精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
防雷頁 本集重點: 1) 保齡球保齡球~~ 2) 莎拉無言的樣子很有趣...... 保齡球擊出全倒, 紅衣球手相當開心的對著鏡頭叫囂, 換黃衣球手上陣擊球,剩下左右兩個球瓶未倒, 黃衣球手準備拿球再擊, 結果送球道滾出來的是一顆人頭!!! 小葛、布拔跟莎拉去查案, 紅衣球手吵著說要放他回家,他兒子生日, 莎拉: We don't even let him wash his hands, you think we'll let you go? 小葛處理完黃衣球手身上的跡證, 黃衣球手想要拿他的球,被莎拉阻止了。 黃衣球手: I've played with the ball lo years! It's my go-to ball. 莎拉: You'll get it back... eventually. 小葛走到球道後面的控制房間查看, 發現一個滿是血跡的保齡球袋。 莎拉: Bag without the ball, head without the body. At least we know what to look for. 囧尼來報機器送球道幫小葛, 小葛忙著照相,然後指出把球運回的軌道給囧尼看。 囧尼: You sure know a lot about bowling. 小葛: Back to the college... we took a field trip to the bowling alley. 囧尼離開去外頭查看,小葛繼續在複雜的送球系統裡穿梭照相, 小葛: I knew the field trip will come in handy. (笑) 囧尼在外頭的停車場發現一台滿是灰塵覆蓋的車, 沒上鎖,打開車廂門後看到一隻腳, 結果原來是一個睡在車裡的人..... 那傢伙Vitas說他是個遊民,這是車主兼死者Ronny, 然後是Ronny讓他睡在那裏的,Ronny為Silver State Bowling Supplye工作。 烤魚前往監獄之中,一名女性受刑人Carla在牢房裡吊死了。 烤魚跟承辦人員討論Carla的案子, Carla是因為涉嫌槍殺有家暴傾向的丈夫入獄的, 但是Carla手上沒有煙硝證據, 而當時Carla在場的姐妹Hannah也說沒看到射擊發生... 承辦人: Why are you interested in this case? 烤魚: A woman hang herself in the jail. I want to know why. 承辦人: You're through. I heard that about you. Any other questions? 烤魚: No, thank you. 承辦人: (邊離開邊說) You know, I've took her daughter to see her. She always told her that her dad is on vacation, and he loved her very much. It's kind sad, huh? 凱女王跟羅賓爺爺在檢查那顆頭, 羅賓爺爺由鼻腔的肺部組織推斷,死者是受到槍傷, 於是肺部受損組織才會隨著血流跑到鼻腔。 莎拉在跟Ronny的女朋友談話, 女朋友確實認出了Vitas遊民先生, 女朋友: ... No, his dream gave up on him. He definitely has the physical ability. I know it's not right to say after his head...you know... ... but he just really didn't have all up here... 莎拉繼續調查球袋上的指紋, 其中一個是紅衣球手Kevin X Chart的。 於是Kevin X被布拔叫來聊聊了。 Kevin: You should talk to the guy who sneaks in to my dressing room at the first day. I'm using the spares. 布拔: Sit down. Do you have a twitter? Kevin: ...? 布拔: I do. I twitt. 然後布拔開開心心的唸了一堆Kevin在自己的推特上寫的東西。 布拔: Huh, that's hush. There's a lot of information... This is a detective's dream. 結果是Kevin先生比賽前晚喝醉酒又自恃甚高, 跟死者Ron玩了一場比賽卻輸了... Kevin: Look, I cannot be two places at the same time. I'm a bowler, O.K.? I'm not a Chris Angel. 布拔: You could have a helper.     Tell me about Chevy (黃衣球手). Kevin: ... I'm a freeruler... He's a technician. You know, a old-school guy. 布拔: He's also the guy you cannot beat on the tour.    So maybe you think the only way to win him is to mess his head...    or with a head. 烤魚跟小哈在實驗室裡模擬Carla的案子, 小哈: You got the same entry path from two different angles! How? 烤魚解釋了可能造成錯認的機制... 小哈: Was it a day shift case? Those lazy bastard... 烤魚: It means, the victim's wife didn't shoot him! 小葛掉查保齡球賽的影像, 發現Chevy擊完球剩兩球瓶的時候,就可以看到頭的影像了, 然後稍早的影像裡有出現Vitas的臉。 於是凱姐、囧尼跟布拔去逮人,正抓到在哈大麻的Vitas, 布拔先行把人押回局裡, 凱姐跟囧尼則開始搜索Silver State Bowling Supply工廠, 凱姐很迅速的就鎖定了可能的砍頭凶器(鋸子),事實證明凱姐是對的, 然後囧尼發現了血跡,兩人於是沿著血跡前進, 找到了死者受到射擊的點,以及子彈, 還有...一個神祕發出味道的木箱... 凱姐: You recognize that smell? 囧尼: Yes, ma'am. Unfortunately. 兩人開箱,裡面的無頭屍體已經爬滿了小蟲啦!! 布拔詢問Vitas, Vitas說其實Chevy跟Kevin X比賽那晚, 是他在球道後動了手腳讓Chevy贏的,但是就只是這樣而已, Vitas: I might be a broke, homeless druggy. But I'm not a killer. 小哈跟烤魚跑回Carla案現場進行測試, 烤魚證實射擊來自後院,而非Carla人當時再的二樓... 烤魚: Well, at least Carla's sister did tell the truth... She was exactly where she said she was. 