精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I trusted Martin Bashir to come into my life and that of my family because I wanted the truth to be told. Martin Bashir, persuaded me to trust him that his would be an honest and fair portrayal of my life and told me that he was "the man that turned Diana’s life around" (referring to the late Diana, Princess of Wales). I am heartbroken that someone whom I treated as a friend could stoop so low." "Today I feel more betrayed than perhaps ever before; that someone, who had got to know my children, my staff and me, whom I let into my heart and told the truth, could then sacrifice the trust I placed in him and produce this terrible and unfair programme. It breaks my heart that anyone could truly believe that I would do anything to harm or endanger my children: they are the most impor tant thing in my life. Everyone who knows me will know the truth which is that my children come first in my life and that I would never harm any child. I also want to thank my fans around the world for the overwhelming number of messages of support that I have received, particularly from Great Britain, where people have e-mailed me and said how appalled they were by the Bashir film. Their love and support has touched me greatly. -- ※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From: