精華區beta KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
HI大家!! 暑假太無聊我剛剛搜尋了一下dangerous封面的故事, dangerous的封面一直是MJ所有專輯裡我最喜歡的, 色彩鮮豔,充滿象徵,很超現實的感覺(也就是我都看不懂的意思) 同時期pepsi的廣告"dreams"也走這種超現實風格,MJ在裡面很帥! 原來封面的設計者是這位名叫mark ryden的插畫家, wiki上有他的簡介:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Ryden 除了MJ外,他還幫其他許多藝人設計過唱片封面, 例如red hot chili peppers! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rhcp7.jpg
他有個人網站,上面有很多他的作品:http://www.markryden.com/index.html 風格實在滿詭異的,天真中帶有一點變態, 但我其實還滿喜歡!(我覺得有一點點像電影導演Tim Burton的風格,變調的床邊故事) 我很喜歡這張: http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/rose 這幅畫有在旅遊探險頻道的一個節目"邁阿密刺青客"上出現過喔! 曾經有個客人要求在身上刺這幅畫,成果很漂亮! 當時印象就十分深刻,原來是他畫的! 另外仔細看會發現,他很愛畫林肯 林肯的頭(恐怖連結):http://myurl.com.tw/2udd 林肯與維納斯的誕生:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/birthofvenus_ryden 林肯賣肉:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/meattrain_ryden 林肯還出現在其他畫的小細節裡! 也有明星系列 ˙christina ricci:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/ricci (就是阿達一族的小女孩) ˙李奧納多:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/LeonardoDicaprio (你不講我還真看不出來) ˙吉他大師吉米罕醉克斯:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/03_G (這就有像!) ˙白雪公主:http://teriko.net/v-web/gallery/ryden/Snow_jpeg (哩金變態!) ˙天線寶寶下班後臉很臭:http://myurl.com.tw/cupd 我發現至此已與MJ無關! 其實我是要講封面的事,但打太長了我想打在下一篇, 請大家多多包涵,不好意思.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dales:推啊推 我喜歡你和七公這種文~ 07/05 01:44
orangepie:謝謝你的推讓我安心不少^^我還怕與MJ太無關呢 07/05 01:49
dales:這裡的MJ版我覺得排深度有前幾名XD 07/05 02:01
operetta:發現...上面那些連結的網址都是相同的耶~ 07/05 02:01
orangepie:對我也發現了耶 我要來改了XD 07/05 02:05
※ 編輯: orangepie 來自: (07/05 02:14)
Raxiel:我也好喜歡這張專輯的封面,搭配上曲風,很有奇幻、華麗 07/05 10:40
Raxiel:的風格 07/05 10:40
llhokutoll:感謝啊!我好喜歡那張專輯封面圖哩! 07/05 11:37
yangss:好厲害喔 這樣的事也查的到 07/05 20:32
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: orangepie (麻煩) 看板: KingofPop 標題: Re: [閒聊] Dangerous的封面設計,及設計者Mark Ryden 時間: Sat Jul 5 01:47:29 2008 我一直都很想知道dangerous封面那些圖案的象徵意義, 在MJJCN上看到一篇陳年老文:http://myurl.com.tw/4eq0 是MJ Fan Club以前對mark ryden所作的訪問, 但很不幸的mr. ryden不願多作解釋, 不過看了這篇文章還是讓我發現畫中一些以前沒注意過的小細節! 我小小翻譯了一部分文章, 翻的有點隨性,還請大家指正, 裡面那些"註"都只是我自己的感想而已,不是什麼很正經的解釋 --- Q.Did Michael have any input in the design of the 'Dangerous' album cover and if so to what extent? 麥可是否有參與'dangerous'的封面設計?若有的話又是參與到什麼程度呢? A.Michael was open enough to just let me go for it on my own. He did have some specific additions to the painting after I was finished. 麥可心胸很開放,他讓我自由發揮.但在我完成畫作後他的確又在上面增加了某些東西. Q.Really? Can you tell us what it was that he added? 真的?他增加了什麼? A.He wanted his friend McCauley added in the ride car at the bottom right. He wanted the 1998 pin on P.T. Barnum's Tux. The half white/half black boy was also some thing Michael wanted added. They were a few more things also. 他想要把他的朋友麥考利畫在右下方的遊樂車上. 他想要那個'1998'的別針出現在P.T. Barnum的燕尾服上. (*註1) 那個半黑半白的男孩也是麥可想要加進去的.還有其他一些東西. *註1: P.T Barnum好像是美國一個很有名的馬戲團藝人,畫中站他頭上的男孩似乎是一 個叫做tom thumb的侏儒,是由barnum發掘訓練出來的,他們倆似乎是表演搭檔的 關係.