精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(Again, no one can really escape from the past......) 本集重點: 琳西長好大啦!!! 是說有必要上一集歡樂完下一集馬上耍沉重嗎!? >"< 賭城下著大雨,一名男孩在下水道裡幾乎滅頂; 鏡頭轉往一間學校,學校裡正在進行歌舞劇CABARET的演練, 琳西在台上唱著歌(琳西演Sally耶!!!大心啊!!!), 下水道裡的男子繼續隨波逐流, 最後,一名男子衝進演練禮堂, 男子: Hey, you kids won't believe in what happened outside! 大雨裡,學校裡演練的孩子們稱著傘看著帥尼等人處理屍體。 因為雨實在太大了,帥尼怕屍體被沖走,讓法醫先用手銬把屍體固定, 在囧尼正在看著男孩手上的刺青時,凱姐出現了。 帥尼: Hey! Catherine, don't expect to see you here! Is this Linsey's school? 凱姐: Yeah, actually, I'm about to pick het up. She's having a rehersal. (轉頭看到琳西) Hi, Honey, you okay? 琳西: ... yeah. 凱姐: (注意到Linsy的臉色) You know him? 琳西: Yeah, Sean Becker. He goes school here. Look, Mom, I know this sounds not good. But... he's not going to be miss. 第二天,凱姐、小葛、大衛跟一名警察下去下水道取屍體, 小葛: I feel like I passed evry dump of pop and used condoms in Las Vegas now. 凱姐笑了笑,然後一行人接近了屍體。 大衛: Yap, he's dead. 帥尼跟小葛開始進行調查,從屍體發現處往上游檢查每一個排水孔道, 兩人由此發現了一個下水道空間放滿雜物、牆上有著許多塗鴉, 帥尼: This is the same sign of tattoo on the kid's hand. 然後帥尼說出他的推論,認為是Sean到這裡來時不慎摔入水中溺斃, 被因雨暴漲的水位沖到屍體發現的地方。 小葛: Yeah, that's possible. But this place looks like a Klan House more than a club house... 大衛跟烤魚驗屍中,Sean身上有許多待有種族優越的刺青, 烤魚他們在Sean的口袋裡發現了一張照片,上面是兩個黑人女孩。 烤魚: A racist carrying a photo of two blak women? 大衛: A potential target? 烤魚: Assuming they are not the victims. 凱姐跟學校校長交談中。 校長: His father kicked his mother into a psychal hospital and lefe him to his mother. The kid is filled with hates. 凱姐: Who is his best friends? 校長: Daryl and Karl. They hang out together. 凱姐: I understand that they're associated with the case that Billy... 校長: The gay student. I know there is a rumor that Sean is involves, too. 凱姐: Is it true? 校長: You're a cop. You tell me. A group of student held a gay and lesbian debate and a lot people got on fire. So I organized Tolerance Week and... 凱姐: Do me a favor, Phil. Do you recognize these girls? (出示烤魚他們找到的照片) 校長: I never saw those girls. They are not here. 布拔跟莎拉去拜訪Sean的祖母,布拔開莎拉的玩笑說她怎麼沒去下水道。 布拔: Where is that dirty-like Sara I know? 莎菈: I would like to know where haters come from. 布拔: You may get the chance. 兩人走進去,Sean的祖母歡迎他們,但是她看來腦筋不太清楚了。 布拔: Mrs. Becker, please sit down. I have a bad news for you... Sean is dead. We found his body. 祖母: Oh, no. Oh, my God. 布拔: We're sorry for your loss. 莎拉: We need to take around Sean's bedroom. Will it be okay for you? 祖母: Yeah, yeah, sure... 於是莎拉去檢查房間,布拔陪著老太太。 祖母: I think Sean could show you guys better when he gets home... 布拔: Now, now, no, Mrs. Beker, do you understand what I said before? Sean's not coming back. He's dead... He's, uh, (轉頭看看老太太的宗教收藏) with Jesus. Yeah, he's with Jesus. 祖母: How did that happen. 布拔: That's what we're trying to figure out. 祖母: Well, then, we'll just need to wait for Sean going home and telling us. He'll certainly shade some lights from... uh... from... 布拔: (嘆氣) That's okay. Really. 祖母: Can I get you some tea? 布拔: That will be great. 布拔走去找莎拉。 布拔: Mrs. Beker apparantly has no compos mentis. She has short memory problems. I called the social service. 莎拉: Okay... The mural arts they found under the cap is defitinetly Sean's work. Look at all those works... 