精華區beta Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
LOS ANGELES -- It was an unfortunate oversight, but completely accidental. Which is why Matt Barnes was allowed to enter and exit the Lakers locker room Thursday night wearing a Kelly green dress shirt. 咩棒星期四晚上穿了件綠色的T-shirt,這差點讓他無法出入湖人的更衣室。 "People have been giving me a hard time all night," Barnes said. "I mean, it's green. But it's not Celtic green." "整晚大家都看我不太爽,那是綠色的衣服沒錯,但他不是塞爾提克那種綠啊!" 咩棒說 Laughs, not sympathy, met that statement. But Barnes stood his ground, finished buttoning his shirt and apologized to no one for the fashion transgression. 大家都在笑他,但咩棒依然堅持著,把衣服的釦子扣好。也沒有為這件潮服向 任何人道歉。 The Los Angeles Lakers are the 11th team Barnes has been with in his nine years in the NBA, so forgive him if it takes him a couple of months to get all the new traditions, fashion faux pas and rivalries of his new team down. Lakers是咩棒待過的第11隻球隊了,而這只是他在NBA的第9年而已。(真。浪人) 所以給他多些時間讓他適應球隊的規定吧。 Barnes now has history with more than a third of the NBA's 30 teams. He's never spent more than two seasons with any organization. He's never signed a contract worth more than $3 million in any season. 咩棒還未在同支球隊待超過兩年過,也從來沒有簽過3M/y以上的合約。 "I wish I had the answer to it, I really do," he said. "By no means am I struggling, but for a guy that's been doing what I've been doing, I've yet to really reap the benefits. "我也希望我可以找到個可以待長時間的球隊,但目前我還在努力。但球隊有個我這樣 的人努力做著我該做的事,我想是很有益的。" "I wish I had the answer because my bank account could use a little bit." "這樣我帳戶的錢也會多些。" Tonight's game against the Phoenix Suns, the team he played for in 2008-09, is yet another rematch against a former team that did not try to keep him after a productive season. 今晚的對手太陽,正是咩棒08-09球季效力的球隊,這是另一支在暑假沒有把他留下 的球隊之一。 This one's likely going to go smoothly. The Suns had their reasons for letting Barnes go. 咩棒原本在這球隊過得很順利,看起來似乎可以有進展。但太陽有他們的考量所以 沒有留下咩棒 "I guess I can understand why it didn't work out," he said of his time with the Suns. "They'd gone to the playoffs so many years in a row. But that was the year they fired Terry Porter halfway through the year and didn't make the playoffs. So I can kind of understand that situation because they're used to winning and I was there and we didn't win." "我可以理解為什麼他們沒有留下我,他們之前連續好幾季打進了季後賽。但那年他們 不但沒進季後賽,季末還把教練(Terry Porter)給炒了。" But not every reunion is going to be a happy one. 結局似乎都是殘酷的? "Orlando didn't offer me a dollar," he said of the Orlando Magic, the team he played for last season. 談到去年在魔術的情況,咩棒說:"他們沒有對我提出簽約的打算。" "But they're paying for it now. When they played [the] Heat, I saw them get blown out because they couldn't handle the wings. I feel for the guys on the team but it's definitely a business." "但對熱火時他們可付出代價了呢(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ,那場比賽我有看,他們完全 沒辦法對抗對方的鋒衛。(那對熱火就交給你了唷)"。 Some wounds heal slowly. Scars never fade. Barnes doesn't bother trying to hide his. 