精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(Sorry哩...車我也不懂... XD) 本集重點: 呃,各種名車嗎? 愛護生命,謝絕飆車? XDDD 片頭,羅賓爺爺在法醫室裡進行驗屍, 死者名為Trevor Back,身體健康的年輕學生, 羅賓爺爺說關節上的瘀青顯示近期內發生的爭執, 畫面顯示Trevor在走廊上跟個人擦肩而過正要起衝突時, 忽然倒地死亡... 羅賓爺爺: No signs of trauma or disease... 烤魚: Healthy young man won't just drop and die like this. 羅賓爺爺: Which is why I'm looking this...(兩人鋸開死者腦袋) 烤魚: Wow(被頭顱裡大量的液體嚇到) Did he suffer any blows of the head recently? 羅賓爺爺: No sign of that. And a recently injury won't be long enough to make the brain swelling like this. 烤魚: Drugs? Toxins? 羅賓爺爺: Or prior injuries we're not awared? 烤魚: Not yet. 布拔與Trevor的媽媽對話, 媽媽並不知道兒子有任何受傷狀況... 媽媽: He's been a little grumpy recently. I thought it is just because lacking of sleeps... He's... he's a teenage.(哭) 布拔: I understand. Does Trevor ever have conflicts with others? 媽媽: He was a good kids. 布拔: A lot of good kids had bad days... 媽媽: ... He didn't have a lot of friends. When he's out of school, he was working with cars. He said the cars are the art. There's one girl he's seeing recently. She came home with him late last night. 布拔: Did you have her phone number? 媽媽: ... No. (哭) I don't have the number... 布拔: That's okay. We'll find her. It's our job. It's easy. 阿齊在聽音樂被凱姐抓包。 凱姐: You don't look even busy enough. 阿齊: I don't like Hodges, who looks overwhelmed when he's really doing nothing. 凱姐讓阿齊追蹤那個女孩Cindy的手機訊號,就在學校裡面。 凱姐於是打電話給正在學校裡的莎菈讓她去找人。 莎菈: Well, according to the teacher, Cindy Warner didn't show up today. 凱姐: Well, according to my daughter, some kids go to school just for hanging out. 莎菈到了Cindy的置物櫃前面,一個女孩正準備離開, 女孩名叫Renata Clark,自稱是Cindy最好的朋友,兩人共用一個置物櫃, Renata也說今天一直都還沒看到Cindy。 囧尼來學校檢查Trevor的車,莎菈加入他的行列, 囧尼很開心的在講車型、車款啥的資訊,莎菈很沒興趣的一直So? So? 囧尼: It's a classic James Dean has had. 莎菈: (自行開了車門檢查,找到一些藥品) Phenelzine. A pain killer. (接著發現一隻桃紅色手機,打開螢幕) Cindy's phone. 囧尼: They said the only way to get a teenage girl away from her cell phone is to pry it to a dead end. 莎菈: Well, whoever they are, I hope they're wrong. 莎拉回局裡查手機,發現一段Trevor跟人起衝突的影片, 那人名為Miyamoto Takahashi,在Cindy的手機裡有聯絡方式。 布拔前去該車廠找人,Miyamoto臉上掛著大黑青回答問題。 Miyamoto: I'm the victim, man. 布拔: 17 hours ago, the kid died. I think it all had to do with Cindy Warner. Miyamoto: Look, Cindy was once my girl. Okay? But I did nothing after the conflict. 布拔: Really? A man like you? You know what? I think 17 hours later, you went back to Trevor and then he's dead. Then Cindy is missing. Miyamoto: She's missing? 烤魚告知囧尼、凱姐和莎菈Trevor的死因。 在cerebellum跟brain stem之間的外力扭曲造成腦部swealling, 過高的內部壓力慢慢壓迫腦部,最後造成死亡, Acute hypertensive crisis可以造成這樣的衝擊扭曲。 囧尼說從Trevor的車追蹤,發現當晚他在城外沙漠區繞了一大圈, 莎菈: And jsut after he made the trip, Cindy Warner went missing. 凱姐: (嘆氣) I got a bad feeling about this. Cindy的屍體在郊外被找到了,小葛前去處理, 屍體以奇怪的扭曲姿勢卡在一棵枯樹上; 大衛告知小葛跟囧尼說Cindy的屍體顯示高度的torture, 而失蹤的下身短裙暗示可能的性侵害案件... 大衛: Possible body dump? 囧尼認為不合理,如果Trevor是棄屍者,怎麼會把屍體放在這麼明顯的地方? 小葛: It's like she's just fell from the sky. Cindy的屍體運回局裡,小哈跟莎菈檢查著屍體。 小哈: So those kids wandering around outside until things start going terribly, terribly wrong. 莎菈: Yeah, something is terribly wrong. Look at those pedestrain fractions... She was hit by a car! 小哈: But Nick and Greg said there's no trace suggested a car accident where the body was found. 莎菈: A girl with this size... she could fly half the football court easily. 小哈: We need to do a little search. 於是囧尼跟小葛沿著馬路越走越遠, 慢慢找到了Cindy的衣物、鞋子,以及車禍發生的地點和輪胎痕... 依據現場跡證,有兩台車同時在馬路上駕駛, 左邊的輪胎痕是Trevor的,右邊的是不名駕駛者的, 輪胎痕比對出來的車種以及現場留下的漆印(跟Trevor車側的擦痕吻合)指向黃色賽車。 莎菈: Yelow trace race car in Las Vegas? Great, it just narrow down our target to several hundred cars. 凱姐: (走進來) Well, this might be helpful. We found the drug dealer. 提供Trevor止痛藥物的藥頭是學校學生, 他說他是Trevor的朋友,藥是免費提供的, 而這些處方藥物是他從他醫生老爸那偷來的...(父子倆在凱姐面前吵架) 凱姐: So who's racing car with Trevor. 藥頭: He wasn't a racer! The car was like his body. 凱姐: Well, appaently he's racing with someone. Someone with a yellow car, which kills Cindy Warner. 藥頭: A yellow car?... 凱姐: You know something? 爸爸: Tell the lady all you know! 凱姐: You know what? That's fine. The pills that you give Trevor killed him. 藥頭: What? No way! He said he had serious headaches. I'm just trying to help! 凱姐: Anyway, your father, he's responsible for those medications. And if he's found labely illegable, his store will be forced to close. 藥頭: The yellow car... it's got to be Demon. That's all I know. I swear.    I'm sorry, Dad... 凱姐告知布拔這個資訊,然後說很不幸的一堆玩車的人都用Demon當假名... 布拔: It's fine. I know where a lot of Demons will gather. 囧尼跟莎菈前往那個群車聚集的"夜市"查車, 很快就發現了一台可疑的Nisson 350Z, 莎菈跟囧尼一搭一唱的問車的來源, 賣車的人原來還想要堅稱車跟新的一樣, 後來發現不對,只好說出是一個朋友託他賣的, 囧尼還在盤問中,對方還在推拖時,那個"朋友"恰恰出現, 一看到莎菈跟囧尼轉身就跑... 莎菈: (對前方兩個警員大喊) Mitch! Johnny! Get the runner! 人逮到了,赫然就是Miyamoto。 囧尼: Think your car wouldn't get the chance. You're under arrested. 小葛處理車,自顧自的笑了出來。 囧尼: What? 小葛: I was just thinking about the time I'm crazy in driving. 囧尼: Really? When's the time? 小葛: I was 12. My dad had a beautiful Red 280-ZX. He never let me touch that. But one day, when papa 0 went to a nap, I grab the key from the table, and then just drive out! 囧尼: So how far you drove? 小葛: Well, only two blocks. Then I drove the car home, even struggled a few to put the car back to the exact place. He never found out 囧尼之後說了一串Miyamoto的歷史,認為Miyamoto一定有某種程度的涉案, 小葛很遺憾的告訴他,這台車的車頭燈是塑膠的, 跟他們在現場發現的車頭燈玻璃碎片不合...... 