點: 1) 相當本店風格,唉~~ >"< 2) 囧尼春天的機會!? 3) 溫蒂想申請跑外場耶~~ 一人在路上奔跑,嘗試要爬過圍牆, 卻給人扯了下來,痛毆到滿臉是血。 凱姐跟囧尼抵達向現場, 傷者正被送醫,囧尼跟著去了解狀況; 凱姐進到現場,布拔正在詢問報案的黑人女子, 布拔告知凱姐說傷者名叫Tommy Bakers, 黑人女子說她跟"男友"那時經過該巷弄, 然後發現滿身是血的Tommy倒在地上... 布拔: Where is your boyfriend? 女子: ... He ran away. Didn't scape me a tip, that's ok... Hey, focus on that kids, O.K.? 囧尼在醫院遇上一名自稱為Mark的男子, 他說他是Tommy的哥哥,表現的非常緊張, 囧尼把他遣開,進去詢問Tommy, 囧尼: Could you tell me what happened? Do you know who did this to you? Tommy沒回答,囧尼於是繼續說他將開始採證、照相, 結果Tommy忽然爆炸了,還摔了囧尼的相機。 Tommy: Get the hell out of here! Huh? Leave me the hell alone! 於是囧尼只好回到犯罪現場, 凱姐: That's fast. Victim isn't cooperated? 囧尼: Mr. Bakers went nuts and attacked my camera. Maybe he just be traumatized. 兩人開始採證。 小葛、烤魚在另個現場,某間起煙的商店裡, 好不容易等到自動火警灑水系統停了,兩人開始檢視店裡的屍體。 小葛: Victim is only slightly toasted. If someone tried to burn all this out, he did a terrible job. 烤魚: The fire... might be a second thought. 兩人留意到店裡的監視錄影機,看來是直接與櫃檯的電子系統連結記錄的, 烤魚打開錄影機帶子所在匣,空的。 烤魚: Tape is missing. 小葛: How surprising. 大衛到了現場,死者身分確認為Wayne Smith,是該間店的主人。 小葛: So, Wayne is here to open the store, somenody comes in... 烤魚: Or somebody is here already... 小葛: Bulgury? 囧尼到了Tommy的家,開門的是Tommy的媽媽, 很明顯的大白天就大醉了, 媽媽: Can I get you anything to drink? 囧尼: ...No. No, I'm fine. 囧尼嘗試要問出Tommy的下落,因為他昨天拒絕治療後就跑了, 結果醉鬼媽媽根本一問三不知,然後Mark回到了家。 Mark: Mama, what are you doing here? How did you get in? 媽媽: Get your hands off me! I want see my baby! 囧尼搖頭看著Mark把他媽請出去,然後嘗試去察看Tommy在不在他房間, Mark: Mr. Stokes? I'm sorry for your camera... 囧尼: I'm not worried about my camera. But I have other cases to take care. I'm not running through town to play hide-and-seek with your brother. You found him, you call me. O.K.? 小葛跟烤魚清查著火警現場,烤魚一路往後查看, 在收銀機附近調查的小葛碎碎唸著他發現的跡證,結果卻得不到回應。 小葛: ... so why didn't he put the gun there... Leigston? Ray? O.K. I can answer myself. "Look, Greg. Cops pull you over and then see the cash, that's fine. But if they see a gun, you're in jail." Oh, now I found a Serial number under the box of cash register! People use it so that cops have a thing to match. "Thanks, Greg." You're welcome. 此時在後面的烤魚發現後門是鎖上的,但是後窗沒鎖,於是有人也開始自言自語。 烤魚: Some times when God closed the door. Satan opens the window. 小葛: I'm glad that I'm not the only one talks to himself. 小葛找到一個袋子,上面有血跡,一打開裡面全是珠寶名錶之類的東西。 小葛: Looks like Wayne doesn't make his life by just selling TVs. 烤魚: I don't think this is a random hit...... 烤魚指出兇手似乎相當熟悉現場,知道窗戶沒鎖、知道那包東西...... 警局裡,Wayne的妹妹Jesse在跟我又忘了名字的警探先生談話。 Jesse: Do you know who killed my brother? I mean, do you have a suspect? 警探: Not yet. Do you have any clues? Jesse: No... our folks died when I was 13. Wayne had to quit the school to run the store. ...Can I go? 警探: Actually, CSI will get in to get your finger print. Just for exclusion. Then I can give you a ride home. 凱姐跟囧尼在討論案情, 凱姐: He was a runaway. A drunk mother. 囧尼: Yeah, I met her. She still is. 