有些傷會慢慢癒合,但傷疤是不會消失的喔。但堅強的咩棒沒有把這些放在心上。 "Since I got an opportunity to play in Golden State [in 2006-07], I've put together four or five solid seasons with no real rewards," he said. "Luckily I've landed here. And when you win everything happens so hopefully good things come from [being here]." "06-07那年我有機會在勇士打球,在那之前我有4,5個球季是沒有"reward"(這邊的 reward是什麼意思啊?激勵條款嗎?)。但現在我很幸運的到了湖人打球,當你盡全力 之後好事就發生了。 He said it like he meant it. But he also said it like a guy who has been let down before and has learned to trust only in his own effort and abilities. "I really wish I knew the answer to it. But I just continue to play hard," he said. 他是很有感觸的說,但同時他也說人遇到這種情況,只能去相信自己的努力和能力。 "我真的想要知道為什麼我要一直漂泊,但同時我也更努力去打球。" 咩棒說 You get the sense that it has been a difficult existence. He has fought for every inch of territory he's claimed. And even then, it was only his space for a short time. 我感覺到很難證明自己的存在。我必須盡全力爭取僅有的出場時間。 He fought his way into the league after being a second-round pick out of UCLA in 2002 and getting traded and then cut by his first two teams. He spent four seasons languishing at the end of the bench and deciding whether to quit basketball and try out for the NFL. 咩棒是在02年的第二輪被選中的,但他馬上被前兩個選到他的球隊給丟了出去。他花了 四季在板凳的最末端,同時他也在想是不是該放棄NBA去打NFL。 Finally, Don Nelson and the Golden State Warriors gave him a chance to play a more prominent role. He came to camp on a nonguaranteed deal with a club that already had 16 players on guaranteed deals. Somehow, Barnes scrapped his way onto the team. And when injuries opened up more playing time, he made it impossible for the Warriors to let him go. 終於,勇士隊的老尼給了他機會去扮演球隊中更重要的角色。(下面有點難翻...pass) After his first season in Golden State, he had a chance to sign a multiyear extension. In a market in which Jason Kapono was getting a four-year, $24 million contract from the Toronto Raptors, Barnes believed he was worth more. So he passed on it, signed a one-year deal for $3 million and decided to try again the next summer. 在勇士待了一季後,他原本有機會簽下第一個兩年以上的約。但當時Kapono從暴龍 那邊簽了一個24M/4Y的約,咩棒覺得自己應該可以拿比他多,所以他只簽了3M/Y的約。 打算明年夏天再來賺筆大的。 But the next summer was the one in which Baron Davis spurned the Warriors for the Los Angeles Clippers, and Nellie ball changed for good. 但Baron Davis的到來打壞了他的如意算盤。 Barnes moved on to the Suns on another one-year deal. The next year he left for Orlando, had a good enough year to opt out and try for a better contract, but was spurned again when the Magic made no effort to re-sign him. 咩棒就只能跟太陽簽了另一個一年約。接下來的一年他到了魔術,他在魔術的表現 也夠可以幫他拿到一個更好的約。但令他差點昏倒的是魔術根本沒有想要跟他提出 合約的打算。 The never-ending fight has left him with an unmistakable edge … which is exactly why the Lakers wanted him. 他在場上的拼勁竟然讓他到了這個地步 --- 但這正是湖人需要的。 "What he brings is invaluable," Lakers guard Kobe Bryant said. "Nobody really appreciates what he does. He's got to get on teams like ours that are veteran teams, championship teams, great teams, that really appreciate what he brings to the team." "他為球隊帶來的價值是無法量化的,但竟然沒有人感激他所做的一切。