精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(小白球滿天飛防雷頁~~) 本集重點: 呃... 打球不要亂發脾氣? 片頭,高爾夫球賽,計分表的排名變化著, 有人把球打入池塘裡,也有人成功進洞, 圍觀的群眾們未支持的選手歡呼著, 最後,一顆球飛出, 掉進了樹叢裡...某位掛點在高爾夫球車的仁兄身上。 跟著球手Roc前往找球的體育記者: Rocco is dead here, but I am sure he's not the only one... 羅賓爺爺跟烤魚驗屍加檢查現場, 羅賓爺爺說著個老笑話, 很不幸的聽過了的烤魚不給面子的說出了結局。XD 羅賓爺爺: Well, this is new. Dead man in a golf court. 初步判斷死者死亡時間約在10到12個鐘頭之前, 死者身上有類似子彈射入的傷口,但沒有找到子彈射出的洞... 烤魚他們還找到沾滿血跡的毛巾,顯示死者曾試圖一邊駕車一邊止血。 凱姐來到現場,Rocco攔住凱姐, Rocco: Well... he was dead before my ball got here, huh? 凱姐: Yes, it seems that way, but don't leave town yet. (眨眼) 凱姐爬上車道,發現是死路, 烤魚: I guess we'll just play where it lies. 死者為Russell Hutler, 他的前妻Michelle Nagano在警局裡接受布拔的詢問, Russell的兒子、Michelle的繼子Danny Nagano在兩人離婚後選擇由繼母扶養, 而Danny人正在參加那場高爾夫球賽。 昨晚Russell有出現在clubhouse為Danny舉辦的晚會上, 貌似對Danny剛破了他的桿數紀錄很不爽的樣子...... Michelle說後來Russell就怒氣沖沖的離開了。 大衛驗屍中,凱姐小哈加入, 凱姐在頸動脈傷口處找到黑色塑膠碎片, 小哈則找到一張沾滿血的sportbook ticket。 凱姐: We stilll don't know where is the prime scene. Need to know where it was. 小哈: (拿起死者的鞋子放在額投) I'm thinking... a golf course! 大衛: Hi-oh! (被凱姐瞪) Sorry... 烤魚囧尼和莎拉在檢查高爾夫球車, 烤魚說他不喜歡高爾夫,莎拉也說那是有錢人的運動, 不過囧尼說現在大家都在玩高爾夫了。 然後囧尼找到另一顆球,靠著球上的擊球痕跡若有所思, 囧尼: People hit the ball in different ways. You know, each one is unique, Sarah. 莎拉: Oh, just like snowflakes. (微笑) 布拔去球場找Danny,Danny的說詞跟Michelle一樣, 布拔於是打了通電話去clubhose, 布拔: I would love to know who's on duty at the clubhose last night. Preferably somebody with good memories. 凱姐告知說傷口上的黑色物質其實是球杆上常用的化合物, 顯示死者是被斷裂的球杆插到動脈失血死亡的; 囧尼則檢查了那顆球,發現了兩枚指紋, 一個是John Dubek的,他是Danny的caddy(桿弟?), 另一個是Erin Nagano,Michelle的妹妹。 囧尼於是去找Erin,她是某大學裡的物理研究生, 囧尼找到她的時候她正在做實驗(跟雷射有關的東西...)。 Erin大方承認她都會幫Danny買球, 囧尼很疑惑的問說不是有廠商提供嗎? Erin說Danny職業高爾夫球生涯剛起步的一場比賽前, 她幫Danny買了一次球,然後Danny贏了, 運動員都有自己的迷信傳統,於是從此以後丹尼就都是用她帶給他的球了。 小哈檢查死者鞋底的土壤與植物, 都是高爾夫球場上的標準配備。 (土壤ph值5.0-7.1,Rye Grass, Bermuda Grass...) 小哈很無奈,凱姐叫他再接再厲。 小葛發現John Dubek曾是職業選手, 因被人舉發使用禁藥而從此職業生涯終結, 舉發他的人,正是死者Russell Hutler。 (小葛放出Russell的錄影帶) Russell: ... There's an old saying: "If you're cheating, you're not really trying." I couldn't let him. Nobody could do that. 烤魚於是去球場找人。 烤魚: Excuse me. 自以為很有名的某球員: No autograph. I'm busy working. 烤魚: I'm looking for John Dubek. 某球員: Oh... ok... see you later, Johnny. 烤魚詢問John,John很輕鬆的說那是25年前的事了, 之後是Danny把他找了回來,他從Danny出生時就認識Danny了... John: I didn't bacome Tiger Woods, but you know what? Being Steve Williams is not bad. Danny gave me a way back. He's a good kids. I got all I need. Pizza and porn. 烤魚、囧尼跟莎拉討論案情, 凱姐走進來,說那張沾血的sportbook ticker解讀出來, Russell押了5000元說Danny wouldn't even break bar。 烤魚: That's mean. 囧尼: Well, but Danny truly is blowing up those days... Hey, what if Danny is cheating? 烤魚: And his father figured out? 凱姐: Well, the cheating is a wild motive, see if you can prove it. 布拔再次詢問Danny,還放了他小時候跟Russell一起拍攝的父子情深錄影帶... Dabby: ... My dad is a driver. He loved that club. He started training my gold when I was 6, and then dropped me when I was 19. 布拔: Is that why you brought Dubek back? For a little old fashion? Danny: Is that what you're thinking? You think I'm cheating? 布拔示意走進來的亨利抽丹尼的血去進行藥物檢驗。 囧尼: If Danny is cheating, he was either messing the ball, the club,    or his body. 但是囧尼檢查了球的重量、烤魚測試了每根球桿,而亨利完成了藥物測試, 全部都乾乾淨淨的,沒有任何異常... 烤魚: Maybe we're wrong. Maybe Danny has game after all. 亨利: (報告完轉身要走,打翻了一堆球) Oh, I'm sorry... I... (準備要撿球) 囧尼: ... wait... 烤魚: (俯身撿起兩顆球) They're different! 球的重量沒有差異,但是彈性不一樣, 那顆在高爾夫球車上發現的球比一般標準球硬上20%。 烤魚: How could it be? 囧尼: ... Frickins' lesser beams! 囧尼找了Erin來,出示了一篇日本學者的研究, 該研究就是指出雷射可以導致高爾夫球外皮的改變, 而既然Erin是這領域的專家...... Erin: All right, so I juiced the balls, but that's all. Giving the ball to Danny is John's idea. 囧尼: What's the benefit you got? Erin: Sex. (笑笑的看著囧尼) Bad kitty, I know.    Did you ever hear the positive correlation between IQ and sex frive? In women. 囧尼: ... I see. 另一室的John也承認他偷換了Danny的球,Danny並不知道, 而他只是想幫助Danny而已... (回想畫面: John拿了球,還換了一只球桿給Danny,) (Danny很疑惑的說他很少用那種桿,John: You can, kiddo. Believe.) 囧尼繼續詢問Erin。 囧尼: But Russell, he figured it out. Erin: Yeah... Erin說她晚會那晚否認了Russell的質疑,之後就沒再看到Russell了。 囧尼: Why should I believe you? Erin: (微笑) Can I borrow your phone? I'm not calling the lawyer. 囧尼: ... Sure (遞出手機). Erin: I can show you my alibi. I set a webcam in my lab... (囧尼看著錄影帶畫面,John走進Erin的實驗室,) (Erin跳上去兩腳夾著他抱住他...兩人熱吻...) Erin: You see, huh, I couldn't kill Russell. I was kind busy. (微笑) 囧尼:... Yeah... 另一室的John也這樣告訴布拔。 John: Like I said. Pizza and porn. 小哈在一堆草跟泥土中終於發現可以縮小範圍的東西:一種真菌! 小哈告訴凱姐說這種真菌會感染高爾夫球場上的草, 所以一發現通常都會馬上進行控制,在整個高爾夫球場有這種問題的地方, 只有兩處,其中之一是在陳屍處附近的teaching court! 小哈: Technically, it's closed. 凱姐: You see you just accomplish your pride in the lab? 小哈: (微笑) Everyday in my life. 於是小葛跟沙拉前往該處,兩人看到了被圈起的感染草地, 小葛問起莎拉老葛的情形,莎拉不痛不癢的感覺... XDDDD 小葛: Sometimes I wonder if you guys are really married. 莎拉: Well, since you mentioned... (看到小葛一臉驚愕樣,笑了。) Just kidding. 小葛: 6000 miles, huh? 莎拉: So far so good. 小葛: All right. 小葛發現一跟斷掉沒頭的高爾夫球桿,莎拉則在草地上確認了一大片血跡。 莎拉: Now, this, looks like murder to me. 證據顯示Danny跟Michelle當晚都出現在那過,布拔先詢問Danny。 Danny: ... Russell accused me cheating. He said the ball is jucied. 