精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(莎拉: 我又不見了,我又出現了~~) (烤魚: 皮厚原來都是假象... TAT) (我: 阿編你要多加油啦,連續案件讓人看的如此不夠起勁是不對的啊!) 本集重點: 艦長! 艦長你怎麼了! 又不是Mr. Smith,你有這麼容易被人敲昏的嗎? 囧" 城外的一處住宅外風吹散著落葉,狗狗大聲的吠叫著。 臥室裡男子帶著耳機跟太太縮在床上, 太太出去準備處理狗狗(她以為是哪隻倒楣的負鼠被狗抓到了), 男子繼續在床上看著報紙,忽然聽到了奇怪的聲音, 接著是他太太的尖叫聲,於是男子衝了出去... 樓下客廳裡,太太Lisa看著兇手說: What the hell is wrong with you. Now you're really in trouble. CSI小組全員來到現場。 小葛採證狗狗的屍體中,凱姐跟莎拉在客廳裡。 凱姐: No struggle with the killer. He just fell down. (兇手直接對著衝下來的先生開槍) At least we're broadcasting for their daughrer Gracie now. 莎拉: (對著牆上濺到血跡的家庭照片拍照) Yeah, that's the part I hate most about this job. 囧尼跟烤魚進入小女生的兒童房, 囧尼拿出紫外光檢查床舖地板... 囧尼: I don't see blood. But there's a trace here... 烤魚: ... Green, they're urine. 兩人隨著痕跡接近窗邊,發現窗台外凸處的一個收納型沙發處, 兩人對看一眼,囧尼上前掀開坐墊,躲在裡面的小女生尖叫。 囧尼: Gracie, Gracie, it's okay. My name is Nick. We're with police. You're safe now. (小女生撲進囧尼懷裡大哭) You're safe now... 小葛在屋外,看著警方移走證物,嘆氣,繼續檢察屋外。 小葛: Hey, Sara, I found some fresh tool trace on the window here. 莎拉: Well, it is sure that the killer came from the back door... But maybe someone saw something... I've heard some people will check people's window to see if there's anything interesting... 小葛: Sure, witnessing a murder of a whole family must be a real turn-on to them. (兩人繼續在窗上採證著) Got a print. 小哈在局裡處理跡證,從Lisa的睡袍上取下的, 溫蒂則在檢視現場血腳印裡的證物... 小葛: (對布拔說) Mandy checked the finger print. It's their gardener. 布拔打電話給囧尼,讓囧尼問問小女生有沒有記憶。 囧尼: Child witness... there's nothing you can get a hand on. Anything else? All right, I'll check.    (囧尼走進病房,小女生正在偷偷掉淚)    Hey, Gracie. Remember me? Garcie: ...(點頭) 囧尼: May I sit down? I got a good news for you. Your Aunt is flying from Boston now. No, do you know who this guy is? (出示園丁照片) Garcie: He's our gardener. 囧尼: Is he the guy you saw last night? Garcie: ...It was really dark ...and I really couldn't see anything. I am sorry. 囧尼: Hey, it's O.K. You're safe now. Nothing can hurt you. Can you tell me, is it the guy who hurt your parents? Garcie: ......it was him, right? 囧尼: (輕嘆,微笑) I'm glad you feel better now. 布拔問話中。 園丁: I didn't touch the Laymans. I have a wife! And kids! 布拔: ... What is your shoe number? 園丁: Eleven. 布拔: You said the magic number. Give me your shoes. (園丁拔下靴子給布拔) 園丁: Look I was never into the house. 布拔: Never? Are you sure about it? Are you? Let me tell you, if we find a even hair or anything that prove you once being inside the house...... 園丁: O.K. I snuck the window... That day, last week, I saw the kid playing a new play station, and the old one is just there... I snuck the window, got in, and took it. That's all. It's just... I made 60 dollars a week. And do you understand the feeling that I can't even afford to buy my kid one game...? I didn't kill anyone. I swear. 莎拉去找小哈,小哈告訴莎拉說園丁的鞋子沒有特徵吻合的地方。 小哈: No characteristic match. There was no metallic trace on that either. 莎拉: No luck, then. 小哈: Well, lucky is where oppurtunity meets preparation. 小哈將機證報告拿給莎拉, 告訴莎拉說他們從睡袍跟血腳印裡都發現Titanium物質。 小哈: My guess is it comes from the shoe shop. 莎拉: Titanium dust one the killer's boots and hands? You know, if it gets in the house with the killer...... 莎拉領軍,從屋內跟著Titanium的痕跡反向追蹤到屋外, 最後到了受害者鄰居家的房子門前。 囧尼: (轉頭問陪同員警) Thought you guys checkes this house? 員警: Twice. No answer. No body home. 莎拉: I got a blood smear here. 員警: I'll call for backup 莎拉與囧尼進入屋內,兩人發現一扇開著的門, 走進,水流的聲響不止,莎拉關上了那個鬆開的水龍頭。 兩人繼續下到地下室,只聽到奇怪的儀器運作聲,最後發現了一台儀器; 莎拉注意到放在桌上的一件襯衫,上面滿是血跡點點, 莎拉: Nick! 囧尼: ...(皺著眉點了點頭) 新聞畫面,報告警方在通緝鄰居Jack Herson, 烤魚前來支援,莎拉在屋內搜證著, 烤魚: Jack Herson has a .22 with the same GRCs of the shorring gun. 莎拉點頭,烤魚往地下室走,囧尼在那蒐證。 囧尼: So a retiring mechanist just went nuts someday and killed his neighbors? 烤魚: No one can truly understand what goes inside one's mind. 之後烤魚注意到桌上的某樣器具... 烤魚: Nick, come take a look at this. (一個金屬環形物) 囧尼: I'm assiming that's not a part of the machine? 烤魚: That's a surgeory tool. 莎拉也下到地下室了,烤魚解釋那東西是進行顱內手術的一項工具。 莎拉: Out of titanuium, I guess. 囧尼: ... You think Jack Herson is Dr. Jekyll? Then why killing the Laymans? 烤魚: ... Maybe they saw something? Jeckyll has killed a witness before... 囧尼: Speaking of surgery, it this looks like a surgery table for you, doc? 烤魚接近囧尼說的桌子,開始噴灑化學物質,整張桌子馬上變得紅通通的... 莎拉: That, is a lot of blood. 莎拉回到局裡,遇到小葛。 莎拉: Hey, Nick and Dr. Ray is working at the house now. 小葛: Good, they just reported that car is abandoned out of highway 160... (莎拉像想到啥轉身就走) Any idea?... 小葛跟著莎拉,看到莎拉在網上搜尋著什麼。 小葛: I take you're playing a hunch? 莎拉: What is the sidn for XXX high school? 小葛: Un, the billdog? 莎拉說她記得在Herson的房子裡看到一張照片,是他跟一名女子的合照, 那棟房子的窗戶上貼有該高中的鬥牛犬貼紙,而且門牌號碼顯示房子在160出口附近。 小葛: Well, there can't be too much houses there with that number. 莎拉: Well, it can't. 警方抵達該房子, 從門縫下塞進的監視錄影器顯示Herson正持槍與該女子僵持中, 屋主是Herson的阿姨,退休的高中老師。布拔率領警方包圍現場... 另一邊,烤魚跟囧尼蒐證完準備離開了。 囧尼: Hold on... the radiator plug is missing. Someone impercise for a perfect mechine? 烤魚: He tool a souvenir at the victim's house last time... 囧尼檢視該管線,扯出一張捲起的紙條,打開,上面寫著: GITA 11:32。 烤魚: It's a passage from XXX. (用手機查詢)    (烤魚唸出該章節的段落) "Now I'm become death. The destroy of the world." 囧尼: Herson is not Jeckyll. 烤魚: No. He's another victim. 布拔的現場,先是聽到Herson的阿姨乞求"Jackie, please, drop the gun down." 之後就是槍聲響了,從監視螢幕看到女子倒地。 布拔: Go, go, go! 警方衝入屋內,Herson神情痛苦的倒地,斷氣死亡。 局裡,囧尼凱姐回顧Jeckyll的案件中。 第一件,Joey Biglow,他們發現時就是屍體了,Jekyll留下了他的"打結"簽名。 第二件,Beard Higgins,在布拔偵訊另一個案件中死亡,Jekyll拿了一個"紀念品"。 凱姐: Now, he took Jack Herson's radiator plug. 囧尼: And exchange for what? 烤魚跟大衛驗屍中,大衛取下Herson頭上的假髮,在頭顱正中看到一個穿刺孔。 烤魚: He's got stitches. 大衛: They look frech. 烤魚: They are. 兩人利用掃描影像檢查Herson的頭顱,在腦袋中間看到一團白白的東西。 大衛: That's quite white... 烤魚: Could it be radiating image?    (想起失蹤的radiator plug) Radiator. It's radiactive. 羅賓爺爺取出了Herson的腦袋植入物,是數個小小的radiation seed。 囧尼: I've heard taht they're used to treat cancer? 羅賓爺爺: Not those ones. Those involved in mood changem sexuality theraphy in the past... 大家推測,Herson在手術後醒來,覺得頭痛、不知所措。 囧尼: The record showed he called his HMO... They said then he sound drums. 烤魚: ...Maybe the dog barking is the final straw. 囧尼: And not kill Gracie is the last shred of humanity against the monster... 烤魚: Dr. Jekyll is a classic sadist. He operated his victim and case slow, painful and totouring death... 莎拉: We found nothing in Herson's house can lead us to him. 羅賓爺爺: Well, he did leave these. (指指桌子中間的radiation seed) 凱姐跟烤魚去找小哈。 凱姐: Why did I get a 17 pages need to fill out with your name on it? 小哈: Well, I guess you'll want the result as soon as possible.    And the only mechine that be able to tell the radiative material is there. Anyway, those seeds are constructed by Iridium 2. The latest record about it is 13 days ago from XXX hospital... 烤魚一聽就衝了出去了。 凱姐: (微笑) Well done, Dr. Hodges. 小哈: (自豪的笑) Well, Catherine, then maybe you can tell the homeland security that those radiative seeds are infinirisment at all now... 凱姐: Well, you can tell them yourself. 烤魚在布拔的陪同下找到了那間醫院裏使用那些seed的醫生。 醫生原來還很自豪的在介紹他的發明,同時一邊覺得烤魚很面熟, 後來一知道自己的這些東西與謀殺案有關後, 陷入徹底的歇斯底里,更糟糕的是他認出了烤魚, 想起來他讀過烤魚的著作,一口咬定烤魚是在找醫學的麻煩, 利用打擊他的實驗來造成大眾的恐慌... 囧" 烤魚: You didn't read the book right. I was examing my own fault in the book. 醫生: Oh, yeah? 布拔: Hey, Ray. I think we're not neede here. We're done. Let's go. 醫生繼續諷刺烤魚是個醫學界的looser,所以才會換工作, 因為這樣他不用對自己的失敗負責,不用面對在他手下失敗的案例。 然後烤魚就炸了,狠狠的推了醫生一把,醫生撞到牆上。 醫生: Oh, now you got a problem 烤魚在走廊上等著,布拔走了出來。 布拔: So the good doctor saw the light. He become more... reasonable. He will not charge you or the station... So I said we'll chuck it up as an accident. (看了一眼烤魚)    Look, if it comes from the frustration about Dr. Jckyell, I understand. But is it is about some old, unfinished business from the past... I suggest you drop it. Because this is not working for you. 囧尼在醫院的監視室調閱影片, 發現影像與輸入的key card code不合的地方, 監視員告訴囧尼說那個code屬於一名現在應該在夏威夷度假的非裔女性員工, 但是他們看到的是個穿著實驗袍、帶著手術口罩的男子... 囧尼: When's that code being used? 監視員: It was used four minutes ago. 囧尼衝出監視室,烤魚迎上。 烤魚: What happened? 囧尼: Dr. Jeckyll is here! 烤魚: You sure? 囧尼: Yes! Fifth floor. He was in a lab coat and surgical mask. 兩人到了五樓,分開來搜查, 囧尼跑進手術室,很不客氣的要準備動手術的醫生護士們脫下口罩, 囧尼: Now, identify each other! 某女士: There's no body here that shouldn't be. 烤魚那頭,看到了一個可以的身影, 烤魚靠近,對方跑了起來,兩人在醫院走廊上開始追逐。 烤魚追入樓梯間...... 聽到門開後關上的聲音,往下一路追過去,進入一層病房區, 烤魚盡量以不打擾到病人的方式搜查著, 他經過一間病人以深藍色毯子蓋著的病房, 繼續往前幾步,發現其他病房都是淺藍色毯子, 匆匆轉頭回去看,Dr. Jekyll已經又跑了... 烤魚追過去,進入廚房區, 裡面的工作人員指了方向給烤魚,烤魚電話通知囧尼,囧尼從另一頭追過去。 最後烤魚進入機房,一片昏暗沒看見人, 然後瞬間烤魚就被人從背後給敲昏了! 囧" 烤魚常試要從Dr. Jekyll身上抓下些什麼,沒成功, 反而是烤魚掛在脖子上的識別證件被拿走了...... 本集終。 本集心得: 1)本店的婦孺代表看來就是囧尼了,是說囧神罩頭的人真的適合嗎? XD      2)小哈你越來越有效率了喔! 3)是說要敲暈烤魚這麼個大個子真的有這麼容易嗎?(挑眉)       下一集看來還沒要揭曉Dr. Jekyll,大概要拖到季末了吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:我覺得這集很好看啊 04/09 11:56
pisacat:我只是覺得沒有非常期待破案的感覺啦...(抓頭) 04/09 12:00
pisacat:跟NY這季的指南針先生比的話~~ 04/09 12:00
tonylin:我要還他清白,他現在是幸福的帥尼,不是囧尼 04/09 14:17
richard1003:Jekyll拖台錢拖太久了,讓人已經不期待 04/09 19:29
u7273:這次三家的新進度 是不是都有連 04/09 23:40
u7273:這次三家的新進度 是不是都有連續案件(殺人)? 04/09 23:42
malisse74:說到拖 我已經忘了Danny警徽的事了 04/10 02:29
lisawenji:一直拖拖拖 真的不期待也不想追的感覺+1 04/10 06:33