他應該到 我們這種強隊來,因為我們真的會感激他對球隊做的貢獻。" Kobe說。 The Lakers have some scars that never fade, too. As sweet as their last two championship runs have been, there will always be the sour memory of what happened three years ago in Boston, where the Celtics basically punked them in the NBA Finals. 就算湖人是二連霸的球隊,但三年前在Boston的Final的慘況還是讓他們歷歷在目。 "I think it was a conscious effort to get tougher," Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said at Barnes' introductory news conference this fall. "We didn't add [Ron Artest] because he's a 25-points-a-game scorer, we added him because of his defensive ability [and] his toughness that he brings to the court. "我想對於讓球隊必得更強硬是很必要的。"基於這個理由,庫胖把咩棒簽了下來。 "我們不是因為他一場可以得個25分才簽下他,是因為他在場上為球隊帶來的防守和 硬度。" "I thought a couple years ago when Andrew [Bynum] got hurt we weren't very, I guess 'tough' is the word; Kobe may have been our toughest player, but Andrew came back this year and we added Ron Artest and now Matt Barnes is going to help even more so." "幾年前當Bynum受傷時我們球隊最硬的球員是Kobe,但現在我們有Bynum、Artest以及 咩棒。我想這樣的硬度應該很夠了。" It was Bryant, as the story goes, who helped grease the wheels to get Barnes to Los Angeles. 而幫助咩棒到湖人的是誰呢?就是那個球砸到面前,眼睛眨都沒眨的Kobe。 Barnes sent a text. Bryant said he'd make a call. The deal got done, and whatever animosity there had been between the men after a contentious game in Orlando last season was buried. 咩棒傳了個簡訊,Kobe則打了通電話。這個交易就成了,而去年的砸球事件大家也就 忘了。 "There was no need for apologies," Bryant said. "We're grown men. He reached out and wanted to know what was up. I made a call and got him here. It's as simple as that. "這根本不用放在心上,我們都是大人了。他想要知道自己是否能來湖人,我說當然 沒問題。一切就這麼簡單。" Kobe說。 "I appreciate what he does. It's not like somebody just called and I made a call. If I didn't think he fit, I would've told them, 'Thanks but no thanks.' I don't have time for that [stuff]. If I don't think you fit, then that's it." "我很感激他做的一切,但不是隨便誰打電話叫我去哪我就去哪唷。是因為他是Kobe, 誰不想跟Kobe同隊呢,我認為跟他同隊很適合,所以我來了。至於其他我不喜歡的就 算了吧。" So far, Barnes has fit well with the Lakers. He's still learning the triangle offense. But he's accepted his role with the second unit, shot well from outside and hustled, scrapped and clawed for every inch of territory, just as the Lakers expected. 目前來說咩棒在湖人還蠻適應的。他還在學三角戰術。但他已經習慣在場上的角色, 而他目前展現的的投籃以及拼勁正是湖人所期待的。 Now, about that green shirt … 至於那件很潮的綠色衣服.... http://bleacherreport.com/tb/b72DA 剛快翻完然後Pcman當掉我都快哭了 還好系統有存起來....orz... 咩棒加油! 來幫湖人拿個三連霸吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pepeoa:推咩棒!!! 11/17 13:26
qbenp:咩棒~加油!!! 11/17 13:27
LAriza:很想看一下是哪種綠,雖然我也一樣都很仇綠杉...........軍 11/17 13:28
hikaruton:推咩棒!!!超讚!!y 11/17 13:29
Kreen:推~喜歡咩棒,他防守很殺~ 小綠綠的話可以 11/17 13:31
avaron:他一直保持今年到目前為止的拼勁 部給他長約真的說不過去 11/17 13:32
allqwdd:真的該給他張長約了 我剛翻一翻都覺得他好慘 11/17 13:34
Solid4:第三段應該是咩棒把釦子扣好,沒跟任何人道歉 11/17 13:36
allqwdd:漏看了no one 感謝 11/17 13:38
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (11/17 13:39)
CarlosArroyo:很喜歡他y 11/17 13:53
animalspell:推... 推推推外電,我喜歡這篇 11/17 13:54
allen4:淚推~~~~ 他的防守真的夠硬 11/17 13:55
Nene5566:大家都不要他太令我驚訝了,看對魔術冠軍賽我超喜歡他的 11/17 13:56
Nene5566:風格的 11/17 13:56
cutejerry25:推!!看他在場上會有放心的感覺 11/17 13:57
allqwdd:他的衝搶籃板也是很猛 雖然今天意外跟Gasol搶球然後出界 11/17 13:59
obvince:推 11/17 14:00
obvince:一直斷線真很煩… 11/17 14:00
lovovovo:硬漢!!!! 11/17 14:01
Sephiroth:咩棒真的很讚 拼命三郎!! 說真的看到現在~他在場上真的 11/17 14:01
Sephiroth:沒有甚麼可以嫌的 防守絕對是撲最出去的 籃板也總是可以 11/17 14:02
Sephiroth:看到他的身影 這種積極度真的很棒 11/17 14:02
fireleon:推推推 咩棒好讚!!! 11/17 14:02
originbook:光是他不會隨便讓人上籃你就會放心他了 11/17 14:02
spko:我們的板凳後場比先發認真太多,但我們卻沒法動搖兩老的地位 11/17 14:03
spko:我們的先發前場其實打得很好,但我們卻沒有替補能讓他們休息 11/17 14:04
spko:這真是一整個鳥的狀態.... 11/17 14:04
LA24:先咩棒+1 11/17 14:05
LA24:喜歡咩棒+1 11/17 14:06
MoonSkyFish:魔術為了用中產簽JJRedick而沒留他真是腦包到了極點.. 11/17 14:12
benson:過去靠Kobe 即便PG被爆後場也不會輸太多 Kobe的腿要爭氣阿 11/17 14:12
MAX7644:今年的比賽先發好像沒有比替補來的積極....除了gasol以外 11/17 14:13
zBen:兩老的地位 只有名人堂等級的巨星才有機會動搖QQ 11/17 14:18
goldenlen:兩支大柱太操,KB傷還沒好,老魚老樣子... 11/17 14:20
wayneshih:推 該是讓他安定的時候了 11/17 14:20
kobeback:好文推~ 我也喜歡MB 從她勇是太陽時就很注意她了 11/17 14:20
rogan32:推啊 11/17 14:21
tlw0709:標準被低估的球員 11/17 14:21
kobelouli:好球員!! 11/17 14:23
Sephiroth:替補比先發積極是一定要的阿 替補上來擺老?? 11/17 14:27
Spartan117:超級爛仗王 11/17 14:32
rl55586:好! 11/17 14:33
b91314403:咩棒打球超硬,犯規更是不留情面....!!讚! 11/17 14:43
ToBeGentle:我還以為連結有綠色衣服XDDD 11/17 14:49
ohnaoh:推咩棒真男人啊! 11/17 14:52
richard1003:Barnes去當線衛應該很可怕XD 11/17 14:54
spko:要當線衛的話,Barnes可能有點太高了....XD 11/17 14:58
spko:我覺得大概像Shannon或Wade那種體格會比較像.... 11/17 14:58
spko:不過如果是年輕的情況,最像的是年輕的Fisher吧 XDDDDD 11/17 14:59
spko:6呎1吋,210磅,一整個就是像打linebacker的感覺啊 XDDD 11/17 15:00
kb5566:喜歡咩棒+1 11/17 15:10
benson:剛剛去看82games 湖人還是pg位置大輸 SG跟C都有+10左右PER* 11/17 15:14
benson:Gasol最多+17 kobe+13 咩棒+12 阿泰3號位-7 老魚-4 11/17 15:15
benson:小黑-9.5 感覺不錯都是在進攻上 果然防守上也阻止不了對手 11/17 15:16
benson:另外老二+8 香濃+2 又跟我們印象中先發後場防守鳥結果不同 11/17 15:18
homechen1990:他在勇士我就喜歡她了 終於得到他了(流口水 ^0^ 11/17 15:18
benson:除了咩棒把對位3號吃死死外 其他都爆瞞大的 11/17 15:19
spko:不過Blake剛來我就說不用期待他的防守啦!真的沒比農夫好啊 11/17 15:19
spko:但最起碼Shannon變成正的,這一點就是很大的成長了....T_T 11/17 15:20
benson:香濃應該是進攻手感的加持吧 防守應該也沒變啥 11/17 15:20
benson:阿泰自己PER14 對手21 咩棒自己PER20 對手7 囧 11/17 15:21
v00001:今年拚一下搞不好能簽個好約 11/17 15:21
spko:Shannon上季守SG的對位PER*是15.7,他目前是13.9,進步了 XD 11/17 15:21
benson:不過老科影響力漸弱 這兩場都沒看到比賽 應該不會像狼拓那 11/17 15:25
benson:樣的進攻模式 就沒差 即便不是完全體 打法對還是很有破壞力 11/17 15:25
benson:說錯是灰狼金塊那兩場XD 11/17 15:26
allqwdd:看來咩棒在板上人氣蠻高的 11/17 15:27
allqwdd:他在太陽我也很喜歡他了 11/17 15:27
john7420:對國王那場的下半場,老柯就打的很棒。 11/17 15:27
benson:KOBE今年打的都不錯 我看的比賽就那兩場很愛自幹 11/17 15:29
Drexler:Barnes如果不跳出合約 也許情況不同 說不定魔術明年就續了 11/17 16:50
easycompany:我們簽killer Bs的錢剛好簽魔術兩隻替補後衛有剩 11/17 17:50
easycompany:看看到現在的產出比較 魔術總管真的是天兵來著 11/17 17:50
kobewlps:咩~~~~~棒啦!!!!!!!!! 11/17 18:07
kobewlps:肯衝,很拼的性格一哥! 11/17 18:08
bitegod0921:自從那場他跟kb衝突還打kobe臉我就覺得這傢伙超屌了 11/17 18:48
bitegod0921:嗆kobe然後還投進關鍵三分打贏湖人,那場真的好看 11/17 18:51