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http://ppt.cc/fvq~ Once hailed as a model of democracy in Africa, a coup and an uprising of Islamist militants in the north threatens to create an arc of instability for the continent. The militants have destroyed ancient shrines, once a major draw for Islamic scholars from around the world. They have banned music. And reports of human rights abuses grow daily, including the public stoning death of a couple accused of having an affair. International leaders, concerned that al Qaeda will capitalize on the chaos and set up a haven there, are considering sending troops to Mali soon to reclaim a large portion of the north from extremists. 曾經被譽為非洲民主典範的馬利,現在因為政變和伊斯蘭武裝份子在北部的威脅製造了 極大的動亂。 叛軍摧毀了曾經吸引世界各地伊斯蘭學者的神社,並禁止音樂。 人權組織每天提出的報告中甚至包括人權用石頭砸死一對外遇的情侶。 各國元首們正在商討是否出兵馬利剿平北部的叛亂犯子,擔心基地組織在這裡見縫插針。 What's the story behind the instability? Mali gained independence from France in 1960. The landlocked West African nation went through growing pains after independence, including droughts, rebellions and years of military dictatorship. It held its first democratic elections in 1992, and had a strong democracy for the most part. That was until March, when a group of soldiers toppled the government, undermining the nation's growing economy and relative social stability. 馬利動盪背後的故事 馬利在1960年脫離法國獨立。這個西非內陸國家在獨立後走過建國的痛苦,包括乾旱、 叛軍、以及多年的軍事獨裁統治。馬利在1992年舉行首次民主選舉,自此民主制度一直是 這個國家強而有力的一部分。 但到了今年三月,當一個軍事團體脫離政府,變破壞了這個國家正在崛起的經濟及社會的 穩定。 What led to the coup? A group of outraged soldiers accused the government of not providing adequate equipment to battle ethnic Tuareg rebels roaming the vast desert in the north. On March 22, a riot erupted at a military camp a few miles from the presidential palace in the capital of Bamako. Disgruntled soldiers marched to the palace. A few hours later, a soldier appeared on state television and said the military was in control of the nation. The president was nowhere to be found. The Tuareg rebels took advantage of the power vacuum and seized some parts of the north. They have always wanted independence, and have staged several rebellions since the 1960s. After Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was killed and Libya plunged into chaos, his weapons became available. The Tuareg -- many of whom fought for him -- seized them and took up arms against the Malian government. 政變是怎麼引起的? 一群士兵指控政府沒有提供足夠的裝備就被派去北方沙漠,和圖阿爾格游擊叛軍作戰。 3/22,在首都巴馬科幾公里以外的一個軍營爆發動亂,滿懷不滿的軍隊向首都的總統府 前進。 幾個小時後,一個士兵在電視上現身並表示軍隊已經控制整個國家,總統已經出逃。圖 阿爾格叛亂份子趁這個權力真空的機會佔領了北部某些地區。自從1960年代開始,圖阿爾 格組織一直都在爭取獨立。 當利比亞因為格達費的死亡而陷入動亂後,政府軍殘餘的武器便無法控制,曾經幫助格達 費戰鬥的圖阿爾格份子便掌握了大部分這些剩餘的武器以對抗馬利政府。 How did the north end up in the hands of Islamist militants? After Tuareg rebels seized it, a power struggle erupted with local Islamist radicals. The Islamist extremists toppled the tribe and seized control of two-thirds of northern Mali, an area the size of France. Various factions of al Qaeda-linked militants are reportedly in the area, including Ansar Dine. The international community is also worried that al Qaeda's north African wing is expanding into Mali. U.S. officials have said that the wing, the al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, is linked to the deadly Benghazi attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three others. 北部低區如何落入伊斯蘭武裝份子? 圖阿爾格叛軍掌控北部後,與當地的伊斯蘭激進份子爆發權力鬥爭。伊斯蘭激進份子推翻 了圖阿爾格的部落,並掌控了有2/3的北部馬利地區,相當於法國那麼大。 根據報導有幾個與基地組織有關聯的組織出現在該地區,包括Ansar Dine。 國際社會也很擔心北非基地組織的觸手會伸進馬利。 美國官方也表示北非基地組織Islamic Magherb和美國駐利比亞大使在班加西被暗殺等三 個攻擊事件有關。 Why does the instability concern the international community? The international community is concerned that al Qaeda will capitalize on the chaos to set up a haven there. The area is remote and hard to access, making it an appealing location for the militants. Tuareg rebels have retreated from the well-armed militants, but have vowed to fight back against the Islamists. The Tuareg want their own country in the north, which they call Azawad. And as the world seeks a solution, the Islamist militants are busy applying their strict interpretation of sharia law. 為什麼當地的動亂會引發國際的關注? 國際上很擔心基地組織會控制該地區並建立據點,此地區不僅相當遠,並且難以進入。 對叛軍而言是很好的據點。 圖阿爾格叛軍已經被裝備良好的武裝份子擊退,但誓言將再度擊敗伊斯蘭份子。圖阿爾格 希望擁有國名為"Azawad"自己的國家。 正當世界尋求解決方案時,伊斯蘭份子正在當地貫徹嚴格的伊斯蘭教法。 What are some of the human rights concerns in Mali? Islamists controlling most of the north have vowed to impose a stricter form of Islamic law, or sharia. "We don't have to answer to anyone over the application of sharia," Islamist commissioner Aliou Toure said in August. Locals are not receptive to the extreme interpretations; they practice a much more relaxed form of Islam. Some have taken to the streets in protest. 