凱姐: How does he behave in hospital? 囧尼: He seems embarrassed anout it. Won't do any good if he refused to testify... 凱姐想起現場的精液,推測說或許Tommy想要白嫖那名黑人妓女, 結果被她的經紀人痛揍了一頓? 結果溫蒂走進來,說現場的血跟體液混合的血跡都是同一個人的, 合理推測就是Tommy,但是...精液不是Tommy的,而是另一個男人。 凱姐: ... He refused the treatment. He went home, took a shower, and according to his brother, he refused to talk what happened. If this were a women, what would you think? 囧尼: ...I think she was raped... 凱姐到醫院,拿到了Tommy的血液樣本。 囧尼則依據布拔給的名片去找一位victim service的小姐, 女子對囧尼頗為不友善的... 女子: Looks like it doesn't matter now if someone is in her lunch. 囧尼: Um... I could come back later. 女子: No, no. This is the first time that we have a CSI here. 女子匆匆給了一些建議,跟囧尼說男生被強暴一般不會願意承認, 看的出來她不太喜歡囧尼,囧尼問完問題要走的時候忍不住了, 囧尼: What is yout problem? 女子: I've seen you guys walk across the scene and make crack jokes. I still see human, yet you guys only see evidence. It makes you professional scientists, but it also makes you not seeing people. 囧尼: Look, I look for evidence to help people, O.K.? Good luck on your lunch! (轉身就走) 女子: (有點動搖,叫住囧尼) Give him my card.    He might be willing to talk with a woman. Keep another one for yourself in case you have other questions. 溫蒂看起來很沮喪,原來是因為她想申請為CSI的要求被艾禿打了回票, 即使她有來自老葛跟凱女王的推薦信也一樣。 小哈上前關心,還自薦說可以去跟艾禿談談。 溫蒂: No, thanks, I can talk to him myself. 小哈: You sure? We're in the same book club. Conard happened to respect my opinion. At least when Pride and Prejudice and Zombie are concerned. 溫蒂: I thought you against me to move from a lab rat to a field rat? 小哈: I just want to watch you happy. (離開) 溫蒂微笑。 烤魚跟羅賓爺爺在一起驗屍, 結果發現Wayne在火災發生時還在呼吸,槍傷並未讓他立即死亡。 烤魚謝過羅賓爺爺要走, 羅賓爺爺: Show ain't end yet. (拍手,燈光暗下) 羅賓爺爺拿著螢光燈照屍體,跟烤魚說他發現Wayne臉上有巴掌的瘀青。 羅賓爺爺: Most man don't slap, they punch. 烤魚: You suggest our killer is a woman? 羅賓爺爺: Maybe. (拍手,燈又亮了) Now is the show ended? 烤魚: Not yet. (烤魚拍手,燈又按了) 小葛查手錶序號,查到了一家夜店去,他跟警探先生前往現場, 原來很多Wayne那的戒指珠寶名錶什麼的,都是從那兒的舞孃偷的。 Wayne跟其中一名舞孃在交往,舞孃看來完全不知道Wayne私下做的事, 舞孃: I'll tell you where his store is. 警探先生: Actually, there is no need. He's dead. 舞孃: Oh, oh my God... 小葛、囧尼、凱姐跟烤魚齊聚一堂, 因為溫蒂很擔心的說她擔心證物交叉感染了, Wayne那的血跡驗出了Tommy的DNA,Tommy那的精液驗出了Wayne的DNA。 烤魚: Any chance the two cases are not related? 小葛: Knowing Wendy's working process that she opens only one bag a time. I'll sat it is impossible... 溫蒂微笑。 囧尼: O.K. So Wayne raped Tommy, and Tommy killed Wayne... I'll kill him if I were Tommy, too. 烤魚跟溫蒂檢視著火場的跡證,嘗試要找出可以測DNA的東西, 烤魚跟溫蒂解釋了一下他之前上課學到的東西, (火災現場可能保留DNA的可能性) 然後烤魚發現了某樣東西... 烤魚: Well, Wendy. These babies looks dry. 小葛在找小哈,小哈出現, 小葛: Where're you? 小哈: I was dialoging with Conrad. What are you looking for? 小葛: What's the result of my trace? 小哈: (遞件) 小葛: Dust bunnies? How about the other? 小哈: It's still on process. Look, I know you are dying to know... I'm talking with Eg-lie about Wen-ney turing into a fi-o-ld t-ick... (I'm talking with Ecklie about Wendy turing into a field tech...) 