精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(啊,20集啦?) 本集重點: 據說是大牌演員的星光閃閃? 可是我好想睡覺.......(倒) 片頭,一場雙人相聲型的脫口秀, 兩個老頭在進行表演前的排練, 其中一個無法記住台詞,而且忽然感傷起來, Nash:... And you, you got a beautiful wife. Knucles. Nobody loves me. Knucles: I love you. 之後兩人繼續排練,然後到了要上場前的十分鐘...... 導播去敲Nash的門,卻沒人應門, 走進他的休息室,老者僅穿著boxer與睡袍死在沙發上了。 小葛跟帥尼來到現場, 小葛正使用著"賭城歷史活字典"的封號, 在跟帥尼解釋這是Nash&Knucles在三十年後第一次的reunion。 帥尼: Anything to tell us, doc? 羅賓爺爺: No outside trauma. Some syndromes fit alchol abusing. 帥尼: (看看死者身旁的伏特加酒瓶) One last drink? 小葛: One last laugh. 烤魚跟凱姐去處理另外一件案子, 一具在垃圾車裡被發現的屍體,披著屍體的塑膠袋一被拉開, 帶著兩人到現場的員警被嚇了一大跳, 死者"名符其實"的"被射擊成蜂窩"。 烤魚: You usually see such violance near the bounder. Maybe he's moved up here from Mexico. 大衛: When a man is dead, he is dead. Why keep killing him? 烤魚: When you're very angry, or you have too much fun to stop. 帥尼等著羅賓爺爺的驗屍, Nash似乎是因為over-medicated而死亡的; 然後羅賓爺爺在Nash背上發現抓痕, 帥尼: ...Alchol abusers bruse easily. 羅賓爺爺: (看帥尼一眼) He has a lot of parties going on.      Those are love scratches. 小葛在現場繼續蒐證, 布拔在詢問Knucles,他老婆不停的嗲聲嗲語打斷Knucles的回答。 Knucles: Um, sweetheart. I'll- I'll handle that. ... We earned a lot of money. But, you see, Bernnie didn't have anytime to play with it. So he quits. 小葛: You must be pissed off. Knucles: No, no. You see, I then got two TV series. Two hit ones. And I got movies. I had movies. Anyway, like I said, Bernnie is playing with his money. Pretty soon he busted again. He needs to come back. He asked- Knucles的老婆: Begged, Honey. He begged. Knucles: (對布拔微笑) And how could I said now. 莎拉來幫大衛驗屍,大衛正在忙碌的數彈孔。 大衛: It's over 100 bullet holes now and I'm still counting! 莎拉: I guess that's why Catherine kept me to help.    (在屍體身上撿出一截射擊斷裂後嵌入身體的手指)    Looks like we got some kind of ID. 烤魚檢查了指紋資料庫後,確認蜂窩死者為Kurtis Torse. 莎拉: I know him. He's a dangerous man. He's been on the run for a year, a long time. 烤魚: Yes, but, who got him? 羅賓爺爺在帥尼小葛案件的屍體發現了不尋常之處...... 羅賓爺爺: This guy is a book-worthy history itself, my boy. 羅賓爺爺向帥尼指出,死者的肺部充水鼓漲,還有其他相呼應的證據, 帥尼: Are you saying he's drown? 羅賓爺爺: I told you it is a great mystery. 凱姐在詢問Kurtis的妻子。 太太: He's too smart. Think about it. He came from Seattle to Vegas without being caught, by feet. 凱姐: No secret visits? 太太: ... He just walked out the front door and never come back.    Kurt's belief meant to him more than his family.    Don't you understand? He killed people. And those people have families, too. They wanted me dead. 凱姐: Give me names, I can help. 太太: Got no names. Sorry. I just catched them following me down.    Calling me...... 凱姐: Once you get me your phone records, I can do that for you. 與此同時,莎拉忙著在Kurtis身上插彈道。 烤魚: Porcupined man... 莎拉告訴烤魚,Kurtis死亡時間推測在午夜到凌晨三點之間, 他胸前的其中一枚痕跡是Tracer留下的。 烤魚: You know, when I was young, when my farther and his army guys got drunk... they'll shoot tracers and tell me that's fireworks. And they're fireworks. 莎拉: Tracers are usually for target practive. 烤魚: He's certainly some kind of human target. 小葛他們在Nash身上發現一根紅髮, 所以小葛去找賭場的Show Girls取樣。 Show Girls說Nash本來就是一找到機會就伸鹹豬手, 小葛好奇的問說那Knucles呢? Show Girl: Oh, he'll corner you, too. If he got a chance. All Knucles hits on you is jokes. Untill his wife yakes the leash. 莎拉去找實驗室的子彈專家, 結果Kurtis先生身上啥都有, 莎拉嘆氣,專家先生卻笑的很開心的說, 在全國槍隻法案管制最低的城市,他剛好知道一間所有類型子彈都有的店, 還說莎拉應該也看過那個廣告,最後發現企鵝太太是真的一無所知... 子彈專家: Ouch, come'on, now you have to see this. 該位大叔模仿著廣告,雙手一拉開實驗袍(莎拉傻眼), 假裝從腰帶抽出一把手槍,叉腰偏頭甩性感。 XDDDDDD 於是說莎拉跟烤魚前往了那家店。 性感美麗的店主否認看過Kurtis, 店主: Thousands people come in every day. 烤魚: Yes, but this one is killed. We'll need the videos from those vigilance cameras. And we'll need to look around. 店主: All right. What are you looking for? 莎拉: Blood. 於是莎拉跟烤魚兩人進入射擊場檢查,但是一無所獲。 凱姐追蹤到了跟蹤、打騷擾電話給Kurtis太太的人。 Daniel: Why would I care? Her husband killed my mom my dad and my baby sister. 凱姐: ... You visited Blast Away Gun Alley? Daniel: So? I didn't kill anyone. 凱姐: He was murdered. He was shot to a situation that you can actually look through his body. Daniel: (沉默數秒,推開桌子跳起來,嚇到凱姐)Yes!!!     I didn't kill him. But I would. 凱姐: (嘆氣) We'll need your finger prints, DNA and boots. Daniel: Then you'll get them all. And, miss, thank you for giving me the best news in my life. 經過檢驗,沒有哪個Show Girl的頭髮是真的紅髮, 然後小哈檢驗出那些Love scatch裡的物質是真正的金...... 小葛: (想起Knucles的太太) We're not looking for a show girl.    We're looking a gold tracer. 於是說布拔詢問Knucles的太太。 Knucles的太太說Nash總是在利用機會吃豆腐, ("You know. Grabing and squeezing, and whispering dirty talks.") (講到Grabing/ squeezing時這位太太利用布拔的手臂示範了一下...嗯...) 然後有天Nash逮到她跟她的Little Hamster(小狼狗啦!)在親熱, 當然就理所當然的拿來威脅她,要她任他為所欲為換取沉默, 但是很不幸的Nash先生的體力顯然不敵年輕人, Knucle太太利用給他藥的名義,在酒裡放了安眠藥後趁Nash睡著就離開了。 布拔: So you admitted you put the oxycodone? Knucles太太: What? No, no, no... 布拔: ...it was the fact that he was loaded out dope. Knucles太太: Look. The last thing you can make Bernnie drink is water.   When I left, he's alive. 布拔: And now, he's dead. And you are not going everywhere. 小哈鑑識出Kurtis身上有magnesite物質, 開開心心的告知烤魚並指出Gabbs, Nevada是賭城附近已知唯一有這種物質的地方, 還緬懷的說他老媽在他15歲生日時帶他去過Gabbs。 小哈: Maybe the killer killed Torse at Gabbs. 烤魚: Then driving 250 miles to Vegas to dump the body within 4 hours? No, I don't think so. However, the magnesite may be washing down... to Karol, Nevada. 烤魚莎拉於是去了Karol,那兒有一處隨便大家掃射的射擊場。 場主: Hey, you guys have the pass? 莎拉: (出示警徽) 場主: LVPD usually shots here for free. Wanna try? 烤魚: (在滿天射擊聲中大喊) Could you stop them first!? 場主: Sure. (於是說射擊停止了) I'm a big support of law enforcement. I respect the badge. However, I don't need a permit. I own the land. This is a festivel celebrating gun ownership. 兩人出示Kurtis的相片,場主否認見過他,然後說Daniel是他們的活動參與人之一。 烤魚: As a big support of law enforcement, would you mind we take a look around? 場主: (自打嘴巴了) Not at all. 帥尼跟小葛討論案情中,還是搞不懂溺斃的現象跟Oxycodone哪來的, 小哈走進來告訴他們說導致Nash溺斃的水裡含有Iron dust...... 小葛帥尼重返現場,在休息室後方注意到銅管線的舊水槽等, 然後兩人聽到爭執聲,走出去看到兩名男女在爭奪一個包包,兩人制止了他們... 帥尼: Hey! Take it easy. (對男子說) You're under arrested for assault.    And that gave us the right to search your bag... (取出一罐Oxycodone) Looks like we got ourselves a bingo!    Get him out of here. 警力在射擊場搜尋。 莎拉: Oh, I got something over here.Whew. 烤魚: (上前照相) Well, Torse was missing both his feet. 莎拉: (繼續往前走) I got a finger. 烤魚: (跟著,最後兩人走到一台白色廂型車前,放在射擊場裡的物件之一)    Looks like this is where it starts. 兩人回去詢問場主。 場主: Look, I didn't kill anybody. 烤魚: It's your land, it's your shot-down. It's your responsibility. 場主: He was already dead when I found him. My family owned this place over than 100 year. I think you guys found it, you'll take it from me. He had to snuck in to camp there! 莎拉: So you're saying this is a accident? 場主: Everyone here that night must all had a shot on him, including me. That kid - he had nothing to do with this. 烤魚: (嘆氣) This guy, he killed 27 people. If you called the cop, you'll be a hero now. But you didn't. That makes you a crime now. 小葛帥尼繼續研究現場。 帥尼: The line is got leak. Check it out. (檢查漏水的方向) It's the ice-making mechine. 小葛: Nash drowned in ice cubes? 帥尼: Looks like natural causes. It's a perfect murder! 原來兇手是將冰塊放在因藥物昏迷的Nash口鼻裡, 最後導致Nash"溺斃"而亡。 小葛轉頭看到Knucles的toupee... 小葛: You know, in my younger, well, experimental days, I happened to learn that calibration of highlight or lowlights could be different and cause different colord under varied situations... I bet we can find red hairs in Knucle's rug. 是的,是Knucle殺了他的老搭檔Nash。 布拔: Well, why? Jealous? Knucles: No! Tersies had all that Hamster stuffs and we all know that. It's like a game for us... You see, in Vegas, if you ger laugh, you'll be fine. If you don't get laugh, you think "Whew, I died." During the rehersal, Bernnie cannot remember the lines, even the old ones! That's what drive me crazy, and he lost his funny. When I talked him about cancelling the show, he burst out. ... I just killed him before them (the audience). And I did it because... I loved him. And he would do that for me, too. 布拔: And the ice cube gag? Knucles: Oh, that! That's a good one, isn't it? XXX came out of it first, and said "That's the perfect murder!" And then I said "It is not if you hadn't cited that down!" (大笑,布拔表情不變... XD) Um... Maybe I lost my funny, too. "Vegas was Mount Olympus. And we were Gods." 本集心得: 1) Jennifer Tilly真讓人有"薑是老的辣"的感覺...XD 她抓著布拔的手那段我還真想大叫放開那男孩啊~~ XDDD 2) 把企鵝太太弄傻眼的槍隻專家先生很好笑~ 3) 小葛的賭城歷史字典功力發揮不到五成噯。可惜了說。 >"< 以上,今天早上剛完成defense的人要去睡覺了,好累~~晚安~~ XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
welly0923:defense? master還是PHD? 04/30 13:43