馬利的人權議題 伊斯蘭分子掌控大部分北部地區,並宣稱將實施嚴格的伊斯蘭教法。 "我們不需要對此事回答任何問題"伊斯蘭份子Aliou Toure在八月宣稱。 當地人無法接受伊斯蘭教義的極端解釋,他們私下採取更寬鬆的形式,有些人甚至採取街 頭抗議。 As part of their new laws, the radical groups banned music, a major setback for a country known for "Festival au Desert," where acts like Robert Plant and Bono have performed. They've also said no to smoking, drinking and watching sports on television. At least four times this year, the militants have destroyed Timbuktu's historic tombs and shrines, claiming the relics are idolatrous. The picturesque city was once an important destination for Islamic scholars for its ancient and prominent burial sites. Rights groups have expressed concerns of mounting human rights abuses. 做為新律法的一部份,激進份子禁止音樂,及一個該地的大型節慶"Festival au Desert" 除此之外,抽菸、喝酒、體育節目也被禁止。 叛軍持續摧毀廷巴克圖的歷史遺跡,今年至少已有4次,並聲稱這些文物是偶像崇拜。 這個美麗的城市曾經是伊斯蘭學者考古研究的重要地點。 人權組織對這些行為表達嚴正關切。 The militants are compiling a list of mothers who've had children out of wedlock, raising fears of cruel punishments, according to the United Nations. They have also condemned relationships outside marriage, and publicly stoned a couple to death in July for reportedly having an affair. Terrified residents watched quietly. Public executions, amputations, floggings and other inhuman punishments are becoming common, the United Nations says. 根據聯合國報告,武裝份子正在編列一份有非婚生子女的名單,這些名單可能遭到殘 酷的懲罰 他們除了公開譴責婚姻以外的關係外,還讓居民眼睜睜看著他們用亂石公開處決一對外遇 的情侶。 聯合國表示,公開處決、截肢、鞭打等不人道行為處罰越來越常見。 Is military intervention next? West African states and international leaders say a rapid military intervention is essential to solving the security crisis. During a meeting in the Malian capital on October 19, the U.N. deputy secretary-general said the world body is ready to bring military planners and security advisers. The meeting was a followup to an October 12 resolution by the U.N. Security Council that gave regional leaders 45 days to provide detailed plans for an international military intervention. "This is a threat we cannot afford to take lightly, and the danger extends far beyond Africa," said Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, chief of the African Union Commission. "The sooner we deal with it, the better." 國際對馬利的軍事介入 西非國家聯盟的領袖們表示一場快速的軍事行動是解決動亂的根本辦法。10/19在馬利首 都的一場國際會議中,聯合國副秘書長表示已經對馬利提出軍事計畫及安全建議。 這次會議是10月12日安全理事會討論國際軍事干預的後續,並在45天內提出詳細的計畫給 西非的元首。 "這是一場我們無法輕鬆以對的威脅,並且正在蔓延至整個非洲",非洲聯盟領袖說"我們 越快達成共識越好" What is the public opinion on military intervention? Opinions are varied. Malians for and against military intervention have protested in recent days, highlighting a divide in the citizens' outlook. While some analysts agree quashing the rebels is vital, they are urging caution. "The human cost could be high -- fighting urban warfare in cities against an enemy who does not wear a uniform and can easily blend into the civilian population," said Ayo Johnson of ViewPoint Africa, which sells content on the continent to the media. "There will be many casualties and civilian deaths caught in the crossfire." 國際對軍事介入的看法 國際對此有多種看法。最近幾天馬利內部出現反對軍事介入的抗議,凸顯出馬利人對於未 來的分歧態度。 雖然很多分析分析同意打擊馬利的反叛份子,但同時也強調要注意謹慎。 "戰爭可能死傷慘重,不穿制服的敵人可以輕易的隱藏進城市中與人民看起來無異" 非洲觀點的Ayo Johnson表示,"交火中可能導致大量平民死傷" Johnson said the influx of refugees streaming to bordering nations will be a burden on neighboring host countries already dealing with lack of adequate services such as health care, schools and water. In addition to the fleeing the conflict, throngs of Malians are living in neighboring nations to avoid a food shortage affecting the Sahel region. More than 16 million people in the Sahel region are affected by the food shortages and malnutrition, according to the United Nations. Johnson也說戰爭將引發的難民潮,將使鄰國本已不堪負荷的醫療、學校、供水難以承受 為了避免衝突,成千上萬的馬利人生活在鄰國以免於Sahel地區的糧食短缺。聯合國表示 約有1600萬的Sahel居民目前處在糧食短缺或營養不良的狀態。 Snapshot of Mali 馬利簡介 Population: 15.5 million 人口:一千五百五十萬人 Size: 1.2 million square km 疆域:一百二十萬平方公里 Religion: Muslim 90%, Indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1% 宗教:90%回教、民間信仰9%、基督教1% Language: French (official), Bambara 80%, numerous African languages 語言:官方法語,班巴拉語80%,非洲地區語言31.1% Labor force: 80% agriculture, 20% industry and services 產業:80%農業,20%工商業 Life expectancy: 53 years 平均年齡53歲 Exports: cotton, gold, livestock 特產:棉花、金礦、禽類 GDP: $10.6 billion GDP:106億美元 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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