布拔: Well, it is, no matter you know or not. Danny: ... I switched the ball next day, and, well... Danny說當晚晚會結束後Russel把他找去練習場, 打了他的球跟標準球給他看,他最後腦袋混亂的離開了, 而Russell在他身後一直大喊: You gotta tell them or I will! Danny: I never touced him. I guess Michelle saw me when I was leaving. She would never hurt anyone. 布拔詢問Michelle。 布拔: So you never went to practice tee. Michelle: I don't know what happened to Russell. 布拔: Look, I know you want protect Danny. But the best way for him is telling the truth. My guess is, you want to the course, you saw Danny left, and you also saw Russell hurted and struggled. And you left. You didn't even bother to make a anonymous call to help. Michelle: That never happen. CSI小組重新搜查,凱姐想找出斷掉的球桿頭。 烤魚: Since we know where he crashed... 凱姐: We know where to look. 小葛莎拉沿著球場搜索,找到了球桿頭,莎拉進行了指紋的採集。 莎拉: I've got bad news and worse news. 凱姐: What's it? 莎拉: The partial print we found belongs to our victim. 烤魚: And no trace for others? 莎拉: That's the worse part. 烤魚看著球桿頭上的紋路,發現其中有很大一部分是掌紋不是指紋... 烤魚: Is that a partial palm print...? 囧尼: (跟著看了幾眼) I think I know what you're getting from that. 兩人進行機器實驗, 烤魚: All right, now let's feed the big dog. (把球桿架到機器手臂上準備模擬) 囧尼: You know, for someone who doesn't play golf, you knows a lot professional knowledge... 烤魚: I did, once. But I found that feeling... concentrated all on a small white ball... is exhilibrating. It's like coccaine. Not exactly the best habit for a possessive person. 凱姐: (走進來) So how's that? 三人躲到保護塑膠牆面後,啟動機器,被打斷的球桿頭用力的反彈,正砸到凱姐眼前。 凱姐: Oh! 囧尼: Well, believe it or not, it's not an urban legend. There are at leasr four cases that people are killed by the broken club. 是的,過於激動的Russell在Danny離開後來是用力抓著球桿猛敲地面, 球桿斷了,而反彈的球桿頭就這樣不偏不倚的插到了他的頸動脈.......... 烤魚: You know the lesson from this? 凱姐: What? 烤魚: Don't drive angry. 本集心得: 1) 忍不住要說,這種死法比被從天而降的烏龜砸死還鳥... 2) 俺對高爾夫沒興趣,還很討厭物理學,所以這集看的頗不專心...XD 本集相關知識還請高人解釋/補充吧~~ (煙) 3) 被凱姐瞪的大衛很可愛,噗。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:這集蠻歡樂的 Sarah和Nick的對話 和Ray後來的黃色雙關 01/22 13:59
malisse74:都蠻好笑 01/22 14:00
malisse74:有趣的是這集的要角是由真的高爾夫選手演的 他們的演技 01/22 14:02
malisse74:還真不錯 01/22 14:03
Eunoia:新聞:Sarah似乎會待完整個第十季了 01/22 22:45
zomb12:推莎姐,一定要繼續待著喔~~~ 01/22 22:50
pisacat:他們是職業選手喔...@@" 跟蘋果323的McEnroe一樣? 01/22 23:59
pisacat:果然一個人對一個運動有沒有愛可以差很多... XDD 01/22 23:59
malisse74:嗯...我弄錯了 要角都還是演員 是很多選手露臉演自己orz 01/23 02:01
tonylin:小哈真的是搶走以前小葛的角色.....那個動作小葛也作過XD 01/23 14:27
Eunoia:那是很有名Johnny Carson(夜間秀)的角色之一 大衛是模仿 01/24 14:29
Eunoia:節目中的sidekick. 01/24 14:29