布拔: Well, haters start as painters, too. 烤魚跟羅賓爺爺繼續驗屍中, 羅賓爺爺告訴烤魚,Sean不是溺斃的。 烤魚: Then what killed him? 羅賓爺爺: I know you'll ask. The pattern in the lungs showed at least 2 liters of blood loss. That's definitely the C.O.D. The hole showed a pattern of flat punch... 烤魚: Suggesting a Phillip-head screwdriver. 羅賓爺爺: A lot of people will call it justice. 烤魚: We will still call it murder. 小葛跟帥尼持續在下水道挖寶。 小葛: Dose Catherine say that we can stop this till we found something? 帥尼: Till we found something "useful." 小葛: Well, I think this is qualified. Same fibers as the cloth. I think this is the dump site. 帥尼: My turn, right? 小葛: Yeah, your turn. (帥尼爬進下水道...) 帥尼: What you know, Ha! Langsten said we might find one of those screwdrivers! I think we gatta lucky. 小葛: Yeah. With the rain and everything washed, I hope we can still get useful fingerprints or DNA... 帥尼: Ah, I'm an optimast. 烤魚排列著一張又一張Sean的傷勢X光片。 莎拉: (走進來) That's quite a road map.    That's a lot of violence in a short life. 烤魚: (交給莎拉一份報告) The high school send us those files, something stands out. Sean just have a fight with someone a few days ago.    Catherine is at school now. 學校裡,音樂劇排演進行中,Cabaret裡納粹青年們演唱的橋段。 導演: No! stop! ... It is a song sung by beatiful children who will soon become monsters in the World War 2! You need to sing out the cruel sweetnes! Ten minutes break! 凱姐上前跟導演打招呼,導演以為她是來接Linsey的, 結果凱姐是需要跟其中一名琳西談談... 導演: I'll get him. 琳西: Mom? Is this about Sean's death? He would have nothing to do about that! 凱姐: Are you giving me a information or an opinion? This is business. Stay back, Linsey. 那名男孩承認跟Sean的衝突,他說他看到Sean在排演場鬼鬼祟祟, 認為他是心懷不軌,所以嘗試去警告他不要亂來。 男孩: I'm just trying to give him my notes. 凱姐: So you admitted you start that? 男孩: Sean throws the fist first. I'm just fighting back. I'm sorry I have to say this. It's like someone gave him a life lesseon he richly deserved. A lot of people agreed with it, including Linsay. 烤魚跟帥尼繼續檢查傷勢X光片。 帥尼: The fraction of ultra must hurt like hell. 烤魚: It's not on the school file, maybe if we can find where it came from, we can figure out who's the killer... 凱姐回到辦公室,發現校長大人在等她。 凱姐: Phil? 校長: ... Just something I think I should mention first. 凱姐: Phil, this is a homicide investiggation. If you know something... 結果校長說,幾星期前Sean跟一名黑人工友似乎有衝突, 但是因為那名工友不想把事情鬧大,所以他們沒有列檔...... 布拔去找那名工友。 布拔: Laurent Nybaou? I want to talk with you about the alleged assert a few weeks ago. Laurent: Where I come from, the police and goverment are not something you want to involve to. 布拔: In this country, police protect innocence. That's my job. Is it true that Sean Becker assault you? Laurent: You don't understand. When I heard the death of the child, it saddened me. 布拔: Well, that surprise me. So far, you're the only one. Laurent: He was not the one who attack me. 依據Laurent的描述,Sean其實是幫助了他,擋下了對他的攻擊。 布拔: Sean Becker is a racist. Why would he put himself on the line for you? Laurent: He is a smart kid. He realized that his future will keep leaking away until he can consume the anger inside him. So I told him my story. 回想畫面: Laurent告訴Sean他在盧安達的往事。 