小葛: I... need the trace Aw-ney. (I need the trace only!) 囧尼跟烤魚查看著從Tommy那找到的錄相帶, 發現Tommy從那袋子拿的Christopher Medal就是囧尼在現場發現的那個。 烤魚注意到囧尼心事重重, 烤魚: What is it, Nick? 囧尼: Wayne is dating with a women in the stripper club. Everything indicates he's a hetero. He's angry about Tommy for being a theif. He caught him. He beat him. He wants to give him a lesson. O.K. That's enough. Why rape him? 烤魚: ... Ancient Greeks humiliated their enemy by taking their... male feeling away... 囧尼: But ithis is a little excessive, don't you think? 烤魚: Well, for some man, violence is their sex. 布拔把Tommy的照片拿給Jesse看,問Jesse認不認識, Jesse否認了,然後布拔說他們懷疑是Tommy殺了Wayne。 Jesse: ...No, he didn't 布拔: How did you know that? Jesse: Because I killed Wayne. I hated him. Wayne treated me like property...... He threatened everyone who asks me out. 布拔: Is that why you shoot him? Jesse: No. I shoot him because he likes to hit me when he's mad at me. He is a hypocrite. He hit me first when I was eight grade... 布拔: Did Wayne, un, do anything else to you? Jesse: Isn't that bad enough? I got real good in hiding... (抬手抹去眼下的妝,超大烏青) This is the last thing he gave me. 布拔: You know, I think I have enough. (拿出凱姐蒐證中剛傳給他的照片簡訊) (照片裡是開心的親吻笑著的Jesse跟Tommy) You just made all this... secret life... Jesse: No! We... were going to get married. So we need the money. We left, but I forgot my St. Christopher Medal. That's my mother's. That's why Tommy went back to get that. I already told you. I shoot my brother. Tommy has nothing to do about it. 外頭,Tommy被警方找到且抓住了。 囧尼跟Tommy面對面,囧尼把victim service小姐的名片給他。 Tommy: What's this? 囧尼: The number someone that might be able to help you... if you want to talk... I know what happened in the alley, he rapped you and this lady can... Tommy: I don't know what you're talking about! Look, Wayne beat me up, he didn't... didn't make me a... a bitch. 囧尼: Look, we talked with your girlfriend. She already admitted. Tommy: Admitted what? 囧尼: She said she shoot Wayne. Tommy: No! No, I did it. After... after what happened in the allaey. I went back to the store, he's here. And I knew, right then he will never let me see Jesse again. So I shoot him. I want cooperate with you, Mr. Stokes. 100%. But you have to let Jesse go out of this. 囧尼: I'm sorry, that's not what I can do... 離開偵訊室的囧尼,碰上來找人的Mark, Mark不能理解為什麼Tommy要被拘留,囧尼跟他說他們懷疑Tommy殺了Wayne, 然後就在囧尼準備接個電話時, Mark: Tommy is lied. I shoot Wayne Smith. 布拔偵訊Mark。 布拔: So you shoot him with a Colt .45? Mark: Yes. 布拔: Because he assaulted your brother? Mark: It was more than an assault. He raped my brother. 布拔: Tommy told you that? Mark: I... um... I figure it out. 布拔: You know, you could just call the cops. Mark: Then the whole world will know what happened. Tommy wouldn't be able to live that down. The truth is... it would be better if that bastard killed Tommy.