精華區beta Food 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上星期六和四個朋友去築帝吃帝王蟹(基隆路上,通化街旁) 因為是一間開幕沒多久的店,在網路上也沒有看到任何關於它的討論 所以我們在去吃前是有點膽戰心驚,深怕踩道地雷.. 我們點了帝王蟹全餐,四人份2500元,在打8折;包括綜合生魚片、 清蒸帝王蟹、燒烤帝王蟹、櫻花蝦炊飯、帝王蟹火鍋=>每道都很美味 吃完全餐後,我們還一猶未盡的在點了一隻"活"的帝王蟹,3600元 我們請店員幫我們和這隻帝王蟹照了張相片後,才送進廚房~ 煮法和前面的全餐類似,但是味道更鮮美~~~活的果然不一樣~ ^^# 另外值得一提的是,這間餐廳的服務真的很讚,有五星級飯店的水準 網址是:http://jwudih.network.com.tw/ 我們五個人都很滿意這間店,以後想吃帝王蟹應該就會去這間了吧 希望它能永續經營而且品質不墜囉~ 我其中一個朋友是瑞典人,他因為非常喜歡這間店,隔天就寫了一篇很長的感想 希望我幫他的感想貼在BBS上,幫這間店作promotion,有興趣的人可以參考看看..:) After a short ride we arrived to the restaurant, at last it was time. We went into the restaurant and sat down at our reserved table. It was not more then a few tables inside and only a handful other customers. Later I would learn that there is a second floor as well. The decoration inside is very elegant and modern without being pretentious. It gives you a very calm and friendly feeling. The exquisite laid table included in addition to the usual a little ball of lemon water for washing hands and a special crab knife. We barely looked in the bilingual menu before ordering our set meal for four persons. Actually, when I saw the menu on their web site I wanted to order one live emperor crab. It was to risky when we didn't know anything about the restaurant so I forced myself to forget that idea. The great feast started with sashimi that was a joy for eyes and stomach, mouth-watering things like for example tuna, scallops, octopus and salmon. When they put the hot pot next to my seat I thought "Damn, why should they put it next to me. I don't want to spend energy taking care of it". Guess what I was wrong, we never had to think about anything else then eating and chatting. The service was something really extra. Perfect is the only appropriate vocabulary. Except the sashimi our set meal contained; steamed and barbequed crab legs, steamed rice with small shrimps and crab hot pot. Everything was really superb, they used cooking ways that enhanced and preserved the original crab flavour. After we finished the meal I thought something was missing, it was not enough. My dear friends surprised me with birthday gifts that weaken my heart; so lucky I am to have friends like this. I wanted more meat. I simply could not leave that marvellous restaurant without eating live emperor crab, so we ordered one. Under a lot of stir around the other dining guests and personals the manager came with a living crab on a silver plate. At that point euphoria broke out inside me. The next ten minutes that crab lived in fame, not only among our table but the table next to us as well. Those four girls also wanted to be in the photo with the crab. When the flashlights ended the model went to a certain death and later ended up on our table, steamed, barbequed and in an even bigger hot pot. Moreover, an omelette made by the guts served in a special miniature hot pot. After our set meal I thought it wasn't possible for a bigger experience. I was very wrong. The orgy of fresh crabmeat was something outside this world, so much more juicy and delicious than the tasteful frozen one. The fresh meat radiated a fresh scent so it was impossible to control the eating instinct. After this eating frenzy everyone was exhausted and very happy. It was time for the complementary drinks. Four out of five ordered the orange juice. What a surprise that was. Orange juice is orange juice? Well, what can be said? This restaurant managed to make the freshly pressed orange juice a food experience itself. Everyone just smiled satisfied and the fifth person said, "I also should have taken the orange juice", but he was the emperor along with the crab for finding the restaurant. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: amandasu 來自: (02/02 23:20)
apions:阿鬼!你還是請你朋友說中文吧…… 02/03