見這個網頁:http://chnm.gmu.edu/lostmuseum/lm/335/ Q.Can you tell us what the picture and it's different symbols represent? For example: Who is the man in the tux and why does he have 1998 on him? What does the "amusement ride" represent? Who is the "ring master" on top of the man in the tux, and what does the 7 represent on his hat? Who is represented by the bust that is half black and half white, and what does it mean? What about the animals? Why are the dog and the bird represented as king and queen? And what does the MJ on the dog's crown represent? What does the "Birth of Venus" statue represent in this picture? 能告訴我們這幅畫和其中的一些象徵符號代表什麼意義嗎? 例如:穿燕尾服的男人是誰?為什麼他身上要寫著'1998'? (*註2) 遊樂車(amusement ride)代表什麼? 站在穿燕尾服的男人頭上的馬戲團指揮是誰?為什麼他的帽子上要寫著"7"? 半黑半白的半身雕像代表誰?有何意義? 關於那些動物,為什麼要以狗和鳥分別代表國王和皇后? 狗的王冠上寫著'MJ',代表什麼意義? '維納斯的誕生'的雕像在這幅畫裡代表什麼? (*註3) *註2:我好久以前看過一個八卦,說mj有一陣子會在簽名後加上1998,因為他覺得自己 活不過1998... 我覺得一聽就很虎濫,但這裡又出現了1998,他真的曾經在簽名後加上1998嗎?? *註3:我找了好久,維納斯雕像在左邊狗國王下面! A.Well these are all the questions that I am sure you are very anxious to hear explained. I feel that if a painting is explained away something is lost for the viewer. I like the sense of mystery to the symbolism and wouldn't want that to get lost. It is an important part of the image to me. I am more interested in how other people interpret the image themselves. 我相信你們很渴望知道這些問題的答案. 我認為若一幅畫被解釋盡了,那麼觀賞者就會喪失某些東西. 我喜歡象徵的神秘,我不希望喪失他們.對我而言這是畫面中很重要的一部分. 我更想知道人們是如何自行詮釋這個畫面. Q.There is definitely a sense of mystery to the symbolism! I do understand your not wanting that to be lost with an interpretation of the painting. Can you give the fans any ideas about what you were thinking when doing this? Give them some sense of direction toward the meaning? (前面客氣話省略)可以告訴粉絲你在作畫時心理想什麼嗎?給他們一點指引? A.I am afraid they are on their own! (sorry!) 恐怕他們要靠自己了!(*註4) *註4:你很可惡! Q.The entire picture is extremely impressive but, the thing that makes it most unique is the eyes. How did you decide to use only Michael's eyes? 畫作中最獨特的莫過於那雙眼睛.你是如何決定只讓麥可的眼睛出現在畫作中的? A.That was part of the original concept decided by Michael and the Art Director. That is what I began with. 那是麥可和藝術指導的原始構想.這是我創作這幅畫的起點. --- 另一篇訪問裡提到mj: Noko: One of your most famous images is undoubtedly Michael Jackson's "Dangerous" LP sleeve artwork - tell us something we don't know about the King of Pop 無庸置疑地,麥可傑克森"dangerous"專輯的封面設計是你最著名的作品之一. 能告訴我們一些流行之王不為人知的事情嗎? Ryden: I suppose the thing most people don't know, and what surprised me, was how "normal" Michael Jackson was in person. His public image is so strange I did not know what to expect but when I met with him we had a very typical and relaxed conversation. We had many common interests we talked about. Maybe I am just a freak also. 我想人們不知道的,且令我驚訝的一件事就是,麥可本人是多麼的'正常'.他的公眾 形象是如此怪異,以致於我不知該如何預期;但當我們見面時,我們進行了非常典型 且放鬆的談話.我們有很多共通興趣.或許我也是個怪咖呢. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
operetta:推原po好用心 註2的傳聞之前有聽說過 覺得40歲不吉利吧 07/05 01:56
operetta:說MJ覺得自己40歲會死掉 還準備後事..但是是八卦新聞說的 07/05 01:56
operetta:個人是覺得這新聞有點誇張... 然後我要推註4 XD 07/05 01:57
dales:哈哈哈 註4 其實我看歌迷問那麼細節就懷疑作者會答嗎 當然 07/05 02:05
dales:我們是想知道越多越好的 不過以創作者的立場的確是這樣 07/05 02:05
dales:而且那題一次問太多了也會讓作者意識到太解析作品~ 07/05 02:06
orangepie:我一直覺得MJ那麼愛小孩應該會想活很久陪小孩呀,那個傳 07/05 02:38
orangepie:聞很奇怪... 07/05 02:38
orangepie:雖然可以理解創作者的心情,可是我還是好想知道答案喔XD 07/05 02:38
※ 編輯: orangepie 來自: (07/05 11:41)