(掉淚) 小葛、囧尼跟凱姐討論案情, 烤魚他們發現的DNA證實Mark是縱火的人沒錯, 但是射傷Wayne的槍明明是把.38, 他們認為這三個人都有可能各自為了在乎的人說謊。 囧尼: Could be Tommy, could be Jesse. Could be both. 小葛: Where is the cash? 凱姐: I didn't fing that in Jesse's room. 囧尼: And it is not seen in Baker's house, either. But again, the mother could help 然後囧尼被櫃檯呼叫打斷,說有人找他。 囧尼: Now what... 原來是victim service的小姐, 女子: He's still a victim. I've talked with him in the cell. Tommy has a message for his brother. 囧尼: Who is also in the jail now. 女子: Look, you can read evidence. I can read people... (心理學解釋,有聽沒懂) You might think I'm a bleeding heart, but Tommy Baker is not a killer. 囧尼: Okay. Okay. I'll take it in consideration...(準備走人,又轉頭) I don't think you're a bleeding heart. I appreciate that, though. 女子微笑了。 小哈終於把小葛的跡證檢驗出來了,是白雪指甲油, 小葛馬上想到Wayne的舞孃女友。 小葛跟警探先生來到俱樂部。 舞孃: Hey, detective. Do you guys find my necklace? 警探先生: No, but we found who killed your boyfriend. 舞孃: Really? Who was it? 小葛: You. 原來那晚舞孃小姐拒絕Wayne的求歡,Wayne不爽,拿槍指她, 她痛打了Wayne一巴掌,槍枝掉下,Wayne向她撲來,她撿起槍就開了。 舞孃: It was a self-defense. 凱姐與Jesse談話。 凱姐: How did Wayne know Tommy was there that night? Jesse: He didn't. Wayne was supposed to be with me at home. It is all my fault... Wayne had the insist about my virginity. He had no clue that Tommy and I had sex already. I didn't even think when my shirt ripped that night...... 那天晚上Jesse跟Tommy玩鬧時,Tommy不小心扯破了Jesse的T恤袖子, Wayne回家後以為妹妹"失貞"了,大怒之下把Jesse反鎖在房間裡, 還把Jesse的手機也拿走了,於是Jesse根本沒有機會警告Tommy....... 囧尼去準備釋放Tommy。 Tommy問囧尼說他哥哥會怎樣, 囧尼說他們依然得起訴Mark,因為放火時看來已經死人的Wayne其實還在呼吸... 囧尼: Hey, look at me. If there's anything you need. You call me. Here, take it. Tommy: Back-back in the alley. He said something... "I'll ruin you as you ruined my sister." He did it... I didn't even fight back. I froze up. I should at least fight back. I don't know how to face Jesse now without thinking of him... 囧尼: ...... It's not your fault. Jesse didn't know what happened. I'm not saying a word to her. You decide if you want to tell her... If you love her, and she loves you, this is going to make a difference. 囧尼送著Tommy走出去,Jesse等在那兒,一看到Tommy就跑上前抱住他, 但是,Tommy僵住了,他最後什麼都沒說,推開了Jesse逕自離開。 Jesse: Tommy? Tommy... Tommy!? (哭) 囧尼低頭嘆氣。 本集心得: 1) Tommy好可憐,Jesse也好可憐(話說阿編你們是沒名字用了嗎? = ="), 還有Mark明明就是個好哥哥啊,人生怎麼這麼無奈呢? >"< 2) 小葛自言自語很可愛! 3) 小哈那句變相表白超犯規的,可惜後來八卦就打回原形啦! 這裡很不屑小哈的小葛很好笑~~ 4) 烤魚跟羅賓爺爺,給艾禿抓到你們亂完聲控燈小心被罵啊! XDDD 5) 季初TV Guide訪問,囧尼有提到說他的角色有新的發展對象, 從今天劇情看來可能是victim service小姐? 感覺是個好惡分明又很有正義感的大姐姐,不錯不錯~~小心不要被囧到就好! XDDD 期待下週三家店CROSS! 我會全程紀錄的!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:這集好看! 而且好多熟面孔啊 演哥哥Mark的前幾個禮拜才 11/06 13:07
malisse74:在NY出現(street dancer那集) Tommy是DH的Zach 11/06 13:07
malisse74:演死者Wayne的是CW被砍的Easy Money男主角 11/06 13:09
zomb12:最近 Jesse 正夯... 11/06 14:59
DavidHodges:犯規??有嗎(裝傻) 11/07 00:50
mikejr:Tommy最後的反應應該編劇有參考過實務吧 真是感傷...@.@... 11/07 22:38
KiroKu:小葛是在婊烤魚有解說魔人的傾向嗎? 11/08 16:52