凱姐、囧尼、小葛跟莎拉一起研究案子, 話說頭滾出來的時候,Vitas人在觀眾席,而Kevin在選手座, 這兩個人當時都不在機器系統後面, 根據小葛的調查,送球系統需要18秒才能把球送到選手區... 囧尼: I don't know if he can do that... I mean, look at him... (丟出Vitas兩眼無神的照片) 凱姐: There is only one way to find out. 囧尼跟小葛回到現場模擬, 小葛丟出東西後很苦命的跑跑跑, 發現只要13秒就可以回到現場啦~~所以18秒應該是綽綽有餘? 囧尼: I don't know, man. It's doable. 小葛: Well, it's a proof. 莎拉於是調閱了球賽錄影帶, 結果Vitas並沒有移動,反而是Ron的前女友Shea...... 囧尼: She's moving out from the back room... 莎拉: And apparently she'a one hell actress. 烤魚找了Hannah來,溫蒂扮演親切的大姐姐把小女孩帶走了。 Hannah: You said you have new information about Carla? 烤魚: Well... her husband, James, actually. ... You killed him. Didn't you, Hannah? We know you didn't try to frame her. ... Just come clean now. Hannah, spare you trouble or go another kind of test... Hannah: I guess the fact the James is a piece of garbage does not matter at all, huh? You know he had three other children with other women? Their daughter.. my daughter is 2 years old now. I told her I loved her everyday. And she knows I mean that. Whoever did that makes life better for her. That... should make a difference. 烤魚: It's not for me... to judge. You have to go with this officer now... 莎拉跟凱姐一起詢問Ron的女朋友Shea, 發現Shea原來跟Chevy有一腿,看來是被Ron發現了; 布拔於是詢問Chevy,但他一口否認, Chevy: I broke up with her after Ron found out. She might think without him... we can still be together. She did that because she's a nut. ... I got a big match tonight. Can I go now? 凱姐跟莎拉討論,依照Shea的體型絕對不可能處理的了Ron。 溫蒂則確認了,Chevy的球手指縫的血跡是Ron的沒錯, 溫蒂很疑惑的說可是Chevy身上其他任何的地方都沒發現血跡? 凱姐: ... clothes are replaceable. His lucky ball isn't. Kevin跟Chevy最後關鍵的一球, Chevy必須擊出全倒才行,他準備擊球時,布拔帶人出現了... 布拔: You're under arrest. Kevin: Oh, this cannot be happening. Come'on. Chevy深吸了一口氣,還是丟出了球,全倒。 Checy: (開心的對Kevin說) You just lost. 布拔: So did you. 莎拉跟Shea對話, Shea終於坦承說,Ron發現她跟Chevy的事後, 要她把Chevy誘到Silver State Bowling Supply去, 結果兩人爭鬥到後來卻是Chevy把Ron殺了。 Chevy: (邊搬屍體邊對Shea說) We're over. Say a word, and we both go down. Shea: Ronny promised me that he'll marry me. After 15 years, I still have the same first name. Chevy promised the same thing just to get me laid down. I want to give Chevy something he would never forget. A head is scary enough... but when it's the head someone you killed... unforgettable. I'll be fine, right? I mean, I didn't kill anyone. 莎拉: (傻眼) No. But cutting off the head of your ex-boyfriend won't earn sympathy from the judge. Shea: Well, I mean, I'll get out someday. Oh... but so does Chevy... 莎拉: Yes. It's possible. Shea: By then, he could have forgot me already. Maybe we would get together after all. 莎拉: ...... (一整個無言了) 最後,大家去玩保齡球, 凱姐洗溝,莎拉剩一個球瓶,羅賓爺爺剩三個, 烤魚匆匆趕到,忙著換鞋子。 囧尼: Bowling is a family game. I would love to have a toss for our family! (大家乾杯~~)    But now... it's time to give the family a little ass flipping. 大家大笑,結果囧尼還真的擊出全倒,溫蒂一臉驚訝樣; 然後小葛也趕到啦!還帶了自己的球(很可愛的骰子球), 結果果然課外旅行的訓練有用,全倒!!! XDDD 烤魚因為鞋子尺寸還是錯了,回到櫃檯等著換正確尺碼, 他微笑的看著大家~~ 本集心得: 1) 感覺本店一個家的狀況越來越回來啦~~大家一起玩保齡球~~ 2) 話說我除了網球以外全是運動白癡,所以本集有些術語實在是不懂啊~~ 小葛的課外教學一整個很實用/有趣的感覺~~(打滾) 3) Shea感覺就是一種可怕的天真。(抖) 題外話的慘叫一下: 我的Bosco大叔啊~~ >"< The Mentalist這集是怎樣!!! >"< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tonylin:pisa你在這裡給我爆阿珍的雷 Q____Q嗚嗚 11/20 12:13
tonylin:科科....小葛雖然造型變blue了,但做事情還是有點宅XD 11/20 12:14