Laurent: It feels like... God wants you to die. Sean: What did you do? Laurent: We prayed and waited to the end. Sean: Why aren't you angry? Why don't you grab something and hit back!? Laurent: It wouldn't make any difference...  The next morning, the Hutu was gone, maybe went to attack others...  Some, myself included, escaped to the forest.  I never saw my family again.      You never know what God thinking. In my old country, he took everything away. But in my new country, he gave me a new family. Sean: (指著那張照片) Who are they? Laurent: They were my sisters... Lia, she's the smallest. She always laughing for no reason...(微笑) 回到現在時間。 Laurent: He asked me if he could copy the photo. I don't see any reason why not. 布拔: Does Sean's friends understand this change? Laurent: I don't know. But if so, it could be very dangeroud for Sean. 警方逮到了常跟Sean混在一起的Daryl, Karl跟Molly, 在Laurent的敘述中,就是Daryl跟Karl攻擊他的。 小葛與Karl對峙。 小葛: Okay, you can keep silence. But if you're smart, you'll at least write down what happened. So at least we'll have your side of story. Karl: (寫寫寫,扔回) 小葛: I want a layer (拼錯字)? Karl: It said a lawyer. Can't you even read, dude? 帥尼處理Daryl. Daryl: The school janitor? Oh, look, Sean and Karl really wanted to kick the African-American's ass. But I said, hey, this is Tolerance Week. Why don't we try to tolerence for a change? But they didn't listen. 帥尼: Tha janitor's story is that you and Karl are the ones who attack him. Daryl: Those banana-eaters cannot tell white people apart. 帥尼: Okay. Since you seem to have strong opinion on those bananaeaters. You know what? I'm gonna do you a favor. When they take you to the jail, I'll ask them to put you in the cell that all others are black... 凱姐在跟Molly談話。 Molly: I killed Sean... 依據Molly的說詞,她發覺最近Sean的舉止很奇怪,所以跟蹤Sean, 先是發現Sean在看盧安達的紀錄片,然後發現Sean跟Laurent的談話時間... 她覺得不可思議,於是告訴了Karl跟Daryl,他們不相信她,然後刻意去找Laurent麻煩, 結果沒想到Sean真的挺身維護Laurent,還跟他們打了起來... Sean打贏了,Daryl稱Sean為背叛者,在Molly面前落狠話說要Sean付出代價。 CSI小組會合討論案情。 凱姐: However, she didn't actually witness the murder. 烤魚: The trace support the junitor's story that Sean was protecting him. (臉傷跟手傷都符合Laurent的描述) 小葛: Looks like Sean is really trying to change his life. 凱姐: ...And that got him killed. 琳西在偷翻閱檔案,被路過的莎拉發現。 莎拉: Those files are not for outsiders... Linsey, you know that. You're lucky that it's not your mother caught you. 琳西: I'm sorry... It's just... It seems like Sean had a really rough life. I could have be nicer to him. 莎拉: Why did you say so? 琳西: A couple days ago, he came talking to me... 琳西說Sean找上她,問她說她媽媽是不是警察,她有沒有辦法進入指紋系統? 琳西那時根本沒有給Sean好臉色,也沒認真聽他解釋。 莎拉問琳西說知不知道Sean為啥找上她問這種問題。 琳西: I don't know. Maybe he's just having some crush on me? 莎拉回去Sean的房間,發現一本紀錄盧安達事件的書,書裡夾著一枚指紋! 莎拉帶著那東西回去找烤魚,兩人檢查指紋系統, 一開始沒有發現,莎拉改選了"interpol"的選項, 資料庫顯示出一名盧安達人Mattew Babajida,但是照片分明是Laurent Nybaou。 烤魚: (唸著資料) A hutu leader who attacked a lot village... Whereabout, unknow. 莎拉: Until now. CSI小組再次聚集, 烤魚告知大家1994年間的盧安達大屠殺,將近800000人失去性命; Hutu領導Mattew Babajida惡名昭彰的原因, 是因為他常常延長被害人的恐懼與傷痛,最後才取人性命。 布拔帶著警方到了Laurent家。 布拔: I need you to come to the station with me, Mr. Babajida. Laurent的妻子完全不可置信,而他的女兒哭喊著爸爸...。 