精華區beta Food 關於我們 聯絡資訊
名  稱:lbu Rai 地  址:Monkey Forest 72 Ubud Bali 80571 網  址:http://www.iburai.com/ubud-restaurant.html 電  話:+62-361-973472 傳  真:+62-361-975066 E-mail:[email protected] 圖文網誌:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/zting/7395527 在峇里島的最後一個晚上,我們在往Monkey Forest的方向找餐廳吃飯 最後,克小蒂挑了這間『lbu Rai』餐廳 店內坐滿了白人(應該都是澳洲人吧!),我們八個黃種人進去引來大家的注視 紅色的燈光,讓這間店顯得更有異國情調 『lbu Rai』的餐點有很多可以選擇,翻開menu的第一頁似乎就是這間店的創始元老 (RP1=RP1,000,10%政府稅+5%服務費) *Starter* RP24~RP28 *Soup* RP24~RP35 *Salad* RP38~RP42 *Mains* RP52~RP69 *Indonesian Dishes* RP38~RP69 *Pizza* RP45~RP48 *Pasta* RP45~RP55 *Alternative* RP36~RP48 *Red Wine* RP290~RP390 *MERLOT* RP340~RP370 *WHITE WINE* RP320~RP370 *SPARKLING* RP360 *Soda* RP8~RP14 *Beer* RP18~RP25 *Spirit* RP25~RP46 *Juices* RP18~RP22 *Milkshake & Float* RP23~RP24 *Hot Drink* RP12~RP19 *Cocktail* RP29~RP48 *Coffee Cocktail* RP29~RP39 *Long Drink* RP47~RP58 *Dessert* RP19~RP26 點完餐後,服務生先送上一人一杯店內免費招待的熱湯 正餐上來前,飲料先送上來了! 我點的是「Cappucino Float RP24」 Tim點的*Beer Large* RP25 *Chicken Avo Bali Salad* RP38 Slice chicken breast, lemon, mixed lettuce, avocado tossed with Balinese lemongrass cream dressing and cashew nut 這盤沙拉是Tim點給大家一起吃的,裡頭各種蔬菜(萵苣/小黃瓜/紅蘿蔔)搭配著雞胸肉還 挺豐盛的! 想要減肥的話,吃完這一盤差不多就好了呢~ *Shrimp Avocado Salad* RP27 Shrimp tossed with tomato, green capsicum, pineapple, avocado and balsamic dressing *Mie Goreng* RP28 Work fry fresh noodle with chiken, shrimp and mixed vegetable served with chiken sate *Seafood Salad* RP42 Grilled mixed king prawn, calamari, tuna on mixed green lettuce with oriental dressing *Potato Leek Soup* RP24 Puree potato mixed with leek, served with garlic bread 我真的很喜歡喝濃湯,『lbu Rai』煮的馬鈴薯濃湯非常濃,很好喝! 旁邊還有附一片麵包,是一道很安全的料理XD *Tom Yam Goong* RP35 A traditional Thai seafood broth with prawn, mackerel, oyster mushroom *Pizza Margherita* RP45 Fresh home made dough with tomato sauce, fresh basil, mozzarella cheese 因為前天才在『Giorgio』吃到好吃的瑪格麗特披薩,所以想嘗嘗看這家的披薩 不過卻是令人失望透了! 一來是她的披薩不是薄片的,二來是上面灑的羅勒葉很多,而且還是在乳酪絲下面,非常 難挑! 在我喝完Potato Leek Soup後,這個吃兩片就很飽了! *Pizza Ibu Rai* RP48 Fresh home made dough with tomato sauce, bell pepper, onion, mushroom, bacon, oregano, mozzarella cheese *Grilled King Prawn* RP69 Grilled marinated garlic king prawn served with potato and vegetables *Kare Seadfood* RP49 Choice of chiken breast or fresh seafood with curry sauce, vegetables and rice *Grilled Seafood* RP69 Grilled mixed king prawn, calamari. Mackerel skewer marinated with garlic oriental sauce served with vegetables and potato *Sapi Basil Lada Hijau* RP55 Beef stir fry mixed eith bell pepper, vegetables and basil spice sauce served with rice *Tenderloin Steak* RP69 Char grilled beef tenderloin with potato and seasonal vegetables over red wine reduce, topped with Bearnaise sauce and mushroom 王董當時還有點一碗湯,結果一直沒有送來,問了才知道廚房還在煮 (還真是「現煮現做」呢!) 因為他也吃飽了,所以跟店家換了一杯開水 店家為了表示歉意,開水就不算錢,算是很有良心 (在Menu上開水是要錢的) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: