精華區beta Facebook 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: KeepRolling (.....) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] facebook又包了 時間: Thu Feb 19 11:59:02 2009 這件事還鬧蠻大的,所以PO上來讓大家看一下。 facebook剽竊風波過後,這次更絕,直接來個剽竊使用者的個人資訊以及上傳檔案的 所有權!!所以有在使用Facebook的鄉民們小心了~~ ps.下面有中文翻譯 Facebook backs down, reverses on user information policy Facebook, the Web's most popular social networking site, has been caught in a content-rights battle after revealing earlier this month that it was granting itself permanent rights to users' photos, wall posts and other information even after a user closed an account. The popular site allows users to create personal profiles where they can then connect with one another, upload photos and share links. The site boasts more than 150 million active users. Member backlash against Facebook began over the weekend after a consumer advocate Web site, The Consumerist, flagged a change made to Facebook's policy earlier in the month. The company deleted a sentence from the old Terms of Use. That sentence said Facebook could not claim any rights to original content that a user uploaded once the user closed his or her account. It replaced it with: "You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. ... (H)owever, you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content." In response, Chris Walters wrote in the Consumerist post, "Make sure you never upload anything you don't feel comfortable giving away forever, because it's Facebook's now." Thousands of indignant members either canceled their accounts or created online petitions. Among them were more than 64,000 who joined a group called "The People Against the new Terms of Service." On Monday, Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg tried to quell the controversy by saying the company's philosophy is that "people own their information and control who they share it with." But members were not appeased because the site did not fix its Terms of Use. The company, in its post Wednesday, said it was returning to its previous Terms of Use because of the "feedback" it had received. "As Mark expressed in his blog post on Monday, it was never our intention to confuse people or make them uneasy about sharing on Facebook," company spokesman Barry Schnitt said in a blog post. "I also want to be very clear that Facebook does not, nor have we ever, claimed ownership over people's content. Your content belongs to you." Schnitt said the company is in the process of rewording its Terms of Use in "simple language that defines Facebook's rights much more specifically." 網路上最盛行的社交網站Facebook在月初洩露獨自賦予對使用者,甚至於在使用者結束關 閉帳號之後,其照片、發表內容以及其他資訊的永久權限之後,而陷入了一場網站個人資 訊的專有權爭議。 此熱門社交網站提供會員建立可以和其他會員聯繫、上傳照片以及分享連結的個人網頁。 此網站自豪表示目前有超過一百五十萬的線上用戶。 這個月初在一個代言消費者的網站The Consumerist標示出一個Facebook做出的使用權益政 策改變之後,週末對此社交網站強烈不滿會員們開始有動作。 該社交網站在舊版的使用權益條款中刪去了其中一項,其條款表示Facebook對用戶上傳的 原始檔案內容一旦在用戶結束帳號之後,沒有任何保留的權益。 反之,替代此舊條款的是「用戶將可以在任何時間從清除Facebook上的用戶檔案資訊,但 是用戶認可Facebook可以保留任何上傳的檔案資訊備份。」 對此新條款的回應,The Consumerist的Chris Walters 寫到:「要確定你們絕對不會上傳 任何會讓你感到後悔流傳出去的資訊,因為一旦上傳,擁有權就屬於Facebook。」 成千上萬的不滿用戶不是關閉帳戶,不然就是開始進行線上訴願,其中超過六萬四千名的 會員則參與了一個名叫「對抗新版使用權益條款的會員」的團體。 Facebook總裁Mark Zuckerberg於星期一藉由說明Facebook的經營理念是用戶享有以及支配 和其他人分享個人資訊的權益來弭平這個爭議。但是會員們則因為Facebook沒有實際修正 使用條款的事實而未平息心中的不滿。此社交網站在星期三一份聲明中表示,基於瞭解用 戶對此回應的關係,使用條款將回復到舊的版本。 「就如同總裁星期一在他的部落中所表達的意思一樣,讓用戶感到困擾或者讓他們對於在 Facebook上分享資訊感到不安絕對不是我們的本意。」此網站的發言人Schnitt中在部落 格中說道。「我也想清楚表明,Facebook不會,也不曾對於用戶的個人資訊宣稱過有擁有 的權利,這些資訊只屬於用戶本身。」 Schnitt表示Facebook正在運用能將網站權益更明 確釐清的平鋪直述用字,來進行修改使用權益的內容。 ps. 以上是唯一小部分CNN今天的新聞翻譯,基本上facebook是私底下修改使用條款, 然後希望以後只要大家上傳的照片、連結和內容,不管你是會員用戶還是把帳號關 閉,facebook都可以擁有並且任意使用你上傳的東西。 這件事引起很大的不滿,我想有使用facebook的朋友們注意了。 以下是連結 http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/02/18/facebook.reversal/index.html?iref=mpstoryview -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
WizZ:那有什麼 無名奶站的奶照還不是繼續放 02/19 12:00
smalltwo:facebook創辦人賠室友的錢賠完了沒呀 02/19 12:00
estupid:臉書歪國人比較常用吧 02/19 12:00
Su22:臉書,費斯布克 02/19 12:01
digimaster:Fuckbook 02/19 12:02
kerogunpla:不離不棄 02/19 12:02
radha:條款已經又改回舊制 02/19 12:02
birdy590:看起來像過度擴張解釋, retain archived copy 不等於使用 02/19 12:03
g3sg1:臉書跟歪果人聊天打屁很方便阿 不過我空間更多人用啦 02/19 12:03
dingcross:還好那種地方我都不放東西 02/19 12:06
Zarathustra8:轉錄至看板 FLAT_CLUB 02/19 12:07
g3sg1:玩小遊戲+聊天用 基本上我把他當國外的糟糕島 02/19 12:08
Pumama:沒差我去玩poker而已 資料照片都亂填的 02/19 12:19
rorosnake:yahoo之前也是這樣搞阿(所以無名也差不多) 02/19 12:41
QQ101:改用myspace吧 = = 02/19 12:55
mph:借轉facebook板 02/19 13:05
-- █▎ ◢▃ █▆█▍ ‥〃mph〃ELNINO〃‥ █▍ ◢█▌  █◤◥▎ █▎ ◢◤█▍  █▎█▃▅█▋ █▊▄▆█▏ ▅ ▁▂▆ ▅▉█▌ 人生繁擾一場 █▌ █▊   █▋ 但求浮雲一片 ▅▂ ◥▊ █▋ ꈠ ▎ █▋ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jumpjump:靠腰 臉書瘋了嗎!?!?. 那這樣大家不要亂上傳裸照歐~啾咪~ 02/19 16:42
dish:我今天失手砍了我另一個帳號..可是他的資料都還在耶...XD 02/19 18:05