局裡的CSI小組。 烤魚: Sean Beker insdvertently discover the truth. 莎拉: He tried to get the print from the bottle of cleaner... 烤魚: Unfortunately he had no way to run the prints. 凱姐: ... In other words, we got the murder weapon, we just cannot put it on his hand. 於是果凍人先生又出現了,這次被拿來讓烤魚進行扁鑽攻擊實驗, 烤魚確認了手上留下的傷痕痕跡,與Laurent(Mattew)手上的傷吻合。 布拔烤魚詢問中。 烤魚: Sean found out who you really are and confront you? (回想畫面,Sean對Laurent大吼。) (Sean: Did you simply kill them or you rape them first?) Laurent(Mattew): That's not what happened... 布拔: Are you saying that you didn't kill Sean? Laurent(Mattew): No. I mean.. I never mean to hurt him. It was... an accident. 烤魚: (出示照片) Who are they? Laurent(Mattew): ...I have no idea. I knew when I came to United States. I would have to create a new history for my self. 烤魚: But Sean was to tracking them down, right? For you, for his friend. Laurent(Mattew): Out of life. Once in his life to do something good. For past 15 years, I tried to exempt what I did in Rwanda.          I never expect for God to forgive me.          But if I could save this one boy, this one soul. I could save part of myself, too. But... Luck is for the man who never has to confront what he cannot bear. 烤魚嘆氣,布拔讓員警進來把人押走。 最後,在琳西的歌聲中,莎拉收著本案件的證物們, 凱姐在台下一臉驕傲的聽著琳西/Sally唱著 "...And as for me, I made up my mind back in Chelsea," "When I go, I'm going like Elsie." "... And I love a Cabaret!" 本集心得: 1) 很本店風格的一集,劇情也相當不錯,可是好沉重啊~~ >"< 2) 推一下"盧安達大飯店",一部我看到頭痛的片子, 我記得我被片中戰地記者的誠實述說西方國家的偽善狠狠打中...Orz 但是其實圖西人跟胡圖人是殺來殺去, 即使雙方早就混血到很難判斷的地步了... 想了解另一邊的故事的,有本書叫"寬恕,我唯一能做的"還不錯。 大一點以後在看這部片是台灣省籍情結正嚴重的時候,心有戚戚啊... 3) 也推Cabaret! 我愛Broadway!!! 大學時我有選修外文系的"百老匯與西方文化", 某次主題是discrimination, 我們老師挑了"Las Miserable","Hairspray","Rent"跟"Cabaret", 都很好看喔! 音樂劇不是只有安德魯洛伊韋伯! XDD 4) 琳西長好大啦! 話說如果劇中是原聲的話那還真的是滿不錯的! 5) 記得季初TV Guide的訪問,凱姐有說本季有音樂劇相關的一集, 大概就是這個了吧? 凱姐跟莎拉在該訪問中還開玩笑的說以後要搞Musical: CSI哩! 想像看看一整集Glee風格的CSI? (是說還是比Ghost Whisper風格好! XD) 下週依然沒有新的蘋果店喔~~只有本店有新的~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
komina:大蘋果店連休兩週,5/5 才回來喔! ^^b 04/23 11:56
malisse74:這集很好看 Sean Becker的真實面貌出現後越看越沉重 04/23 11:59
malisse74:Greg"layer"和後面的"layered up"很好笑 XD 04/23 12:00
tonylin:我對Broadway的印象就是悲慘世界跟Rent 04/23 12:04
tonylin:我唱過悲慘世界的酒店老闆,去過NY看Rent 感動啊 04/23 12:05
tonylin:CSI要變Glee版,那要唱the WHO專輯 XDDDDD然後戴墨鏡飄出 04/23 12:06
tonylin:( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ 04/23 12:06
tonylin:校長是ER的Dr. Romano @_@ 04/23 16:14
tonylin:話說,下水道探險之前是女王跟某人的專利 (5x02) 04/23 16:20
tonylin:布拔怎麼也開始玩戴墨鏡歪頭遊戲了 囧(他歪另一邊) 04/23 16:29
tonylin:這集的死者真眼熟,看了一下,原來出現在TSCC裡啊 XD 04/23 16:31
tonylin:pisa不好意思,悲慘世界是Les Misérables (這要用複製貼 04/23 16:36
tonylin:上了) 04/23 16:36
tonylin:小琳西也長大了(至少沒換到第三位演員....) 04/23 16:39
tonylin:咦,去看小琳西演出的女王,旁邊的座位敢情是V警探大哥? 04/23 16:49
zyxel:大胖子本來要在nick面前講nigger 改口說african american那 04/23 22:42
zyxel:邊很好笑XD 04/23 22:42
zyxel:一開始看那唱歌的女生 還以為是Ellen Page客串 04/23 22:58
zyxel:Lindsey感覺已經過了叛逆期了 04/23 22:58
u7273:這集不錯 04/24 00:25
codykey:那個ian跟sean的對話完全不重要嗎? 我以為是ian殺了Billy 04/26 19:49
sinbleclock:兇手演過the Wire裡Omar Little,充滿傳奇的街頭人物 04/26 22:05
TTaxl:下水道衝浪嗎 XD 04/27 21:47
veralii:ian殺了Billy+1 04/28 14:58