精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=262912 Reaction: Another step closer Tuesday, Mar 15, 2005 助理教練史蒂夫˙克拉克再次代替主教練出席賽後記者會,他認為取勝西布朗維 奇是奪取50年來首個頂級聯賽冠軍的其中一步,目前藍軍將差距擴大到11分,繼續鞏 固領跑優勢,蘇格蘭人說: "我們知道該做些什麼以贏得英超冠軍,但這場勝利讓我 們更往前了一步。" Baggies boss Bryan Robson though felt that it was already a fait accompli for the Blues. “I don’t think anyone can catch Chelsea now. With the difference in points, even before this game, I can’t see Chelsea losing three or four games to the end of the season. They are more or less there now.” He also explained his decision to play with three strikers instead of packing the midfield as others have done. “I’ve seen a lot of different people try to play with five in midfield. Chelsea’s central defenders are very dominant so you cannot get out of your half. So I thought we would go with three strikers and try to put Chelsea on the back foot. “The first-half they didn’t quite grasp the way I wanted them to play. We went up too far on the ball leaving holes for Chelsea to play behind us. “The second-half we had a better shape and started getting into the game. We pushed Chelsea right to the finish. They missed a few chances, especially Drogba, but for me the person who caused us most problems was Duff. We struggled to contain him.” 克拉克同意關於德羅巴的批評,但他也點出是德羅巴為藍軍帶來勝利。 "帝帝爾 可以進更多球的,但他為我們攻進致勝球,帶來三分的積分,對於一個射手來說這是 非常重要的。" 談到最近關於卻爾西的批評所帶來的影響,克拉克說: "整季我們都團結一致, 最近幾週也沒有改變,每當我們上場時你都可以看見那種精神,那種作戰和團結的方 式,這就像鼻子長在臉上一樣正常。我認為我們幹得不錯,歐冠前進八強,卡林盃早 已到手,又以11分的優勢排在英超榜首,我們也想贏得它。" 最後談到羅本,過去六週苦於腳上兩處骨折而無法上場,週末對水晶宮時可望回 歸,克拉克說: "他已經復原了,但是兩週後等國際比賽日結束時再復出或許比較妥 當。" by Gill Lester -- " If I quit now, they win. " - Dana Scully in 'Fight the Future' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jftsai:嗯...羅本國際賽暖暖身也好,但!!!保重!! 03/18
JamesCaesar:哈,是這樣解讀的嗎? XDD 03/18
jftsai:我覺得他好了,也許球隊又想讓他向國家隊請病假 03/18
jftsai:我是希望他能回國家隊效力 03/18
JamesCaesar:好吧我是自私鬼 (爆) 03/18
jftsai:反正小喬入選也未必能上場 03/18