凱姐走進莎菈的房間,發現她在看一段賽車的影片。 凱姐: Is that Trevor? 莎菈很開心的說她利用Cindy手機裡的照片上網搜尋,找到了那段賽車影片, 影片是正規的比賽,Trevor最後贏了, 但是停車時可以明顯看到他頸椎受到的迫停震盪壓迫... 凱姐: Oh, that must hurt! So it is actually really an accident... 此時敗在Trevor手下的車手後來走出了車,拿下頭盔... 莎菈: Wait a minute, that is Renata, Cindy's best friend. 於是布拔、莎菈跟囧尼去找Renata。 Renata的法定監護人是她舅舅,對方同時也是一名職業修車廠的廠主, 莎菈跟囧尼檢查了Renata正在處理的車, 型式、輪胎跟黃色油漆痕跡都吻合... Renata否認那台車有任何問題,並說Cindy是她最好的朋友, 她絕對絕對不會刻意傷害她。 舅舅: All right, fine. She was at home. I was with her. We're done talking. 囧尼讓溫蒂跟小哈檢查那台車, 小哈: She hide everything plain from the car... That's pretty sophiscated for a teenage girl. 溫蒂對囧尼拋了一些問題,囧尼開玩笑的回了一些答案。 溫蒂: I'm helping. 囧尼: Atta girl, thanks. 溫蒂: (回頭看小哈) What did you get there? 小哈: (取出車內粘著的咀嚼過的口香糖) Kids. 溫蒂: Gross 因為車子很多零件啥的都被換掉了, 布拔讓警力全面出查任何1933 Ford Roadstar的零件, 要大家問片所有車廠並帶回最近收購的這些東西。 小葛、溫蒂跟小哈於是被一堆車門啊、引擎蓋什麼的零件淹沒了... 最後小哈在一個引擎蓋上發現SV的字樣, 確認後與Cindy死亡時身上的啦啦隊服胸前的白色Logo材質吻合, 顯示是高速撞擊時拓印到車前蓋上去的...... 大家在一起推測案情,認為是Trevor跟Renata又私下比了一場, 在賽車過程裡出了意外撞死了Cindy... 但此時莎菈走進來,調閱交通路口監視影像後發現了一張影像, 推翻了大家的推論,影像裡,Renata正開著Trevor的車由城外回來。 囧你: That's Trevor's Porsche! Why was Renata behind the wheel? 凱姐: ... I think I know. 布拔詢問Renata跟她舅舅。 凱姐: We know you didn't race Travor in the dessert. (對Renata) (對舅舅) You're Chuck Yeager's fan. I bet you also play the game. The chewing gun we found inside the car? Your DNA is on it. My guess, you made Cindy to steal the car from Trevor. Then Cindy was killed. 舅舅一開始還力保鎮定,後來凱姐作勢要押走Renata, 舅舅終於還是全盤托出了。 原來,Renata輸了比賽後,怪罪說是Trevor的車比較好。 舅舅: I had to show Renata it's not about the car. I convinced her to make Cindy steal the key and drive the car out. So I can prove to her... (Renata開Trevor的車跟舅舅開她的車比賽) Then it is out of control... I just never like to lose to anyone. 結果高速駕駛中,舅舅駕著Renata的車撞飛了Cindy, 他讓驚慌失措的Renata把Trevor的車開回城裡,並承諾會找到Cindy。 舅舅: (對Renata說) I tried. I tried to find her. But I can't. ... I felt that hit. I know there's nothing I can do for her. I gave Miyamoto kid 500 bunk to turn over the car that night... Renata: No! It's all my fault. I hope I didn't ask Cindy to steal the key... 布拔: You did. She was. Who wan? 收工的凱姐跟囧尼一起去停車場, 囧尼感慨著說年輕的生命這麼簡單的理由就消失了, 凱姐則說每個人都有過這種競逐速度的年代... 兩人後來各自開了車,剛剛好並肩停了下來, 凱姐搖下車窗看著囧尼笑了,囧尼也回了凱姐致意的一眼, 兩輛車同時開向出口...... XDDDD 本集心得: 1) 看語無倫次的重點就知道,又是個人沒愛的一集。車子我真的不懂啊... Orz 2) 本店的實驗室老鼠們鏡頭越來越多耶,NY的阿當到底是怎麼了? 今天被抓包的阿齊砍躺著也重槍的小哈砍的非常中肯。 XD 喔,然後難得烤魚鏡頭好少,現在是要搶羅賓爺爺飯碗了嗎? (偏頭) 3) 凱姐最後對囧尼的那回眸一笑真的是美、呆、了!!! 話說這兩天蘋果店跟本店撥完以後廣告都狂打下週一霹靂火店上太空... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:每次聽Catherine叫"Nicky"就覺得好溫馨 兩人感情真好 02/05 13:25